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De Morgan A. — Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus |
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, the word 129
Accelerated motion 57 60
Accelerating force 62
Advice for studying the Calculus 132 133
Angle, unit employed in measuring an 51
Approximate solutions in the Integral Calculus 132 133
Arc and its chord, a continuously decreasing 7 et seq. 39
Archimedes 127
Astronomical Ephemeris 76
Calculus, notation of 25 79
Circle cut by straight line, investigated 31 et seq.
Circle, equation of 31 et seq.
Co-ordinates 30
Coefficients, diflerential 22 et seq. 38 55 82 88 96 100 112
Complete Differential Coefficients 56
Constants 14
Contiguous values 112
Continuous quantities 7 et seq. 53
Curve, magnified 40
Curvilinear areas, determination of 124 et seq.
Density, continuously varying 130 et seq.
derivatives 19 21 22
Derived functions 19 et seq. 21
Differences, arithmetical 4
Differences, calculus of 89
Differences, of increments 26
Differential coefficients 22 et seq. 38 55 82
Differential coefficients, as the index of the change of a function 112
Differential coefficients, of higher orders 88
Differentials, partial 78 et seq.
Differentials, total 78 et seq.
Differentiation, implicit 94 et seq.
Differentiation, of complicated functions 100 et seq.
Differentiation, of the common functions 85 86
Differentiation, successive 88et seq.
Direct function 97
Direction 36
Equality 4
Equations, solution of 77
Equidistant values 104
Errors, in the valuation of quantities 75 84
Euler 27 124
Explicit functions 107
Falling bodies 56
Finite differences 88 et seq.
Fluxions 11 60 112
force 61—63
Functions, definition of 14 et seq.
Functions, derived 19 et seq. 21
Functions, direct and indirect 97
Functions, implicit and explicit 107 108
Functions, inverse 102 et seq.
Functions, of several variables 78 et seq.
Functions, recapitulation of results in the theory of 74
Generally, the word 16
Implicit, differentiation 94 et seq.
Implicit, function 107 108
Impulse 60
Increase without limit 5 et seq. 65
Increment 16 113
Independent variables 106
INDIRECT function 97
Indivisibles, method of 127 et seq.
| Indivisibles, notion of, in mechanics 129 et seq.
Infinite, the word 128
Infinitely small, the notion of 12 38 49 59 83
Infinity, orders of 42 et seq.
Integral calculus 73 115
Integral Calculus, notation of 119
Integrals, definition of 119 et seq.
Integrals, indefinite 122 123
Integrals, relations between differential coefficients and 121
Intersections, limit of 46 et seq.
Inverse functions 102 et seq.
Iron bar continually varying in density, weight of 130 et seq.
Ladder against wall 43 et seq.
Lagrange 124
Laplace 124
Leibnitz 11 13 38 42 48 59 60 83 123 124 128 129
Limit of intersections 46 et seq.
Limiting ratios 65 et seq. 81
Limits 26 et seq.
Logarithms 20 38 86 87 112
Magnified curve 40
Motion, accelerated 60
Motion, simple harmonic 57
Newton 11 60
Notation, of the Differential Calculus 25 79
Notation, of the Integral Calculus 119
Orders of infinity 42 et seq.
Orders, differential coefficients of higher 88
Parabola, the 30 124 127
Partial, differential coefficients 96
Partial, differentials 78 et seq.
Points, the number of, in a straight line 129
Polygon 38
Proportion 2 et seq.
Quantities, continuous 7 et seq. 53
Ratio, defined 2 et seq.
Ratio, of two increments 87
Ratios, limiting 65 et seq. 81
Rough methods of solution in the integral Calculus 132 133
Series 15 et seq. 24
Signs 31 et seq.
simple harmonic motion 37
SINEs 87
Singular values 16
Small, has no precise meaning 12
Specific gravity, continuously varying 130 et seq.
Successive differentiation 88 et seq.
Sun's longitude 76
Tangent 37 38 40
Taylor’s Theorem 15 et seq. 19
Time, idea of 4 110
Total, differential coefficient 100
Total, differentials 78 et seq.
Total, variations 95
Transit instrument 84
Uniformly accelerated 57 60
Values, contiguous 112
Values, equidistant 104
Variables, functions of several 78 et seq.
Variables, independent and dependent 14 15 106
Variations, total 95
Velocity, angular 59
Velocity, linear 52 et seq.
Weight of an iron bar of which the density varies from point to point 130 et seq.
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