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Harnwell G.P., Livingood J.J. — Experimental Atomic Physics |
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Предметный указатель |
H r, of particles 373
H r, of particles, experiment 409
h, Planck's constant, determination by Stefan’s constant 71
h, Planck's constant, determination by X-ray short wave-length limit 353
h, Planck’s constant 27 30 67 69 232 450
h, Planck’s constant, determination by black-body radiation energy distribution 70
h, Planck’s constant, determination by photoelectric threshold 216
Haber, F. 439
Haga, H. 325
Hagenow, C. F. 329
Hahn, O. 381 387
Hale, C. F. 439
Half life period of radioactive substances, (table) 373 374
Hallwachs, W. 214
Hamilton, W. 154
Hammer, W. 142
Harms, F. 147
Hartley, W. N. 226
Hartmann method of wave-length measurement with prism 261
Hartmann, J. F. 261
Havelock, T. H. 18
Heat radiation (see Black-body radiation)
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 157
Heisenberg, W. 157 159 162 237 255 364 399
Helium, production by radium 381 383
Helium, scattering of a particles in 175
Helmert, F. R. 15
Helmholtz, H. von 97
Henderson, G. H. 404
Henriot, E. 21
Henry, D. E. 427
Hertz, G. 309 315 317 318 320
Hertz, H. 23 115 214
Hertzfeld, K F. 335 339 349
Herzberg, G. 268
Hess, V. F. 382
Heterodyne measurement of high-frequency oscillations 132
Hevesy, G. 370 418
Hickman, K. C. D. 434
Hicks, W. M. 277
High potential sources, direct current 105 184 330
Ho, T. L. 434
Hoag, J. B. 102
Hoare, F. E. 53
Hoffmann, G. 423
Hoffmann, K. 53
Hopfield, J. J. 444
Houdyk, A. 89
Houston, W. V. 129
Houtermans, F. G. 311
Hughes, A. L. 214 312
Huguenard, E. 21
Hull, A. W. 102 118 124 342 429
Hull, G. F. H. 30
Hume — Rothery, W. 192
Humphreys, C. J. 277
Hund, F. 225 237 251
Hupfeld, H. H. 392
Hydrogen, Balmer series 226
Hydrogen, Balmer series, source of spectrum 268
Hydrogen, Bohr theory 230
Hydrogen, fine structure 270 368
Hydrogen, Grotrian diagram 270
Hydrogen, quantum-mechanical theory 243
Hydrogen, spectrogram 269
Hydrogen, term table 270
Hydrogen, vector model 269
Indeterminacy principle 157
Index for X-rays 326
Index of prism material 75 260
Index of refraction for electrons 173
Index of refraction for light 15
Index of sodium chloride, table of variation in infra-red 82
Index of sodium chloride, wave-length correction to vacuum 264
Indices, Miller 171
Inelastic collisions 314
Infra-red spectral energy curves 78
Infra-red spectrometer 73
Infra-red spectrometer, calibration 77
Infra-red spectrometer, energy recorder for 71
Infra-red spectrometer, prisms for 71 74
Infra-red spectrometer, Wadsworth mirror 75
Intercombination lines 280
Interferometer, Fabry — Perot 283
Interferometer, wave-length measurement with 257 265
International Angstrom 257
International Electrical Units 4
Inverse-square field of nucleus 174 236 386
Ion pairs, number produced by an a particle 384
Ionization at optical series limit 272 274
Ionization at X-ray absorption limit 311 362
Ionization chamber, for a particle counting 412
Ionization gauge 441
Ionization potentials of gases, method of observation 146 319
Ionization processes of 189 290
Ionization spectrometer for X-rays 351
Ions, positive (see Positive ions)
Isobars 374
Isotopes 374
j-j coupling 239 252
Jacobsen, J. C. 392
Jay cox, E. K. 434
Jeans, J. H. 63 66
Jedrzijowski, H. 382
Johnson, T. 167 414
Joliot, F. 396 398
Jones, H. A. 211
Jonsson, A. 357
Jordan, P. 70 312 323 364
Kallmann, H. 147 174 323
Kanalstrahlen 135
Karolus, O. 14 15
Karrer, S. 191
Kaufmann, W. 120 387
Kayser, H. G. J. 257 265
Kelvin double bridge 56
Kelvin, Lord 9
Kennedy, R. G. 445
Kenotron rectifier circuits 105 184
Kepler, J. 30
Kerr cell, to measure velocity of light 14
Kerschbaum, F. 439
Kershaw, H. 407
Kiess, C. C. 252
Kikuchi, S. 167 188
Kinetic energy, relativistic expression for 28
Kingdon, K. H. 142 309
Kirchhoff, G. R. 43 44 48 226 290
Kirchhoff’s law 43 48
Kirchner, F. 128 178 329 351
Kleeman, R. 379
Klein, E. H. 444
Klein, O. 392
Klein-Nishina y ray scattering formula 392
Knauer, F. 164
Knipping, P. 334
Knudsen, M. 30
Kohlrausch, K. W. F. 307 391
Kohlrausch, R. H. A. 9
Kovarik, A; F. 393 409
Kunsman, C. H. 145
Kurlbaum, F. 53
Kussmann, A. 53
L — S coupling 239
Laborde, A. 382
Ladenburg, R. 18
Lande g factor 250 251
Lande, A. 163 225 250—252
Landsberg, G. 304
Langer, R. M. 306
| Langevin, P. 92
Langley, S. P. 82
Langmuir, I. 189 211 439 449
Laplace, P. S. 90
Larmor precession 248
Larmor, J. 24 247
Larsson, A. 327 328
Lau, E. 268
Laue spots 335
Laue, M. von 334
Lawrence, A. S. C. 86
Lawrence, E. O. 310
Laws, F. A. 431
Lawson, R. W. 382
Layer lines 347
Leak testing, of vacuum systems 446
Leak, artificial, for gases 444
Leak, natural, of electroscope 401
Lebedeff, A. A. 178
Lebedew, P. 30
Lecher wires 132
Lecher, E. 24
Lecomte, J. 71 306
Lehrer, E. 89
Lenard, P. 116
Leprince — Ringuet, L. 396
Levels (see Energy levels atomic
Light, dual nature of 80
Light, electromagnetic theory of 4 (see also Pressure of light Velocity Photon;
Lindh, A, E. 329 351
Line spectra, analysis 242
Line spectra, Bohr atom 230
Line spectra, closed shells 240
Line spectra, coupling 239
Line spectra, degenerate orbits 236
Line spectra, electron structures 240 451
Line spectra, electronic 238
Line spectra, elliptic orbits 235
Line spectra, empirical knowledge 225
Line spectra, finite mass of nucleus 233
Line spectra, hydrogen 269
Line spectra, hydrogen-like atoms 233
Line spectra, mercury 277
Line spectra, multiplets 226 230 241 270 272 279 280
Line spectra, quantum numbers, atomic 240
Line spectra, restriction principle of Pauli 239
Line spectra, selection rules 242
Line spectra, sodium 272
Line spectra, stationary states 232 289 atomic)
Line spectra, term calculations 240
Line spectra, terms 228 237 Energy atomic)
Line spectra, vector model 237
Line spectra, wave mechanical model 243
Line spectra, width of spectral line 159
Line spectra, Zeeman effect 230
Line spectra, Zeeman effect, anomalous 249
Line spectra, Zeeman effect, normal 246
Lorentz separation 249
Lorentz, H. A. 44 246 249
Loschmidt, J. 148
Loschmidt’s number 148
Lukirsky, P. 216
Lummer 0 53 72
Lyman series 231
Lyman, T. 231
Mack, J. E. 277
MacLean, G. V. 24
Magnetic moment of atom 252 253
Magnetic moment of electron 250
Magneton, Bohr 250
Magnetron as high-frequency oscillator 132
Magnetron for thermionic experiments 203
Magnetron to measure e/m 118 124
Makower, W. 418
Mandelstam, L. 304
Manometers 437 (see also Pressure gauges)
Mark, H. 173
Marsh, H. E. 30
Marx, E. A. 145
Mass defect of atom 151 152
Mass defect of neutron 152 398
Mass of atom 86 112 134 149
Mass of electron 112 116
Mass of neutron 152 398
Mass of nucleus 148
Mass of photon 29 161
Mass of proton 151
Mass spectrograph 135—142
Mass, effect on Rydberg constant 233
Matossi, F. 71
Matter waves (see de Broglie waves)
Maxwell, J. C. 1 2 4 9
Maxwell’s equations 4
McKeehan, L. W. 409
McLeod gauge 438
Meggers, W. F. 252 265 319
Meitner, L. 387 388 392
Mercier, J. 24
Mercury arcs 277 285 303
Mercury arcs, phanotron 212
Mercury arcs, thyratron 316 319
Mercury pumps 433
Mercury, critical potentials, (table) 322
Mercury, Grotrian diagram 281 299
Mercury, inelastic collisions 316
Mercury, ionization potential 319
Mercury, multiplets 280
Mercury, resonance lines 280
Mercury, resonance lines, absorption of 292
Mercury, resonance lines, quenching of 296
Mercury, resonance lines, resonance radiation 295 301
Mercury, resonance lines, sensitized fluorescence 299
Mercury, resonance lines, series 280
Mercury, resonance lines, source of radiation 277 285 303
Mercury, resonance lines, spectrograms 278 279
Mercury, resonance lines, term table 282
Mercury, resonance lines, vector model 277
metallic conduction 191
Metastable states 281
Mica films, diffraction of electrons by 168
Mica films, preparation 188
Michel, G. 73
Michels, W. C. 286 431
Michelson, A. A. 13 15 17 18 20 257
MiHer, W. H. 171
Miller indices 171
Millikan, R. A. 88 98 216
Mittelstaedt 0 14 15
Mohler, F. L. 310 312 319 323
Molybdenum, X-ray levels, (table) 366
Monochromatic emissive power 46
Morse, P. M. 156 225 246
Moseley, H, G. J. 363
Moseley’s law 363 365
Mott, N. F. 156 163 175
Mshina-Klein y ray scattering formula 392
Muller, W. 412
Multiple proportions, Dalton’s law of 83
Multiplets 226 230 241 270 272 280
Needle-gap high-potential measurement 185 186
Neutron in nucleus 394
Neutron, evidence for 395
Neutron, light 390
Neutron, mass 152 398
Neutron, probable structure 149
Neutron, scattering of 396
Newcomb, S. 15
Newman, F. H. 449
Newton, I. 2
Nichols, E. F. 72
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