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Aleksandrov P.S. — Combinatorial topology. Volume 1 |
Предметный указатель |
Star, barycentric 144
Star, center of 126
Star, cyclic 73
Star, major 144
Star, neighborhood 137
Star, open 138
Star, semi 83
Star, semi-cyclic 73
Star, zone of 127
Strongly connected compactum 199
Strongly connected, polyhedron 201
Strongly connected, pure complex 72 200
Subcomplex 71
Subcomplex, closed 71 126
Subcomplex, open 71 126
Subdivision of a closed covering 100
Subdivision of a closed simplex 140
Subdivision of a polyhedral complex 139
Subdivision of triangulations 77
Subdivision, barycentric 78
Subdivision, central 140
Subdivision, elementary 141
Subdivision, regular 78
Subdivisions, chain of 191
Sum of sets (mod 2) 68
Sum of sets (mod 2), theorem 184
Sum, combinatorial 118
surface 76
Surface of genus p 108
Surface with boundary 76
Surface, boundary of 76
Surface, closed 73 76
Surface, contour of 76
Surface, nonorientable 95
Surface, normal 109
Surface, orient able 95
Surface, simple 104
System of sets 4
System of sets, triangulation of a surface 102
System of subsets 4
System of subsets, partially ordered 26
Three-dimensional ring 22
Tihonov 11 17 18
Topological circle 104
Topological circle, circumference 104
Topological circle, complex 149
Topological circle, mapping 10
Topological circle, n-manifold 24 198
Topological circle, polyhedron 118 149
Topological circle, simplex 149
Topological circle, space 4
Topological product 10
Topological product of a denumerable number of doublets 13
Topological product of a finite number of closed manifolds 24
Topological product of bicompacta 18
Topological product of compacta 18
Topological product of n lines 11
| Topological product of n spheres 11
Topological product of n-spheres 24
Topological product of r closed segments 13
Topological product of r connected doublets 13
Topological product of r doublets 13
Topological product of sets 10
Topological product of spaces 10
Topological product of two lines 11
Topological product, spheres 11
Topology defined in a set 5
Topology, neighborhood 6
Topology, relative 5
Torus 11 21 22 81
Torus, n-dimensional 11 24
Torus, three-dimensional 21 150
Totally bounded metric space 30
triangle 71
Triangle, axiom 7
Triangle, oriented 93
Triangulation 71 118
Triangulation of a closed simplex 166
Triangulation of a closed surface 74
Triangulation of a Klein bottle 81
Triangulation of a Mdbius band 80
Triangulation of a polyhedron 71 137
Triangulation of a torus 81
Triangulation of the projective n-space 151
Triangulation of the projective plane 81 161
Triangulation, curved 73
Triangulation, dimension of 118
Triangulation, infinite 158
Triangulation, orientability of 94
Triangulation, subdivision of 77
Triangulations, examples of 119
True cycles xiii xiv
Tumarkin 188 200
Turning function 63 2
Turning function, complex 71
Two-sided cut of the first kind 111
Two-sided cut of the second kind 111 2
Union of sets 2
Unrestricted simplicial complex 122 125
Unrestricted simplicial complex, skeleton complex 121
Urysohn 9 16 17 18 170 188 189
Urysohn’s theorem 9
Vertex 68 128
Vertex of a cone 214
Vertex of a finite system of sets 128
Vertex of a nerve 128
Vertex of a simplex 212
Vertex of a skeleton complex 78
Vertex, first 132
Vertex, last 132
Vertex, mapping 79
Weight of a space 7
Yoneyama 42 0
Yoneyama, element 67
Zone of a star 127
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