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Bohren C.F., Huffman D.R. — Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles
Bohren C.F., Huffman D.R. — Absorption and Scattering  of Light by Small Particles

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Íàçâàíèå: Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles

Àâòîðû: Bohren C.F., Huffman D.R.


Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles Treating absorption and scattering in equal measure, this self-contained, interdisciplinary study examines and illustrates how small particles absorb and scatter light. The authors emphasize that any discussion of the optical behavior of small particles is inseparable from a full understanding of the optical behavior of the parent materialandmdash;bulk matter. To divorce one concept from the other is to render any study on scattering theory seriously incomplete. Special features and important topics covered in this book include: Classical theories of optical properties based on idealized models Measurements for three representative materials: magnesium oxide, aluminum, and water An extensive discussion of electromagnetic theory Numerous exact and approximate solutions to various scattering problems Examples and applications from physics, astrophysics, atmospheric physics, and biophysics Some 500 references emphasizing work done since Kerker's 1969 work on scattering theory Computer programs for calculating scattering by spheres, coated spheres, and infinite cylinders

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1983

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 539

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Extinction measurements, for amorphous quartz spheres      360—362
Extinction measurements, for colloidal gold      371
Extinction measurements, for colloidal silver      373 374
Extinction measurements, for cylinders, microwave      322 323
Extinction measurements, for electron-hole droplets      377 378
Extinction measurements, for interstellar dust      458—462
Extinction measurements, for irregular quartz particles      318 319 362 363
Extinction measurements, for irregular silicon carbide particles      364 365
Extinction measurements, for magnesium oxide cubes      366 367
Extinction measurements, for nonspherical aluminum particles      375—377
Extinction measurements, for sphere in microwave cavity      303 304
Extinction measurements, for spheroids, microwave      321 322
Extinction, by sphere in absorbing medium      330
Extinction, defined      69 287
Extinction, interpreted      69 75 287
Extinction, paradox      107 110 129
Extinction, sum rule for      116 117
Extinction, theorem, Ewald — Oseen      5 11
Fiber, scattering by      425 426
Fluctuations, scattering by      6
Fogs, scattering by      116 387—389
Form factors in Rayleigh — Gans theory      161
Form factors in Rayleigh — Gans theory, for finite cylinder      164 165
Form factors in Rayleigh — Gans theory, for sphere      163
Forward scattering, and polarization      206
Forward scattering, dominance of, for large particles      114—116 384 387 398
Forward scattering, effect on measured extinction      75 110 111 289 316
Fourier transforms      15—19 23 56
Fraunhofer diffraction      109
Free electrons      see “Drude free-electron model”
Fresnel formulas for reflection and scattering by large sphere      167
Fresnel formulas for reflection and transmission      34 35
Frohlich mode, absorption at      328
Frohlich mode, defined      327
Frohlich mode, effect of coating on      329 330 471
Frohlich mode, effect of finite size on      329
Frohlich mode, effect of medium on      332
Frohlich mode, frequency of      327
Frohlich mode, of bubble      331
Frohlich mode, of void      330
Frohlich mode, width of      332 (see also “Surface modes” “Surface “Surface
Geometrical factors of ellipsoid      146—147
Geometrical factors of ellipsoid, and depolarization factors      147
Geometrical factors of ellipsoid, and eccentricity of spheroids      146 147
Geometrical factors of ellipsoid, and surface modes      343 344
Glory      389
Glory, and nonspherical particles      401
Gold      337 352 353
Gold, colloidal extinction by      369—372
Graphite, in interstellar dust      459—461
Graphite, surface plasmon in      379
Greenhouse effect      435
Green’s function      263
Group velocity      253
Haloes, ice-crystal      178—180
Hankel functions      93 94
Ice, absorption bands of      277 278
Ice, dielectric function of      275
Ice, in interstellar dust      462 467
Ice-water mixtures      218
Ice-water mixtures, and radar backscattering      265 276
Immunological slide      469
Impurities, absorption by      270 271 279
Inhomogeneous particles, dielectric functions for      213—219
Integrating plate method      440 441
Integrating sphere      320 441
Interference bands, in thin slabs      38 39
Interference structure in extinction      104—106 292—299
Interference structure in extinction, and response curves for sizing particles      404 405
Interference structure in extinction, effect of absorption edge on      306
Interference structure in extinction, for polystyrene spheres      317 318
Interference structure in extinction, for spheroids      311 312
Interstellar dust      307 457—467
Interstellar dust, and circular polarization      464 465
Interstellar dust, and diffuse bands      459 460
Interstellar dust, and linear polarization      463 464
Interstellar dust, emission by      462 466
Interstellar dust, extinction by, average      459
Interstellar dust, extinction by, infrared      461
Interstellar dust, extinction by, ultraviolet      460
Interstellar dust, scattering by      465 466
Inverse scattering problem      10 11 403
Invisible particles      149 150
Irregular particles, extinction by, measurements      318 319
Irregular particles, scattering by, measurements      400 402
KBr pellet technique      358—360
Kirchhoff s law for emission and absorption      125
Kramers — Kronig relations      19—22 41 56 274
Kramers — Kronig relations, and Debye model      263
Kramers — Kronig relations, and dielectric function      266
Kramers — Kronig relations, and optical activity      191
Kramers — Kronig relations, and oscillator model      231
Kramers — Kronig relations, for reflection      32 33 234
Kramers — Kronig relations, for refractive index      28
Legendre functions      86 90 91
Levitation of particles      394 395
Levitation of particles, by radiation pressure      304 305
Lidar      443 447
Light sources, for scattering      390
Limiting behavior, of backscattering efficiency      123
Limiting behavior, of dielectric function      266 267
Limiting behavior, of efficiencies, for large sphere      107—110 171—173
Limiting behavior, of efficiencies, for small sphere      130—136
Limiting behavior, of harmonic oscillator model      234 235
Logarithmic derivative, computation of      478
Logarithmic derivative, defined      127 204
Logarithmic derivative, recurrence relation for      127 205
Lorentz Oscillator Model      228—232
Lorentz oscillator model, and surface modes      332 348
Lorentz oscillator model, dielectric function for      230 231 241
Lorentz oscillator model, for core electrons      272
Lorentz oscillator model, for magnesium oxide      240 246
Lorentz oscillator model, for silicon carbide      241—243
Lyddane — Sachs — Teller relation      244
Magnesium oxide, bulk optical properties of      239—241 245—247 268—271
Magnesium oxide, extinction calculations for      290—292 367
Magnesium oxide, extinction measurements for      365—369
Magnesium oxide, particle production technique for      359
Magnetic dipole, contribution of to absorption      310
Magnetic particles      141
Matrices, for isolating particles      358—360
Maxwell equations      12 58
Maxwell equations, for optically active media      186
Maxwell equations, Fourier transform of      16
Maxwell equations, plane-wave solutions to      26
Maxwell Garnett average dielectric function      214—219 359 444 470
Mean free path of electrons, limited by particle size      336—368 370—372
Microwave analog technique, for angular scattering      395—397
Microwave analog technique, for extinction      320—323
Microwave radiation, cavity absorption of      303 304
Microwave radiation, effect of on biological materials      472 473
Microwave radiation, scattering of, measurements      395—397 400 402
Mie calculations      126—129
Mie calculations, computer programs for      477—482 (see also “Extinction calculations for
Mie theory      83—104 111—114
Mie theory, applicability of to nonspherical particles      427 428
Mie theory, history of      82 129 369
Modes, electromagnetic      97—100
Modes, electromagnetic, and laser levitation experiments      305
Modes, electromagnetic, transverse electric      97 98
Modes, electromagnetic, transverse magnetic      97 98
Mueller matrices      53—56 417
Mueller matrices for circular polarizer      56
Mueller matrices for linear polarizer      54
Mueller matrices for linear retarder      55
Mueller scattering matrix      see “Scattering matrix”
Multiple scattering      9
Multiple scattering and circular polarization      451
Multiple scattering and extinction      80
Multiple-oscillator model      244—247
Multiple-oscillator model for magnesium oxide absorption bands      308
Multiple-oscillator model for quartz reflectance      250 251
Needle, absorption by      350 352
Needle, as prolate spheroid      146
Nephelometers, integrating      439
Nephelometers, polar      389—391 414—419
No-phonon bands      271 282
Noctilucent clouds      448—454
Nonspherical particles, and cross polarization      401—403
Nonspherical particles, angular scattering by      397—401
Nonspherical particles, calculational techniques for      220—222
Nonspherical particles, extinction calculations for      310—316
Nonspherical particles, extinction measurements for      318 319
Nonspherical particles, scattering matrix for      421—427 (see also “Cube” “Disk” “Ellipsoids” “Needle”)
Ocean waters, scattering by      425 427
Optical constants, at microwave frequencies      396
Optical constants, defined      27 28
Optical constants, experimental determination of      41 56
Optical constants, from single-particle measurements      431
Optical constants, Kramers — Kronig relations for      28
Optical constants, Lorentz oscillator model for      231
Optical constants, of aluminum      255 272 346
Optical constants, of atmospheric aerosols      430—434
Optical constants, of magnesium oxide      240 245—247 269
Optical constants, of powder samples      430 431
Optical constants, of silicon carbide      242
Optical constants, of water      275 (see also “Dielectric function” “Refractive complex”)
Optical constants, relation to dielectric function      227
Optical rotation, by particulate medium      78 192—194
Optical rotation, defined      191
Optical theorem      71 73
Optical theorem, and absorption in Rayleigh — Gans approximation      161
Optical theorem, and diffraction theory      109 110
Optical theorem, and sum rule for extinction      116
Optical theorem, for cylinder      204
Optical theorem, for dipole      150
Optical theorem, for sphere      112
Optically active particles      185—194
Optically active particles, cross sections for      190
Oscillator model      see “Lorentz oscillator model”
Particle production      392—394
Particle production, aluminum      376
Particle production, by arc vaporization      359
Particle production, by burning magnesium      365
Particle production, by grinding      359 360
Particle production, of monodisperse aerosols      393 394
Particle production, with nebulizers      393 394
Particle production, with vibrating orifice      393 394 405
Perturbation techniques      220
Phase function, defined      72 384
Phase function, for finite cylinder      210—212
Phase function, for infinite cylinder      212 213
Phase function, for spheres      384—389 (see also “Angular scattering”)
Phase matrix      66 (see also “Scattering matrix”)
Phase velocity, and refractive index      235—238
Phase velocity, defined      25
Phase, measurement of      321
Phonons      233 (see also “Surface phonons”)
Photoacoustic technique      292 320 441 442
Photographic process      372
Photosensitive glass      374
Planck function      123—125 435
Plane waves      25—27
Plane waves, expansion of in vector cylindrical harmonics      195—197
Plane waves, expansion of in vector spherical harmonics      89—93
Plane waves, propagation of      28—30
Plane waves, reflection and transmission of      30—41
Plasma frequency, and longitudinal oscillations      253 254
Plasma frequency, defined      230
Plasma frequency, for aluminum      256
Plasma frequency, for ionosphere      256
Plasma frequency, for lattice vibrations      241
Plasma frequency, for semiconductor impurities      256
Plasma frequency, for silicon      256
Plasma frequency, shift of because of bound charges      259
Plasma frequency, tables of      257 379
Plasmons      233 (see also “Surface plasmons”)
Point matching method      220
Polarization      44—56
Polarization modulation      416—419
Polarization modulation, in astronomy      464
Polarization, and ellipsometric parameters      44—46
Polarization, degree of      53
Polarization, degree of, circular      53
Polarization, degree of, linear      53
Polarization, degree of, measurement of      54
Polarization, of scattered light, at rainbow angle      388 389
Polarization, of scattered light, by nonspherical particles      401—403
Polarization, of scattered light, by sphere      113—115
Polarization, of scattered light, by sphere, Rayleigh limit      135 (see also “Scattering matrix”)
Polarization, of scattered light, from noctilucent clouds      449—453
Polarization, of scattered light, in backward direction      206 456
Polarization, of scattered light, in forward direction      206
Polarization, upon reflection      36 (see also “Mueller matrices” “Strokes
Polarizers, and scattering matrix elements      415
Polarizers, and Stokes parameters      47—49
Polarizers, Mueller matrices for      54 56
Polystyrene spheres, for nephelometer calibration      391
Polystyrene spheres, measured extinction by      317 318
Polystyrene spheres, measured matrix elements for      419 420
Poynting vector      23 24
Poynting vector, field lines of      339—342
Purcell — Pennypacker method      220 221
Quantum size effects      280 369 372 376
Quartz, amorphous, infrared extinction measurements for      360—362
Quartz, amorphous, particle production      359
Quartz, crystalline, infrared extinction measurements for      362 363
Quartz, crystalline, reflection by      250
Quartz, crystalline, visible and ultraviolet extinction measurements for      318 319
Radar backscattering cross section      120—123
Radar backscattering efficiency, and correctness of computations      478 485
Radar backscattering efficiency, asymptotic limit      123
Radar backscattering efficiency, defined      122
Radar backscattering efficiency, for sphere      122
Radar backscattering efficiency, for sphere, Rayleigh limit      135
Radar backscattering, and rainfall measurements      454—457
Radar backscattering, dependence on polarization      456
Radar backscattering, from birds      123
Radar backscattering, from melting ice      265
Radar backscattering, from thunderstorms      276
Radar backscattering, reflectivity factor      455
Radiation damage      269—271 290—292 308
Radiation pressure      120
Radiation pressure, and levitation experiments      304 305 394 395
Radio wave propagation, ionosphere      256
Rainbows      174—177 180
Rainbows, polarization of      387—389
Rainfall, measurement of      454—457
Ray tracing diagram, for sphere      167
Rayleigh scattering      6 7 132—134
Rayleigh scattering, according to Rayleigh      133
Rayleigh smoothness criterion      39
Rayleigh — Gans approximation      158—165
Rayleigh — Gans approximation, and biological particles      425
Rayleigh — Gans approximation, for finite cylinder      163—165
Rayleigh — Gans approximation, for optically active particles      165
Rayleigh — Gans approximation, for sphere      162 163
Reciprocity relation      409
Recurrence relations, for Bessel functions      86 197 478
Recurrence relations, for logarithmic derivative      127 205
Recurrence relations, stability of      128 477 478
Reddening      106 107 299
Reddening, and sunsets      107
Reddening, by interstellar dust      458
Reddening, by MgO smoke      290
Reddening, by milk      106
Reddening, by polystyrene spheres      317 318
Reflectance, and optical constants measurements      41
Reflectance, of aluminum      35 255 272
Reflectance, of magnesium oxide      240 246
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