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Moritz R.E. — On Mathematics and Mathematicians
Moritz R.E. — On Mathematics and Mathematicians

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Название: On Mathematics and Mathematicians

Автор: Moritz R.E.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1958

Количество страниц: 418

Добавлена в каталог: 11.03.2013

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Предметный указатель
Kelvin, Lord      (see William Thomson)
Kepler, His method      982
Kepler, Planetary orbits and the regular solids      2134
Keyser, Computation not m.      616
Keyser, Definition of infinite assemblage      1960
Keyser, Definition of m.      132
Keyser, Difficulty of m.      736
Keyser, Endowment of math’ns      818
Keyser, M. and journalism      731
Keyser, M. appeals to whole mind      816
Keyser, M. not detached from life      273
Keyser, Math, output of present day      702
Keyser, Math’ns in public service      823
Keyser, Modem theory of functions      709
Keyser, On Bolzano      929
Keyser, On hyper-space      2037 2038
Keyser, On invariance      1729
Keyser, On invariants      1728
Keyser, On Lie      992
Keyser, On non-euclidean geometry      2036
Keyser, On projective geometry      1880
Keyser, On ratiocination      246
Keyser, On symbolic logic      1321
Keyser, On the elements of Euclid      1824
Keyser, On the emancipation of logic      1322
Keyser, On the infinite      1961
Keyser, On the method of m.      244
Keyser, On the notion of group      1761
Keyser, On the Principia Mathematica      1326
Keyser, On the spirit of mathesis      276
Keyser, The aim of the math’n      844
Keyser, Three characteristics of m.      226
Kipling      1633
Kirchhofi, Artistic nature of his works      1116
Klein, Aim in teaching      607 617
Klein, Analysts versus synthesists      661
Klein, Calculating machines      1641
Klein, Calculus for high schools      1918
Klein, Definition of a curve      1927
Klein, Definition of m.      123
Klein, Famous aphorisms      1636
Klein, lie’s final aim      993
Klein, Lie’s genius      994
Klein, M. a versatile science      264
Klein, Math, aptitudes of various races      838
Klein, On axioms of geometry      2006
Klein, On differential equations      1926
Klein, On hyper-space      2030
Klein, On m. and science      1620
Klein, On non-euclidean geometry      2017 2021
Klein, On the parallel axiom      2009
Klein, On theory and practice      661
Kliulasat-al-Hisab, Problems      1738
Kronecker, God made integers etc.      1634
Kronecker, On the greatness of Gauss      973
Kummer, On beauty in m.      1111
Kummer, On Dirichlet      977
LaFaille, Mathesis few know      1870
Lagrange, And the parallel axiom      984
Lagrange, His style and method      983
Lagrange, On correlation of algebra and geometry      627
Lagrange, On Newton      1011
Lagrange, On the infinitesimal method      1906
Lagrange, Union of algebra and geometry      1707
Lagrange, Wings of m.      1604
Lalande, M. in French army      314
Lampe, Charm of m.      1116
Lampe, Golden age of art and m. coincident      1134
Lampe, On division of labor in m.      632
Lampe, On Weierstrass      1049
Lampe, Qualities common to math’ns and artists      1113
Lampe, Weierstrass and Sylvester      1060
Langley, M. in Prussia      513
Language      Chapter XII (see also 311 419 443 1523 1804 1889)
Laplace, Emerson on      1003
Laplace, His style and method      983
Laplace, On instruction in m.      220
Laplace, On Leibnitz      991
Laplace, On m. and nature      1626
Laplace, On probability      1963 1969 1971
Laplace, On the exactitude of the differential calculus      1910
Laplace, On the language of analysis      1222
Laplace, On the origin of the calculus      1902
Laplace, The universe in a single formula      1920
Laplace, “Thus it plainly appears”      985 986
Laputa, Math, school of      2123
Laputa, Math’ns of      2120—2122
Lasswitz, On function theory      1934
Lasswitz, On modem algebra      1741
Lasswitz, On non-euclidean geometry      2040
Latin squares      252
Latta, On Leibnitz’s logical calculus      1317
Law and m.      1597 1598
Laws of Thought      719 1318
Leadership, M. as training for      317
Lecture, Preparation of      540
Lefevre, M. hateful to weak minds      733
Leibnitz, Ars characteristica      1316
Leibnitz, His binary arithmetic      991
Leibnitz, His differential calculus      1902
Leibnitz, His greatness      987
Leibnitz, His influence      988
Leibnitz, His logical calculus      1317
Leibnitz, His math, tendencies      990
Leibnitz, His notation of the calculus      1904
Leibnitz, M. and philosophy      1436
Leibnitz, On controversy in geometry      1869
Leibnitz, On demonstrations outside of m.      1312
Leibnitz, On difficulties in m.      241
Leibnitz, On necessary and contingent truth      1966
Leibnitz, On Newton      1010
Leibnitz, On the certainty of math, knowledge      1442
Leibnitz, The nature of his work      989
Leibnitz, Union of philosophical and m. productivity      1404
Leverrier, Discovery of Neptune      1559
Lewes, On the infinite      1963
Lie, Aim of his work      993
Lie, Endowment of math’ns      818
Lie, His genius      994
Lie, On central conceptions in modem m.      727
Lie, On differential equations      1924
Lie, On groups      1762
Lie, On the origin of the calculus      1901
Lie, The comparative anatomist      992
Liliwati, Origin of      995
Limitations of math, science      1437
Limits, method of      1905 1908 1909 1940
Lindeman, On m. and science      1623
Liouville      822
Lobatchewsky      2022
Locke, M. cures presumption      426
Locke, Math, reasoning of universal application      426
Locke, On Aristotle      914
Locke, On demonstrations in numbers      1630
Locke, On infinity      1966 1967
Locke, On m. and moral science      1439 1440
Locke, On m. and philosophy      1433
Locke, On m. as a logical exercise      423 424
Locke, On number      1608
Locke, On probability      1966
Locke, On proofs and demonstrations      236
Locke, On reading of classic authors      604
Locke, On the advantages of algebra      1706
Locke, On the certainty of math, knowledge      1440 1441
Locke, On the method of m.      214 236
Locke, On the unpopularity of m.      271
Locke, On unity      1607
Logarithmic spiral      922
Logarithmic tables      602
Logarithms      1526 1614 1616
Logic and m.      Chapter XIII (see also 423—430 442)
Logical calculus      1316 1317
Longevity of math’ns      839
Lovelace, Why are wise few etc.      1629
Lover      2140
Macaulay, Anagram on his name      996
Macaulay, Bacon’s view of m.      916 916
Macaulay, On Archimedes      906
Macaulay, On the power of m.      1627
Macaulay, Plato and Archytas      1427
Macaulay, Plato and Bacon      316
Macfarlane, On Tait and Hamilton’s quaternions      1044
Macfarlane, On Tait, Maxwell, Thomson      1042
Mach, M. seems possessed of intelligence      626
Mach, On aim of research      647
Mach, On m. and counting      1601
Mach, On the space of experience      2011
Mach, On thought-economy in m.      203
MacMahon, Latin squares      252
MacMahon, On Sylvester’s bend of mind      646
MacMahon, On Sylvester’s style      1040
MacMahon, On the idea of invariance      1746
Magnitude, Grassmann’s definition      105
Magnus, On the aim in teaching m.      606
Manhattan Island, Cost of      2130
Marcellus, Estimate of Archimedes      909
Maschke, Man above method      660
Masters, On the reading of the      614
Mathematic, Bacon’s use of term      106
Mathematic, Sylvester on use of term      101
Mathematical faculty, Frequency of      832
Mathematical mill, The      239 1891
Mathematical productions      648 649
Mathematical theory, When complete      636 637
Mathematical training      443 444
Mathematician, The      Chapter VIII
Mathematics, Advantage over philosophy      1436 1438
Mathematics, And applications      Chapter XV
Mathematics, And logic      Chapter XIII
Mathematics, And philosophy      Chapter XIV
Mathematics, And professional education      429
Mathematics, And science      Chapter XV
Mathematics, And science teaching      522
Mathematics, As a fine art      Chapter XI
Mathematics, As a language      Chapter XII
Mathematics, As an instrument      1506
Mathematics, Compared to French language      311
Mathematics, Definitions of      Chapter I
Mathematics, Estimates of      Chapter III
Mathematics, For its own sake      1540 1541 1545 1546
Mathematics, Knowledge most in      214
Mathematics, Modern      Chapter VII
Mathematics, nature of      Chapter II
Mathematics, Objects of      Chapter I
Mathematics, Research in      Chapter VI
Mathematics, Study of      Chapter VI
Mathematics, Suppl. brevity of life      218
Mathematics, Teaching of      Chapter V
Mathematics, The care of great men      322
Mathematics, The queen of the sciences      975
Mathematics, The range of      269
Mathematics, The wings of      1604
Mathematics, Value of      Chapter IV
Mathesis      274 276 1870 2015
Mathews, Laws of algebra      1709
Mathews, On Cyclotomy      1647
Mathews, On Disqu. Arith.      1638
Mathews, On infinite, zero, infinitesimal      1964
Mathews, On number theory      1639
Mathews, The symbol      1646
Math’ns hard to convince      811
Math’ns practice freedom      208 806
Math’ns require genius      819
Math’ns require genius M. and social science      1696
Math’ns require genius M. indispensable to science      1619
Math’ns require genius On Comte      942
Math’ns require genius On Descartes      942 948
Math’ns require genius On geometrical method      1861
Math’ns require genius On Leibnitz      987
Math’ns require genius On m. and philosophy      1421
Math’ns require genius On m. as training for philos ophers      1422
Math’ns require genius On Sir William Hamilton’s ignorance of m.      978
Math’ns require genius On the calculus      1903
Math’ns require genius On the nature of geometry      1838
Maxims of great math’ns      630 631 649
Maxims of math’ns      630 631 649
Maxims of math’ns, Characteristics of the mind of a      1534
Maxims of math’ns, Intellectual habits of math’ns      1428
Maxims of math’ns, Not a computer      1211
Maxims of math’ns, The place of the      1529
Maxwell      1043 1116
McCormack, On function      1933
McCormack, On the unpopularity of m.      270
Medicine, M. and the study of      1585 1918
Mellor, Conclusions involved in premises      238
Mellor, Definition of higher m.      108
Mellor, On integration      1923 1926
Mellor, On m. and science      1661
Mellor, On the calculus      1912
Memory in m.      253
Mensechmus      901
Mere math’ns      820 821
Merz, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae      1637
Merz, M. extends knowledge      1624
Merz, On extreme views in m.      827
Merz, On functions      1932
Merz, On hyper-space      2036
Merz, On Leibnitz’s work      989
Merz, On m. as a lens      1616
Merz, On the dominant ideas in m.      726
Merz, On the math, tendency of Leibnitz      990
Merz, On the transforming power of m.      303
Metaphysics, M. the only true      305
Meteorology and m.      1557
Method of m.      212—215 226 227 230 235 244 806 1576
Metric system      1725
Military training, M. in      314 418 1574
Mill, On generalization in m.      246
Mill, On induction in m.      221 222
Mill, On m. in a scientific education      444
Mill, On math, studies      409
Miller, On the Darmstaetter prize      2129
Milner, Geometry and poetry      1118
Minchin, On English text-books      639
Mineralogy and m.      1558
Minkowski, On integral numbers      1636
Miracles and m.      2157 2158 2160
Mixed m., Bacon’s definition of      106
Modem algebra      1031 1032 1638 1741
Modem geometry      1710—1713 715 716 1878
Modem m.      Chapter VII.
Moebius, M. a fine art      1107
Moebius, Math’ns constitute a favorite class      809
Moral science and m.      1438—1440
Moral value of m.      (see Ethical value)
Mottoes, Of math’ns      630 631 649
Mottoes, Of Pythagoreans      1833
Murray, Definition of m.      116
Music and m.      101 276 965 1107 1112 1116 1127 1128 1130—1133 1135 1136
Myers, On m. as a school subject      403
Myers, On pleasure in m.      464
Myers, On the ethical value of m.      467
Myers, On the value of arithmetic      1622
Mysticism and numbers      2136 2141 2143
Napier’s rule      1888
Napoleon, His interest in m.      314 1001
Napoleon, M. and the welfare of the state      313
Natural science and m.      Chapter XV (see also 244 444 445 501)
Natural selection      1921
Nature of      1639
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