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Curry H.B. — Foundations of Mathematical Logic
Curry H.B. — Foundations of Mathematical Logic

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Название: Foundations of Mathematical Logic

Автор: Curry H.B.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 417

Добавлена в каталог: 11.03.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Bound occurrence      318 321—322
Bound variables      112 115 313ff.
Bound variables, confusion of      116
Bowden, J.      160
Bracket prefix      117
Brackets, use of      viii 114 117 119 316 318 319 369
Braithwaite, R.B.      385
Branch of tree diagram      102
Brouwer algebra      162
Brouwer lattice      162
Brouwer logic      162
Brouwer, L.E.J.      9 10n. 15n. 16 26 162
Brown, R.      82
Burali-forti paradox      5
Burali-Forti, C.      5n.
Byrne, L.      139 305
Calculus, 'predicate' or 'functional'      343 see
Calculus, characteristics of      53
Calculus, defined      126
Cantor paradox      5
Cantor, Georg      5n. 22
Cap (infix)      162
Carnap's designation rule      92
Carnap, R.      17 19 22n. 49n. 62 82 89 91 122 305 368
Catalogue pseudoparadox      5
Category, grammatical      32
Certainty in mathematics      16
Chang, C.C.      163
Characteristic variable      323
Chernyavskii, V.S.      81—82 85
Chin, L.H.      173
Choice, axiom of      13 23
Chomsky, N.      170
Choudberry, A.C.      163
Church's thesis      70n. 123
Church, A.      12n. 19—22 25—27 42n. 53 86 115 116n. 121 161 183—184 247—250 253 288 294 306 308—309 315 324 331n. 354 356—358 375
Citation      viii 369
Class interpretation of logical algebras      127
Classical implicative lattice      149 157—158 289
Classical negation      260—261
Classical negation, technique of      288—305
Classical positive L-system      189—190
Classical positive propositional algebra      175 182
Classical refutability      261
Classical Skolem lattices      148—158
Classical subtractive lattice      149—163 289
Classical valuation      333
Classical valuation, admissible      334
Clause      33 170
Closed phrases      32
Closed sets      129
Closure interpretation of logical algebras      128
Closure spaces      163
Closure specifications      39 83
Closure, in quantification      347
Closure, of function      33
Closure, of tableau      235
Coefficient of development      298
Cogan, E.      121
Combinations      101
Combinators      118
Combinatory axioms      119
Combinatory logic      17 24 82 85 117—119 121 123 245 314 357
Combinatory logic, defined      119
Command, antecedent of      70
Command, applicability of      70
Command, consequent of      70
Command, of an algorithm      70
Command, order of      74
Command, starting      72
Communicative language      30
Commutative laws      135
Complement of ob      289
Complemented lattice      289
Complete absurdity      260—261
Completeness      100 255
Completeness in Boolean algebra      291 300
Completeness in definitional extension      109
Completeness theorem HK*      see "Goedel Kurt completeness
Completeness, concept of      47
Completeness, HK      300
Completeness, LE      275
Completeness, LK      275
Component of construction      102
Component operations of composition      102
composition      102
Composition of shuttle algorithms      76
Composition property      250 275—276
Composition property, modified      332
Compound propositions      185
compound statements      171 185
Computing automata      123
Concatenation      51
Concatenation, associativity of      63
Concatenative system      52
Confusion of bound variables      116
Congruence      197
Conjunction      96
Conjunction connective      172
conjunction rule      193
Conjunction, symbols for      35
Conjunctive normal form      300
Conjunctor      86
Connection      33
Connectors      33
Consequence      252
Consequence relations      47
Consequent      191
Consequent of command      70
Conservation property      225 227 276 278 332
Consistency      87 95 100 255
Consistency in mathematics      11
Consistency of a theory      46
Constant proposition      319
Constant term      319
Constituents      191 196
Constituents, eliminated      208
Construction sequence      41
Constructions      39—42 83 102
Constructive approach to logical calculus      245
Constructive epitheorem      96
Constructiveness      9 15 124
Constructiveness, extended senses      124
Constructivism      15
Contensive statement      45
Contensive theory, formalized      14
Contensivism      8 13—14 see "Platonism"
Continuous function      3
Continuum Hypothesis      23
Contracted constituents      231
Contraction      107 231
Contraction rule      186 193 231 see
Contraposition      287
Contrary-to-fact conditions      251
Convex sets      129
Copi, I.M.      5n.
Counteraxioms      255 262 305 318 320
Counterbasis in Boolean algebra      298
Counterpomt in Boolean algebra      296
Countervaluation      334
Counting, process of      12
Couturat, L.      159 308
Critical contensivism      8—9 see
Croisot, R.      see "Dubreil-Jacotin et al."
Cup (infix)      162
Curry and Feys, citations      369 375 see
Curry, H.B., citations      369 373—375
Cut rule      188 250
Cylindrical algebras      358
Data of construction      102 239
Davis, M.      84 123
De Morgan formulas      293
De Morgan, A.      163
Decidability      95 100 234—235
Decidability in Boolean algebra      291
Decidability of distributive lattice      137
Decidability of semilattices      133
Decidable theory      46
Decision problem      87 357ff.
Dedekind, R.      24 63 89 123 159 161 246
Deducibility      225 242 252 275—276
Deducibility theorems      225—244 250 331—336 345
Deducibility, formal      97ff. 173
Deducibility, L*      331
Deduction      198
Deduction Theorem      95 180—181 184 249
Deduction, regular      199
Deductive induction      100
Deductive rules      46
Deductive theories      46—47
Definability Theorem      121
Definiendum      106—107
Definiens      106—107
Defining axioms      107
Definitional extension      107
Definitional extension, standard      108
Definitional identity      109
Definitional reductions      107
Definitional reductions, rule of      107
Definitional reductions, standard      108
Definitions, revision of      121
Degree, of functor      33
Degree, of proof tree      206
Dekker, J.C.E.      123 see
Demonstrability      255
demonstration      46 199
Demonstration scheme      99
Derivational formal system      80
Derivational rules      322
Descendant relationship      105 199
Description operator      358
Descriptive functions      358
Descriptive functors      315n.
Designated values      175
Designation relation      34
Designation rule      92
Designatum      33
Destouches, J.L.      161
Determinative rules      46
Detlovs' theorem      82 84
Detlovs, V.K.      82 110
Development, alternative      298
Development, conjunctive      298
Development, term of      298
Diagram as interpretation      129ff.
Dialectica      85n.
Diamond and McKinsey      305 375
Dilworth, R.P.      139 141 161—163 see
Direct clauses      83
Direct consequence      48
Direct interpretation      59
Direct inversion      205
Direct refutability      262
Directly invertible relation      205
Disjunction      154
Disjunctive sum      154
Disposition statements      251
Distributive lattices      136—138
Distributive lattices, finite      144
Distributive law      136 159 195
Distributive law for subtractive lattice      145
Distributive law, Peirce's proof of      160
Divisibility interpretation of logical algebras      128
Dopp, J.      121
dot notation      35—37 82
Double Negation      284 286
Double quotes versus single      31
Dual automorphism      293
Duality, in Boolean algebra      293ff.
Duality, in lattice      134
Dubislav, W.      20 121
Dubreil-Jacotin et al.      159—160 162
Dubreil-Jacotin, M.L.      159—160 162
Duplication algorithm      71 75 78
Durchschnitt      161
Dyson and Kreisel      250
e      316—317 320
E form of algebra      175
E system      283
EA form of propositional algebra      175
EA validity defined      181
EC form of propositional algebra      175
EC system      182
efq (ex falso quodlibet)      264 285 306—307
EJ      283
EK algebra      289
Element, idea of      296
Element, of phrase      33
Elementary deductions      202
Elementary deductive theory      47n.
Elementary prime statement      202
Elementary propositions      185 316
Elementary propositions, morphology and      190—191
Elementary statements      45 50 322
Elementary statements of metamathematics      88
Elementary systems      68
Elementary theorems      45 316
Elements, class of      67
Elements, in interpretations      174
Eliminated constituents      208
Eliminated proposition      208
Elimination of $_{*}W_{*}$      275
Elimination problem in Boolean algebra      302
Elimination Theorem      22 188 208—213 250 265—267 329 363 368
em      283
Empiricism      16
Encyclopedia Americana      20
Encyclopedia Britannica      20
Endomorphism      101 174
Entailment      251
Entailment implications      251
Entity      86
Epi- (prefix)      122
Epimenides      5 26
Epistatements      93 311 313
Epistemological paradox      7
Epitheorems      93 180
Epitheorems, constructive      96
Epitheorems, nonconstructive      95
Epitheoretic generalization      98
Epitheoretics      122
Epitheory      93—124 311
Epitheory, nature of      93—101
Epsilon operator      358
Epsilon theorem      342
Equality, predicate calculus with      348
Equation in Boolean algebra      301
Equational formulation, lattice      134
Equational formulation, semilattice      133
Equational system      64
Equiform inscriptions      30 170
Equisignificance in logical algebra      170
Equivalence operation      35
Equivalence, as operation in propositional algebra      161
Equivalence, between formulation types for L systems of negation      267—271
Equivalence, between formulations of negations      267
Equivalence, between singular and multiple formulation      271—275
Equivalence, pure      158
Equivalent in definitional extension      109
Error      88
1 2 3 4 5 6
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