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Wigner E.P. — Group Theory and Its Applicaion to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra
Wigner E.P. — Group Theory and Its Applicaion to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra

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Название: Group Theory and Its Applicaion to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra

Автор: Wigner E.P.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: expanded and improved

Год издания: 1960

Количество страниц: 380

Добавлена в каталог: 31.03.2013

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Предметный указатель
Multiplicity      182
Nine-j symbols      306
Normal coupling      264 272
Normal form of antiunitary operators      328
Normalization      24 34
Nuclear spin      238
Null matrix      see Matrix
n—Pod      211
Odd levels      see also Eigenvalues even
Odd levels, number of electrons      240
Odd levels, permutation      see Permutations even
Odd levels, representations      see Representations even
Operators, antilinear      327
Operators, antiunitary      325
Operators, Hermitian      36 48
Operators, idempotent      118
Operators, infinitely degenerate      118
Operators, invariant      see Symmetric operators
Operators, linear      3 35 225 235
Operators, projection      118
Operators, symmetric      see Symmetric operators
Operators, unitary      24 50 225 235
Optical isomers      218
Orbit      311 315
Orbit, Bohr      179
Orbital angular momentum, quantum number      181
Orbital angular momentum, selection rules      183
Order of a group      see Group(s)
Order of a group element      see Group element(s)
Orthogonal matrix      see Matrix complex real
Orthogonality of eigenfunctions      37 118
Orthogonality of eigenfunctions, and unitarity of representations      111
Orthogonality relations for characters      83 101 156
Orthogonality relations for eigenfunctions      37 115 118
Orthogonality relations for irreducible representations      82
Orthogonality relations for spin functions      255
Orthogonality relations in continuous groups      101
Orthogonality, functions      34 115
Orthogonality, vectors      24
Orthogonalization by the Gram — Schmidt procedure      28
Parameter space, path in      89 92 248
Parameter space, simply and multiply connected      89 249
Parameters, Cayley — Klein      159
Parameters, of a group      88
Parameters, of rotations      142 151 152
Parity      181 263 322
Parity, and orbital angular momentum      216
Parity, and representations of the reflection group      182
Parity, selection rule      183 197
Partition number      125 139
Partner functions      112
Pauli matrices      158 232
Pauli principle      128 182 253 313 315
Pauli principle, and occupation of electronic orbits      314
Pauli theory of spin      221 223
Period of a group element      60 91
Permutation group      see also Symmetric group
Permutation group, of electrons      107 181 251 261 311 317
permutations      124
Permutations, and the Pauli principle      252
Permutations, classes of      125
Permutations, cycles of      124
Permutations, even and odd      126
Perturbation theory, correct linear combinations for      46 120 175 189 202 257 262 317
Perturbation theory, in case of degeneracy      43
Perturbation theory, Rayleigh — Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger      40
Physical interpretation, of representation coefficients      349 350
Physical interpretation, of six-j symbols      355
Physical interpretation, of three-j symbols      351
Physical quantities      48
Polar vectors      see Vectors
Principal axis transformation      26 29
principal quantum number      180
Probabilities in quantum mechanics      48
Probabilities of different spin directions, interdependence of      229
Product, direct, of groups      171
Product, direct, of matrices      17
Product, of a number and a matrix      8
Product, of a number and a vector      1
Product, of complexes      70
Product, of matrices      4
Product, of permutations      64 124
Product, scalar, of functions      34 128 221 238
Product, scalar, of vectors      24
Projection operators      118
Proton spin      238
Quadrupole radiation      see Radiation
Quantity, physical      48
Quantum mechanical rigid bodies      212 214
Quantum number, azimuthal      181
Quantum number, electric      206 271
Quantum number, magnetic      181
Quantum number, multiplet      181
Quantum number, orbital angular momentum      181
Quantum number, total angular momentum      183 237 266
Quantum theory      31
Racah coefficients      284 296
Racah coefficients, classical limit of      355
Radiation dipole      197
Radiation dipole, incident on atom      52
Radiation dipole, polarized      200
Radiation dipole, quadrupole      196 264
Rayleigh — Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger perturbation theory      40
Reciprocal, matrix      see Matrix
Reciprocal, of product of group elements      59
Recoupling of angular momenta      297
Reducible representations      see Representation(s)
Reduction of a representation      85
Reduction of a representation, of the rotation group      186
Reduction of a representation, of the symmetric group      131
Reduction of corepresentations      335 340
Reflection group      62 144 204 175
Relativistic theory of the electron      238
Representation(s)      72 102 109
Representation(s), algebra of      112
Representation(s), and eigenfunctions      102
Representation(s), antisymmetric      127
Representation(s), associated      127
Representation(s), character of      83 86 117
Representation(s), coefficient, classical limit of      349
Representation(s), complex      287
Representation(s), complex conjugate      285
Representation(s), dimension of      73
Representation(s), equivalence of      73 86
Representation(s), equivalence of, and characters      86
Representation(s), even and odd      162
Representation(s), faithful and unfaithful      73
Representation(s), for electron eigenfunctions      129
Representation(s), functions belonging to      117
Representation(s), identical      127 156
Representation(s), integral and half integral      162
Representation(s), multiple-valued      157 162 228 247
Representation(s), of a direct product      172 174 186
Representation(s), of an eigenvalue      119 174
Representation(s), of continuous groups      93 101
Representation(s), of the symmetric groups      129 258
Representation(s), of the unitary group      163
Representation(s), of the unitary group, even and odd      162
Representation(s), of three-dimensional rotation group      153 157 166 168
Representation(s), of three-dimensional rotation group, for an even or odd number of electrons      240
Representation(s), of three-dimensional rotation group, integral or half integral      162
Representation(s), of three-dimensional rotation-reflection group      175 182
Representation(s), of two-dimensional rotation group      146
Representation(s), of two-dimensional rotation group rotation-reflection group      146
Representation(s), orthogonality of      79 101
Representation(s), potentially real      287
Representation(s), pseudoreal      287
Representation(s), reducible and irreducible      73
Representation(s), reduction of      see Reduction
Representation(s), unitarity of      74 101 111
Representation(s), up to a factor      247
Rhombic symmetry      207
Rigid rotator      213
Rotation      89 105 142 224
Rotation axis      149
Rotation axis, angle      149
Rotation axis, operators, linearity and unitarity of      233
Rotation group      89 142 149
Rotation group, and unimodular group      159
Rotation group, character of      168
Rotation group, classes of      144 145 150
Rotation group, Hurwitz integral for      145
Rotation group, matrices      143 150 160 169
Rotation group, representations      145
Rotation group, two-dimensional      143 202
Rotation operators for spin only      226 252
Rotation operators with spin      223 226 233 239
Rotation operators without spin      105 224
Rotation, of a state      224
Rotation, of cartesian coordinates      224 227 251
Rotation, of spin coordinates      227 251 260 315
Rotation, of spin coordinates, and permutations      260 316
Rotation, proper and improper      142
Rotation-reflection      142 269
Rotation-reflection group      142 144 175 204
Rotator      213
Russell — Saunders coupling      272 304
Rydberg constant      178
Scalar operators      243 272
Scalar product      see Product scalar
Schmidt orthogonalization procedure      see Orthogonalization
Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger wave equation      32 33
Schur’s lemma      75 76
Schwarz’ inequality      43
Screening of Coulomb field      311
Secular equation      20 46 120
Selection rules      183 195 212 216 264 265
Selection rules, in a magnetic field      199 267
Selection rules, in an electric field      205 271
Selection rules, with spin      266
Separation theory      31
Similarity transformation, invariance under      20
Similarity transformation, of matrices      9 16 20 110
Simple group      see Group(s)
Simply continuous group      see Group continuous
Six-j symbols      299
Six-j symbols, and the group      303
Six-j symbols, calculation of      302
Six-j symbols, in classical limit      355
Six-j symbols, symmetries of      301
Skew matrix      see Matrix
Slater determinant      314
Sommerfield fine structure constant      263 310
Spectrum      see also Eigenvalues Energy
Spectrum, discrete and continuous      37 178
Spectrum, for single electron atoms      178
Spectrum, of an operator      36
Spherical harmonics      153 213
Spherical symmetry of $S$-states      212
Spin      183 220
Spin, and parity      263
Spin, and representations of the rotation group      227
Spin, and representations of the rotation group, of the symmetric group      129 139
Spin, and total angular momentum      237
Spin, forces      254 263 280 308
Spin, matrices      232
Spin, operators      231
Spin, Pauli theory of      220
Spin, probability of direction      230
Spin, variables      128 221 254 260
Spin-free quantities      222 251
Splitting of eigenvalues      44 120
Splitting of eigenvalues, in a magnetic field      201 267 280
Splitting of eigenvalues, in an electric field      204 269
Splitting of spectral lines      204 268 280
Spur      see Trace
Square integrability      33 37
Stark effect      198 205 269
State, quantum mechanical      47
Statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics      47
Subgroup      60
Subgroup, cosets of      60
Subgroup, index of      61
Subgroup, invariant      67
Subgroup, order of      61
Submatrices      18
Sum rule for transition probabilities      268
Supermatrices      18
Symmetric group      65 108 124
Symmetric group, characters of representations of      138
Symmetric matrix      see also Matrix
Symmetric matrix, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions      103
Symmetric operators      108 115 243 282
Symmetric operators, and commutability      116
Symmetry groups      63
Symmetry groups, group of configuration space      105
Symmetry groups, properties of levels      181 199 206 207 315
Tensor operators      244
Tensor operators, irreducible      272 284
Tensor operators, matrix elements of      273
Tensor operators, two-sided      305
Tensors, and rotations      168
Tensors, irreducible      244 272 284 306
Three-j symbol      290
Three-j symbol, condensed notation for      300
Three-j symbol, covariant and contravariant      292
Three-j symbol, in classical limit      351
Three-j symbol, symmetries of      291
Time inversion      325
Time inversion, consequences of invariance under      344 347
Time inversion, operator      329
Top, quantum mechanical      214
Total quantum number      see Angular momentum
Trace      9
Transformation theory      47 50
Transformation, antilinear      25
Transformation, antiunitary      333
Transformation, canonical      51 225
Transformation, linear      2 3 168
Transformation, proper      2
Transformation, similarity      9 20 110
Transformation, to a new coordinate system      51
Transformation, unitary      50
Transition probability      31
Transition probability, sum rule      268
Transition probability, under incident radiation      51 195
Transition probability, under measurement      50 224
Transposed matrix      23
Transposition      126
Transverse effect      200
Unitary matrix      24
Unitary representation      74
Unitary representation, from any representation      74
Unitary unimodular group      159 242
Unitary unimodular group, homomorphism with rotation group      159
Unitary unimodular group, representations of      161
Vector addition model      184 262 309
Vector operators      232 243 272 275 279
Vector operators, matrix elements of      245
Vector-coupling coefficients      189
Vector-coupling coefficients, classical limit of      351
Vector-coupling coefficients, covariant and contravariant      292
Vector-coupling coefficients, symmetric form      289
Vector-coupling coefficients, tables of      193
Vectors      1
Vectors, addition of      1
Vectors, axial      199
Vectors, complete system of      11
Vectors, components      1
Vectors, in group space      81
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