Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Howie J.M. (ed.) — An Introduction to Semigroup Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Semisimple, trivial 2
Spined product 118
Stable step 230 231
Standard embedding 29
Strong semilattice of semigroups 90
Subdirect product 116
Subgroup 5
Sublattice 12
Subsemigroup 5
Subsemigroup, inverse 139
Subuniform semilattice 160
Subword 230
Syllable 230
Symmetric group 6
Symmetric inverse semigroup 134
Tensor product 224
Terminal 106
Terminal, mark 106
Transitive closure 19
Transitive relation 11 18
Transitive representation 169
| Transitivity classes 169
Transitivity relation 168
Translation, inner 98
Translation, linked left and right 98 232
Translational hull 98
Uniform, band 203
Uniform, semilattice 144 146
Union of groups 92
Universal relation 14
Vagner — Preston Representation Theorem 135
Variety 109
Weak direct product 116
Word 29 213
Word, (left-, right-) internal 234
Word, bi-internal 234
Word, internal 234
Zero element 2
Zero element, left (right) 35
Zero-divisor 58
Zigzag 223 228
Zigzag, left-inner 228
Реклама |