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Adachi S. — Physical Properties of III-V Semiconductor Compounds InP, InAs, GaAs, GaP, InGaAs, and InGaAsP |
Предметный указатель |
Panyutin, V.L. 110
Pao, Y.-C. 111 285
Papaioannou, G.J. 230 257
Papuzza, C. 81 110
Parayanthal, P. 110
Parikh, N.R. 47
Parker, D.L. 61
Parker, J.V. 206 221
Partovi, A. 222
Patel, D. 15 116 128 132 191 230 255 257
Patrick, L. 73
Paufler, P. 272 282
Paul, S. 116
Paul, W. 104
Pawlowska, Z. 125 132
Peak (maximum) drift velocity, electrons 239—243
Peak (maximum) drift velocity, holes 247
Pearsall, T.P. 3 46 53 61 81 90 92 110—113 116 230 257
Peczalski, A. 258 259
Pellegrino, S. 190
Peng, C.K. 99 114 283
People, R. 99 114—116 283 284
Perea, E.H. 81 83 90 109 112
Perkowitz, S. 46 128 133 187
Perrier, P. 46 90 112
Perry, C.H. 285
Petroff, P.M. 113
Petroff, Y. 188
Petrou, A. 285
Petrov, V.I. 281
Pettit, G.D. 77 113 116 155 188—190 283 286
Pfeffer, P. 112 128 133
Pfister, H. 14
Phatak, S.B. 112
Philip, J. 45
Phillip's ionicity 42 67 69 122
Phillips, J.C. 47 67 73 131
Phonon deformation potentials 39
Phonon deformation potentials 43
Phonon frequencies (Raman, infrared, neutron scattering data) 35
Phonons, damping constant 137
Phonons, dispersion curve 31—33
Phonons, energy 34 35
Phonons, long-wavelength 37 136
Phonons, multimode behavior 37—39 142 231—232
Phonons, stress effects on phonon frequencies 39—43
Photoelastic (elastooptic) effect, fractional coefficient 194
Photoelastic (elastooptic) effect, linear photoelastic coefficient 194—201
Photoelastic (elastooptic) effect, linear photoelastic tensor 194
Photoelastic (elastooptic) effect, photoelastic constant 199—201 204
Photoelastic (elastooptic) effect, quadratic photoelastic coefficient 199
Photoelastic coefficients, dispersion parameters (C*,D*) 198
Photoelastic waveguide 200 201
Photoelasticity 193
Pianetta, P. 111 115 285
Pickering, C. 46 187
Picraux, S.T. 283
Pidgeon, C.R. 113 260 284
Pierron, E.D. 61
Piesbergen, U. 60
Pietsch, U. 61 283
Pietzsch, J. 262
Piezoelectric constant, strain 69 70
Piezoelectric constant, stress 66—70
Piezoelectric constants 67 70
Pikhtin, A.N. 73 155 187
Pikus, G.E. 131
Pilkuhn, M.H. 77 191
Pilz, W. 46
Pinczuk, A. 46 47 115
Pistoulet, B. 112
Pitt, A.D. 98 113 114
Pitt, G.D. 116 261
Plano, W.E. 16
Plasmon 138
Plasmon, plasma frequency 139
Plasmon, plasma minimum 140 142
Ploog, K. 284
Poetz, W. 125 131 132 285
Poiblaud, G. 120—121 132 256
Poisson's ratio 24 265
Poisson's ratios (P) 23
Poisson, M.A. 117
Pollack, M.A. 14 46 81 83 109 111 116 188 189 256 280
Pollak, F.H. 43 47 81 83 104 109—111 116 120—121 131 132 198 220 285
Pollak, R.A. 110
Ponedel'nikov, B.E. 110
Popov, Y.G. 257
Porod, W. 85 110
Porro, P. 117
Portal, J.C. 46 74 90 111—113 116 117 284
Portnoi, E.L. 189
Posthill, J.B. 47
Potter, K.E. 258 260
Powazinik, W. 262
Pozela, J. 258
Pozhela, Y. 255
Prakash, S. 46
Press, M.R. 73
Presting, H. 120—121 128 131 191
Prew, B.A. 258
Pribetich, J. 260
Price, D.L. 45
Price, P.J. 128 133
Priester, C. 115 120—121 131
Primot, J. 284
Prins, A.D. 44
Proano, R.E. 283
Prokhorov, V.A. 281
Prokopenko, V.T. 112 189
Puetz, N. 282
Pulyaevskii, D.V. 282
Purkait, N.N. 259
Qiang, H. 120—121 132
Quadflieg, P. 73
Quillec, M. 111 284
Raffo, C.A. 192
Ragimov, R.N. 62
Rajalakshmi, R. 191
Ram, R.K. 45
Ramberg, L.P. 114
Rao, E.V.K. 115
Rao, M.A. 46
Raptis, Y.S. 36 45 73
Ravindra, N.M. 116
Raymond, A. 112
Raymond, R.M. 261
Razeghi, M. 117 189 281 284
Real-space transfer 253
Reddy, M. 286
Reddy, U.K. 111 114 115 282 285
Redfern, A.W. 44
Reed, M.A. 115 285
Reeder, A.A. 112
Rees, H.D. 222 258
Reese, W.E. 77 116 155 188
Reflectivity, normal-incidence 136 160—170
Refractive index, carrier-induced change 179—182
Refractive index, complex 135
Refractive index, imaginary (extinction coefficient, attenuation index) 135 136 165—168
Refractive index, internal-strain (biaxial-strain) effect 279
Refractive index, real 135 136 165—174
Regel', A.R. 3
Reggiani, L. 257
Regnault, J.C. 270—271
Regreny, A. 45
Rehn, V. 111
Reine, M. 113
Reinhart, F.K. 206 220 221 280
Reintjes, J.F. 192
| Reithmaier, J.-P. 283 286
Reklaitis, A. 134 255 258
Remenyuk, A.D. 120—121 132 220
Renucci, J.B. 47
Renucci, M.A. 46 90 112
Resonant tunneling 278
Resta, R. 67 73
Restorff, J.B. 112 259
Reststrahlen region 136—143
Reststrahlen region, reststrahlen parameters 137
Reuter, W. 190
Reynolds, D.C. 117 155 188
Rezek, E.A. 113
Rhan, H. 272 282 283
Richter, W. 36 43 45 47 73
Ridley, B.K. 260
Riechert, H. 286
Riffat, J.R. 114
Rigo, C. 283
Rimai, D.S. 44
Riney, T.D. 44
Ristic, V.M. 282
Robbins, V.M. 15 259
Robert, J.L. 112
Roberts, C. 284
Robertson, D.S. 270—271
Robson, P.N. 220 221 230 257 258 260
Rochon, P. 77 92 112 155 188
Rode, D.L. 73 128 133 255 256
Roell, K. 280
Roessler, U. 120—121 132 155
Rogers, D.C. 284
Rolland, P.A. 261
Romanek, K.M. 191
Rondi, D. 113
Rose-Innes, A.C. 15
Rosen, H.J. 286
Rosi, F.D. 59 62
Rosito, C.A. 192
Rossi, J.A. 222 281
Roth, A.P. 284
Roth, T.J. 260
Roughani, B. 47
Roux, G.L. 284
Rowe, D.M. 62
Rowe, J.E. 110 111 188
Rowe, J.M. 45
Roy, J.B. 116
Roy, M.D. 259
Rozenson, A.E. 110
Rubenstein, M. 61
Rubin, J.J. 111
Ruch, J.G. 258
Ruda, H.E. 128 133
Ruehle, W.W. 77 120—121 132
Ryan, J.F. 114
Ryskin, A.I. 46 187
Saalmueller, J. 43 47
Sachs, A.C. 98 114
Sacilotti, M. 284
Sadra, K. 261
Safrioui, A. 258
Sahu, S.N. 78
Saito, H. 16
Sak, J. 188
Sakai, S. 262
Sakaki, H. 128 133
Sakashita, H. 284
Salerno, J.P. 111
Salokatve, A. 280
Salviati, G. 281 283
Samara, G.A. 73
Samuel, L. 46
Samuelson, L. 155
Sanchez-Dehesa, J. 125 132
Sandhu, A. 99 114
Sano, N. 47 284
Sanz, F.G. 284
Sapriel, J. 45
Sarkar, C.K. 116 117 230 255
Sasa, S. 99 114
Sasaki, A. 15 111 128 133 190 255 259 260 262
Satpathy, S. 125 132
Saturation velocity, electrons 244—246
Saturation velocity, holes 247
Saturation velocity, minority carriers (holes) 254
Saturation velocity, temperature dependence 244—246
Satzke, K. 110 188
Sauer, R. 43 47
Saul, R.H. 280
Saunderson, D.H. 35 45
Saxena, A.K. 257
Schaff, W.J. 230 257
Scheffler, M. 61
Scheiber, H., Jr. 111
Schetzina, J.F. 285
Schilfgaarde, M.V. 44
Schiller, C. 15
Schirber, J.E. 285 286
Schlachetzki, A. 188—190 260 261
Schlafer, J. 262
Schlosser, E. 191
Schlupmann, J. 261
Schmid, P. 114
Schmid, U. 110
Schmid, W. 191
Schmidt, P.H. 113
Schmitt, R. 113
Schneider, H.A. 61
Schroedinger equation 290
Schubert, E.F. 257
Schulze, K-R. 111
Schweig, E. 192
Schweizer, H. 189
Scott, M.D. 114
Seeger, K. 73
Segmueller, A. 280
Seisyan, R.P. 77 155 188 282
Selders, J. 281
Sell, D.D. 155 188
Selway, P.R. 220
Sen, P.N. 46
Seraphin, B.O. 189
Sergent, A.M. 98 114
Sermage, B. 114 190 284
Serra, M. 177
Sessions, S.J. 90 112
Shah, J. 261 262
Shahid, M.A. 15
Shaklee, K.L. 111
Shalyt, S.S. 62
Sham, L.J. 188
Shantharama, L.G. 116 257
Shanurin, Y.E. 256
Sharma, A.C. 116
Shatas, R.A. 192
Shaw, M.P. 261
Shealy, J.R. 45
Shen, H. 47 104 116
Shen, S.C. 286
Shen, Y.R. 77
Shen, Z.-X. 111
Sher, A. 15 44 85 110 111 259
Shichijo, H. 258
Shieh, P.J. 98 114
Shigekawa, N. 259
Shih, C.K. 111 285
Shikagawa, N. 259 260
Shimakura, H. 256
Shinoda, Y. 281
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