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Adachi S. — Physical Properties of III-V Semiconductor Compounds InP, InAs, GaAs, GaP, InGaAs, and InGaAsP |
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Energy gaps, triplet 82 83
Energy gaps, and gaps 82
Energy gaps, 86
Energy gaps, conduction-band ordering 86
Energy gaps, impurity doping effects 108
Energy gaps, lowest-indirect band gaps 84—86
Energy gaps, nonparabolicity 89 108 142
Energy gaps, pressure effect 106 107
Energy gaps, temperature effect 100—104
Energy-band structure 75—109 147—153
Energy-band structure, 86
Energy-band structure, internal-strain (biaxial-strain) effect 273—280
Energy-band structure, uniaxial stress effects 119
Enquist, P.M. 114
Ergakov, V.K. 256
Erman, M. 189
Ermanis, F. 256 257
Esaki, L. 47
Escher, J.S. 281
Etienne, B. 190
Ettenberg, M. 280
Evangelisti, F. 77 155 188
Evanno, M.H. 258
Evans, A.G.R. 260
Evtikhiev, V.P. 190
Exciton 153—160
Exciton Rydberg energies (G) 155
Exciton, anisotropic correction 156
Exciton, Bohr radius 154 155
Exciton, continuum state 154 155 157
Exciton, discrete series 154
Exciton, effective-mass approximation 156—160
Exciton, envelope function 154
Exciton, isotropic part 155 156
Exciton, Koster — Slater method 156—160
Exciton, reduced mass 155—157
Exciton, Rydberg energy 154—159
Exciton, strength parameter 154 159
Exciton, two-dimensional 159
Exciton, Wannier-type 159
FacMillan, H.F. 261
Faist, J. 206 221
Falicov, L.M. 16
Fan, H.Y. 191
Fank, B. 261
Farges, J.P. 15
Farley, C.W. 114
Farnell, G.W. 45
Farr, M.K. 45
Fasol, G. 92 112
Fauquembergue, R. 258 261 285
Faurie, J.P. 47
Fawcett, W. 133 258 260
Fedders, P.A. 230 255
Feher, G. 285
Feinleib, J. 113
Feldman, A. 220
Feldman, R.D. 47
Fen, L. 110
Feng, M. 281
Feng, X. 282
Feng, Y.-K. 259
Feng, Z.-C. 221 280
Ferrara, M. 221
Ferrari, C. 283
Ferreira, L.G. 16
Ferry, D.K. 85 110 230 255 259 262 285
Fetterman, H. 112
Fewster, P.F. 15
Fiddyment, P.J. 221
Fiedler, F. 188—190
Finn, M.C. 281
Fischbach, J.U. 77 155 188
Fisher, M.A. 128 133 192 255
Fitzgerald, E.A. 114 283
Flagmeyer, R. 283
Fletcher, K. 256
Fletcher, R.C. 191
Focht, M.W. 280
Folberth, O.G. 256
Fonstad, C.G. 81 83 90 109 112 280
Fontaine, C. 47
Fornari, R. 44 190
Forrest, S.R. 98 113 114
Fortin, E. 77 92 112 155 188
Fox, A.M. 114
Franz — Keldysh effect 218—220
Franzosi, P. 281 283
Freeman, A.J. 117
Freundlich, A. 47
Frey, J. 258 260
Friscourt, M.R. 261
Fritz, I.J. 273 283 285 286
Frivnak, L. 112
Froehlich coupling constant 71 72 89
Froehlich coupling constants 72
Froehlich interaction 71 89
Fronts, K. 189
Frosch, C.J. 191
Frova, A. 77 155 188
Froyen, S. 16
Fujii, T. 15 99 114
Fujita, O. 62
Fukui, t. 15 16
Fulton, R.C. 262
Furtado, M.T. 98 114
Furuta, T. 259 261
Gaddy, O.L. 260
Gagliani, G. 257
Gal, M. 115 284
Galavanov, V.V. 128 133 255
Galtier, P. 46
Galvanauskas, A. 255
Garbuzov, D.Z. 190 262 281
Garmire, E. 192
Garmire, E.M. 222
Garrett, C.G.B. 221
Garriga, M. 111 189
Gasakov, O. 222
Gasanli, S.M. 256
Gatos, H.C. 128 133 261 270—271
Gauthier, D. 112 117
Gavini, A. 120—121 132
Gayton, W.R. 44
Geidur, S.A. 220
Genova, F. 281 283
Gera, V.B. 110 111
Gerard, J.M. 284
Gerlich, D. 44
Gershenzon, M. 191
Gershoni, D. 98 114 115 284
Gershoni, D.G. 283
Ghis, A. 259
Ghosal, A. 259
Gibala, R. 283
Gibbs, D.F. 191
Gibson, A.F. 192
Giehler, M. 46
Giesecke, G. 14
Giles, P.L. 256
Gilleo, M.J. 155
Gilman, J.J. 15
Giri, A.K. 44
Gironcoli, S.D. 67 73
Glas, F. 280
Glass, A.M. 190
Glicksman 255
Glinskii, G.F. 281
Glisson, T.H. 110 230 255 258 259
| Gloetzel, D. 132
Glover, G.H. 73 258
Glurdzhidze, L.N. 120—121 132 220
Gobeli, G.W. 191
Goering, H.L. 256
Goetz, K.-H. 281
Gonda, S. 113 282
Goni, A.R. 73 104
Goossen, K.W. 286
Gopalan, S. 115 130 134
Gorczyca, I. 116 128 133
Gorelenok, A. 255
Gorelenok, A.T. 53 61 190 262 281 282
Gormley, J.V. 111
Goryunova, N.A. 44
Gossard, A.C. 220 261 262 285
Gottschalch, V. 59 61 62 272 282
Gouezigou, L.L. 191
Gourley, P.L. 273 283
Grant, R.W. 114
Grassie, A.D.C. 255
Graves, G.A. 62
Greenberg, D. 261
Greene, P.D. 116 128 132 191 230 255 257
Gregg, J.R. 110
Gregoris, G. 116
Gregory, P.E. 281
Grenet, J.C. 47
Grey, R. 286
Grigoras, K. 259
Grimes, R.T. 256
Grimsditch, M.H. 125 132 198 220
Grinyaev, S.N. 109 134
Grodzinski, P. 115
Groves, S.H. 92 112 113 284
Groves, W. 44
Groves, W.O. 255
Grubin, H.L. 261 262
Grueneisen parameters, average 51
Grueneisen parameters, definition 34
Grueneisen parameters, Grueneisen's rule 51
Grueneisen parameters, long-wavelength acoustic phonons 29 30
Grueneisen parameters, mode 26 29 42
Gruetzmacher, D. 98 113
Gu, Z.-Q. 125 132
Guenther, A.H. 192
Guha, S. 286
Guillot, G. 191
Gulari, E. 285
Guldner, Y. 117
Gunn effect 129 239 248—250
Gunn, J.B. 257
Gupta, H.C. 46
Gupta, R. 110 111
Gurley, P.L. 273
Haase, M.A. 98 114 259 260
Haga, E. 128 190
Haga, F. 133
Haines, M.J.L.S. 284
Hall mobility, electrons 223—232 242
Hall mobility, holes 232—239
Hall mobility, pressure dependence 231
Hall mobility, quantum wells 278 279
Hall mobility, temperature dependence 224—228 234—237
Hall mobility, two-dimensional electron gas 276 277
Hall scattering, factor 240
Haller, E.E. 120—121 128 131
Hamaguchi, C. 116 131 220
Hamakawa, Y. 81 109
Hamaker, H.C. 261
Hamilton, D.K. 128 133 255
Hamm, R.A. 98 113—115 283 284
Hang, Z. 47 104 116
Hanke, W. 188
Harbake, G. 187 188
Hardness, hardness anisotropy 17—19
Hardness, Knoop 17—19
Hardness, microhardness 19
Harman, T.C. 256
Harmonic oscillator model 137
Harris, J.S. 285
Harrison, J.W. 73 112 230 254 255
Haruna, K. 61
Hashimoto, M. 256
Haug, A. 191
Hauge, P.S. 258
Hauser, J.R. 73 110 112 133 230 254 255 257—259
Hayashi, H. 282
Hayashi, I. 281
Hayes, J.R. 116 128 132 230 254 255 257 261
Hayes, R.E. 112 261
Hazama, H. 116
Heasman, K.C. 191 261
Heberle, A. 286
Heiblum, M. 128 133
Heime, K. 3 113
Heinrich, H. 113
Helgesen, P. 98 113
Henderson, T.S. 114 115 285
Henry, C.H. 189 191 262
Hensel, J.C. 285
Henshall, G.D. 191
Herbert, D.C. 133 260
Heritage, J.P. 262
Hermann, C. 81 92 110—112
Hermanson, J. 110
Hernandez-Cabrera, A.J. 125 132 221
Herrmann, F.P. 62
Herzog, A.H. 255
Hess, K. 258—260
Hickernell, F.S. 44 67
Hickman, G. 120—121 132
Hicks, H.C.B. 256
Higginbotham, C.W. 111 198 220
Higgs, A.W. 98 114
Hildisch, L. 46
Hill, D.E. 155 255
Hill, P. 262
Hill, R. 111
Hilsum, C. 15 258 260
Hilton, J. 191
Hinckley, J.M. 286
Hinkel, V. 110
Hirakawa, K. 128 133
Hirano, R. 256
Hirliman, C. 46
Hirose, S. 262
Hirth, J.P. 282
Hirtz, J.P. 257
Hiyamizu, S. 99 114
Hjalmarson, H.P. 286
Hochheimer, H.D. 104 116
Hoeger, R. 110 188 286
Hoepfel, R.A. 261 262
Hoericke, M. 283
Holah, G.D. 46 187 190
Hole effective mass, conductivity effective mass 247 248
Hole effective mass, density-of-states effective mass 247
Hole effective mass, heavy holes 91—95 156 233
Hole effective mass, internal-strain (biaxial-strain) effect 273—280
Hole effective mass, light holes 91—95 156 157 233
Hole effective mass, pressure variation 108
Hole effective mass, spin-orbit splitoff holes 95 96
Holland, M.C. 256
Holland, M.G. 61 62
Holmes, D.E. 62
Holonyak, N., Jr. 16 113
Holway, L.H. 260
Hong, S.-C. 285
Hopkins, M.A. 112 117
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