Авторизация |
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Finch S.R. — Mathematical constants |
Предметный указатель |
Feller — Tornier constant 106
Feller, W. 16 109 329 341
Feller’s constants 339
Fenchel, W. 515
Ferguson, R.P. 36 170
Ferguson, T.S. 363
Ferraz-Mello, S. 268
Ferrenberg, A.M. 404
ferromagnetism 394
Feuerverger, A. 409
Few, L. 501
Fibonacci numbers 2 6 25 71 159 358 426
Fibonacci word 439
Figure-eight 221
Finch, S.R. 151 165 183 291 314 376 377 447 496 518 522
Fine structure constant 68
Fine, N.J. 149 429
Finite elements 223
Finite field 318 357
Fink, A.M. 211 212 215 217 219 224 242 244 257
First-passage percolation 375
First-passage time 324
Fishburn, P.C. 237 315 428
Fisher, M.E. 329 336 348 402 403 404 405 410
Fisher, R.A. 366
Fisher, Y. 448
Fitch, J. 244
Fixed point 304
Fixman, M. 283
Flahive, M.E. 202
Flajolet — Odlyzko constant 290
Flajolet, P. 28 35 38 50 52 64 65 81 97 102 108 111 150 151 155 159 163 282 290 292 295 313 314 321 330 331 341 352 353 359 360 361 440 447
Flammang, V. 197 271
Flath, D. 149
Flatto, L. 197 282 330
Fleming, W.H. 223
Fletcher, A. 91 239
Flory, P.J. 283 336
Fluid dynamics 226
Foias, C. 43
Foias’ constant 430
Folding 414
Force of mortality 425
Forchhammer, S. 349
Ford K. 291
Ford, G.W. 315
Forest 295 305
Forman, W. 199
Formisano, M.R. 370
Forrester, P.J. 81 142 144
Foster, F.G. 35
Foster, J. 250
Fountain 380
Four color theorem 417
Four-exponentials conjecture 195
Four-numbers game 9
Fourier series 248 251 255
Fourier transform 204
Fouvry, E. 92 93
Fowler, R.H. 411
Fowler, T. 315
Fractal 145 445 498
Fractional iterates 319
Frame, J.S. 235 478
Franco, J. 390
Franco, Z.M. 149 216
Frank, A.Q. 363
Frank, J.L. 464 465
Franklin, J.N. 313 447
Fransen — Robinson constant 262
Fransen, A. 263
Fraser, M. 488
Fredholm determinant 139
Free energy 394
Freed K.F. 336
Freeman, P.R. 363
Freiman, G.A. 182 203
Freiman’s constant 202
Frenkel, P.E. 190
Freund H. 503
Friedgut, E. 390
Friedlander, J. 93 103 129
Friedrichs, K.O., 227
Frieze, A. 390 409 502
Fristedt, B. 483
Froberg, C.-E. 134 171 198
Froda, A. 37
Fryer, W.D. 39 329
Fujimoto, T. 367
Fujiwara, M. 515
Fukawawa, S. 461
Fuller, R.Buckminster 506
Funar, L. 536 537
Functional equation 8 40 53 70 72 296 462
Furedi, Z. 497 519
Fusco, C. 283
Gaal, P. 290
Galambos, J. 367
Galkin, P.V. 254
Gallavotti, G. 405
Gallo, P. 283
Galton — Watson process 312
Game theory 450
Gamelin, T.W. 474
Gamma function 18 33 40 53 123 136 169 195 212 262 277 280 322 413 420 456 474 540
Gan, C.K. 283
Ganapathy Iyer, V. 465
Gao, J. 502
Gardner, E. 391
Gardner, M. 180 190 338 363 441 491 515 525 533
Garg, M.L. 427
Gartenhaus, S. 406
Garvan, F.G. 26
Gary, J.D. 470
Gaspar, Zs. 510
Gasper, G. 244 360
Gasper’s constant 242
Gastmans, R. 53
Gauchman, H. 211
Gauchman’s constant 210
Gaudin density 139
Gaudin, M. 143
Gaunt, D.S. 348 349 377 402 404 405 410
Gaunt, J.A. 16
Gauss — Kuzmin — Wirsing constant 152
Gaussian twin prime constant 90
Gaussian unitary ensemble 138 366
Gauss’ lemniscate constant 99 123 420 460 481
Gauthier, P.M. 458
Gavalda, R. 387
Gawlinski, E.T. 378
Gay, R. 472
Gehring, F.W. 477
Gel’fond A. 461
Generalized continued fraction 3 9 233
Gent, I. 391
Geometric probability 479
Geometry of numbers 175
George, J.C. 411
Gerriets, J. 496
Gerst, I. 37
Gerver, J. 166 522
Gervois, A. 74
Gessel, I. 314 315
Gethner, E. 534
Gevirtz, J. 467 468
Gherghetta, T. 75
Ghosh, A. 109 144
Ghosh.B. 482 502
Ghosh’s constant 479 498
| Giant component 312
Gibbons, J.D. 366
Gibbs — Wilbraham constant 248
Gibbs, J.W. 250
Gieseking’s constant 233
Gilbert, E.N. 506
Gilbert, J.P. 363
Gillard P. 281
Gillman, R.A. 207
Girgensohn, R. 50 433
Glaisher — Kinkelin constant 135 157 402
Glaisher, J.W.L. 35 52 58 97 98 141 149
Glasser, L. 51 80 81 283 328 329 376 382 403 510
Glassner, U. 403
Gleason, A.M. 190
Glen, M. 377
Glicksman, A.M. 37
Gnedenko, B. 366
Gobel’s sequence 446
Godbole, A.P. 341
Goddyn, L.A. 501
Godsil, C. 376 381 416
Godunova, E.K. 211 212
Godwin, H.J. 367
Goemans, M.X. 503
Goerdt, A. 389
Gofman, M. 404
Goh, W.M.Y. 291 314
Golay — Rudin — Shapiro sequence 437
Golberg, A.I. 74
Goldbach — Vinogradov constants 88
Goldberg, M. 488 529
Golden circle map 71
Golden mean 6 20 33 44 63 105 149 159 162 176 193 200 311 358 417 433 438 439 445
Golden root 417
Goldman, J. 320
Goldstein, S. 150
Goldston, D. 144 291
Golin, M. 151 360
Golinelli, O. 338
Golomb — Dickman constant 284
Golomb, S.W. 91 290 313 381 447
Goluzin, G.M. 458
Gomez Morin, D. 4
Gompertz distribution 426
Gompertz, B. 427
Gonchar, A.A. 259 261
Goncharov, W. 290 464
Goncharov’s constant 461
Gonek, S.M. 109 144
Gonnet, G. 353 451
Gonzalez, J.J. 283
Good, I.J. 156
Goodman, A.W. 458 459
Goodman, R.E. 458
Gordon, L. 342
Gordon, M. 283
Gosper, R.W. 27 37 49 52 58 59 141 162 361 423 440
Goudsmit, S. 483
Gourdon, X. 4 16 17 25 35 37 40 52 93 97 108 118 290 292 455
Gourevitch, B. 52
Goursat, E. 268
Grabner, P. 150
Gradshteyn, I.S. 4 16 27 38 48 58 427
Graham, L.A. 488
Graham, N. 411
Graham, R. 11 132 185 199 360 447 488 506 526 539
Graham, S. 129 122
Graham’s hexagon constant 526
Gramain, E 39 461
Gramss, T. 441
Grandcolas, M. 197
Grandet-Hugot, M. 196
Granville, A. 27 50 52 93 103 129 132 149 207
Graph 295 532
Grassberger, P. 503
Gravner, J. 367
Grazing goat problem 487
Greaves, D.J. 371
Greene, D.H. 35 97 142 170 447
Greene, J.M. 74
Greenfield, S.J. 448
Greenwood, R.E. 290
Greger, K. 125
Gregory, J. 26
Griffin, P. 329 342 360 483
Griffith, J.S. 150
Grigorescu, S. 155
Grimm, U. 370
Grimmett, G. 376
Grinberg, V.S. 242
Grinshpan, A.Z. 473
Grinstead, C. 122
Groemer, H. 515
Groeneboom, P. 483
Groeneveld, J. 74
Groeneveld, R.A. 452
Gronwall, T.H. 244 250
Grosjean, C.C. 211
Gross, O. 541
Gross, R. 92
Gross, W. 484
Grossman, J.W. 430
Grossman’s constant 429 447
Grosswald, E. 49 92 97 103 112 115 125
Grothendieck’s constants 236
Grotschel, M. 376 381 416
Grotzsch ring 476
Grove, L. 348
Gruber, P.M. 178 501 507 508 530
Gruman, L. 461
Grunbaum, B. 515
Grunsky, H. 457
Grupp, F. 92
Grushevskii, S.P. 475
Grytczuk, J. 441
GUE hypothesis 42 139 383
Guess, H.A. 295
Guiasu, S. 98
Guibas, L.J. 342
Guim, I. 338
Guinand, A.P. 216
Guitter, E. 338
Gum, B. 363
Gumbel density 365
Gunttner, R. 255
Gupta, A.K. 4
Gupta, R. 404
Gutknecht, M.H. 261
Guttman, I. 363
Guttmann, A.J. 329 330 336 337 338 377 381 382 402 403 404 405 406
Guy, R.K. 28 36 91 98 104 108 122 125 127 129 151 165 183 188 190 199 202 342 382 447 454 483 484 487 490 496 506 507 510 513 518 522 524 525 527 529 530 531 533 534 541
Haagerup, U. 237 513
Haan, S.W. 378
Habsieger, L. 198 271
Hadamard, J. 215
Hafher — Sarnak — McCurley constant 110
Hafher, J.L. 111
Hagis, P. 127
Haible, B. 37
Hajnal, P. 440
Halasz, G. 207
Halberstam, H. 91 118 129 134 165 188
Halbgewachs, R.D. 245
Hales, T.C. 507
Half-normal distribution 325 426
Hall — Montgomery constant 206
Hall, D.W. 419
Hall, G.R. 483
Hall, M. 203
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