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Ford L. — Automorphic Functions |
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Linear transformation, carries circle into circle 9
Linear transformation, carries inverse points into inverse points 11
Linear transformation, carrying three points into three points 7
Linear transformation, carrying unit circle into self 31
Linear transformation, corresponding to rotation of the sphere 122
Linear transformation, elliptic 19 23 28
Linear transformation, equivalent to even number of inversions 14
Linear transformation, fixed circles of 19—22 28—32
Linear transformation, fixed points of 6—8
Linear transformation, geometric interpretations of 13 14 26 27
Linear transformation, hyperbolic 18 23 28
Linear transformation, inverse of 2 5
Linear transformation, isometric circle of 23—30
Linear transformation, loxodromic 20 23 28
Linear transformation, multiplier of 15—18
Linear transformation, parabolic 21—23 28
Linear transformation, sufficient conditions for 2 3 32 273—277 282
Linearly independent solutions 284
Loop-cut 222 225 256 266
Loxodromic cyclic groups 52—54 147
Loxodromic transformations 20 21 23 28
Mapping see Conformal mapping
Maurer, L. 322
Method of combination 56—59 279
Modular functions see Elliptic modular functions
Modular group 35 79—81 151—157
Modular group, subgroups of 81 82 159
Montel, P. 268
Morris, R. 317
Multiplier of linear transformation 15—18 24 37 140 141
Myrberg, P. J. 320
Nevanlinna, F. 323
Normal families of functions 268
Octahedral group 127 129
One limit point, groups with 139—146
Order of fixed point 130
Ordinary cycles 59—62 72 73 89 130
Ordinary point of differential equation 293
Ordinary point of group 42
Oscillation of function on curve 275
Osgood, W. F. 154 186 191 241 266 319
Painlev , P. 313
Parabolic cycles 62—64 72
Parabolic cyclic groups 55
Parabolic point 63 64
Parabolic point, behavior at 153—155
Parabolic point, behavior at 160—162
Parabolic point, behavior at Schwarzian derivative 99
Parabolic point, behavior at simple automorphic function 87
Parabolic point, behavior at theta function 110—114
Parabolic transformations 21—23 28 130 139 288 298
Parallel slits 266
Parametric equations 220 254
Perfect set 43 68
Period of linear transformation 20
Period of linear transformation, parallelogram 38 139—146 148—151 240
Period of linear transformation, strip 37 38 139—144
Periodic functions see Simply periodic functions Elliptic
Periodic groups 34 35 37 38 139—146 148—151 238 306
Periodic groups, allied 140—146 306
Picard, E. 35 311 313 314
Picard, group of 35 36
Pick, G. 314 317
Planar character, regions of 256
Plemelj. J. 320
Poincar theta series see Theta series
Poincar , H. 103 115 286 31 15 316 320
Point at infinity see Infinity
Poisson’s integral 177—179
Poles of 155
Poles of 162
Poles of simple automorphic function 91—94
Poles of theta functions 110 112—115
Polyhedral functions 136 247 303 306 308 309
Price, H. F. 321
Prime end 195
Primitive periods 150 151
Principal circle 67
Products connected with group 115 116 258—261
Projection, stereographic 119 120 307
Properly discontinuous groups 35
Prym, F. 319
Quotient of solutions of differential equation 284 287—293
Quotient of solutions of differential equation, at regular singular point 296—298
Radial slits 266
Rational functions 3 96 97 100 102 131 144—146 229—233 240 247 299 305
Rausenberger, O. 311
Reality of 156 157
Reality of 162
Reality of triangle function 306
Reflection in line 11 13 26 28 194 306
Reflection in plane 119 136—138 308
Regions bounded by complete circles 279—283
Regions bounded by complete circles, and see Fundamental region
Regions bounded by complete circles, congruent to 44—46
Regions bounded by complete circles, connectivity of 221—229
Regions bounded by complete circles, of planar character 256
Regions bounded by complete circles, simply connected see Simply connected regions
Regions bounded by Jordan curves 198—202
Regular singular points of differential equations 293—298
Regular solids, groups of 123 124 127—129 133 138 308
Relations, algebraic see Algebraic relations
Removable singularities 274—276
Rey — Pastor, J. 320
Richmond, H. W. 318
Riemann surface 96 97 165 221 225—229 249 266 287
| Riemann — Schwarz triangle functions see Triangle functions
Riemann, B. 186 305
Ritter, E. 313 315
Rost, G. 319
Rotation 13 28 31
Rotations, and translations, groups of 140— 146
Rotations, groups of 34 37 38
Rotations, of sphere 120—123
Rothe, H. 318
Sansonc, G. 322
Schlesinger, L. 323
Schoenflies, A. 31 42
Schottky groups 59
Schottky type, groups of 59 277
Schottky, F. 59 312 318
Schwarz, H. A. 98 165 304 305 311 313
Schwarzian derivative 98 291 302
Schwarz’s lemma 165 182 206
Series connected with group 115 116
Series, theta see Theta series
Severing a surface 228 229
Side, pole or zero on 91
Sides of R 47 48 51 65 71 72 238 239
Sigma cross-cut 222
Simple automorphic functions see Automorphic functions
Simply connected regions 70 179 222
Simply connected regions, finite-sheeted 213—216 (see also Algebraic functions of genus zero)
Simply periodic functions 34 144 247
Simply periodic groups 34 37 38 139—146
Sine 34 83 88 220 233
Singular point of differential equation 293
Slit regions 262—265
Smirnoff, V.
Solids, regular see Regular solids
Sphere, inversion in 117—119
Sphere, rotations of 120—123
Spiesz, O. 323
Square element 213 250
St ckel, P. 314
Stahl, H. 312 317
Stereographic projection 119 120 307
Stouff, X. 312 313 314
Stretchings 13 24
Stretchings, group of 38
Subgroups, 76
Subgroups, of modular group 81 82 159
Subregion 166
Symbolic notation 4—6
Taylor, E. H. 191
Tetrahedral group 129
Theta functions, properties of 108— 115
Theta series 102—116
Theta series, behavior at parabolic point 111
Theta series, convergence 104—108
Theta series, convergence, for Fuchsian group of second kind 106—108
Theta-fuchsian series and functions 104
Theta-kleinian series and functions 104
Tinirnov, T. 321
Transcendental functions 249—255
Transformations, linear see Linear transformations
Transformations, linear, of differential equations 290 300 301
Transforming a group 36 107
Transforms of 44—46
Transforms of 70
Translations 13 139
Triangle functions 138 305—308
Two limit points, groups with 146 147
Uhler, A. 322 323
Uniformization 220—283
Uniformization by automorphic functions 233—249 266—279
Uniformization by automorphic functions belonging to Schottky groups 277 279
Uniformization by elementary and Fuchsian functions 229—255
Uniformization by elliptic functions 240 247
Uniformization by Fuchsian functions of first kind 240 244 247—249
Uniformization by rational functions 229—233 240 247
Uniformization by simply periodic functions 247
Uniformization of algebraic functions of genus greater than zero 233—244 247—249 266—279
Uniformization of algebraic functions of genus one 237—244 278
Uniformization of algebraic functions of genus zero 229—233 245—247
Uniformization of transcendental functions 249—255
Uniformization, the concept 220
Unit circle 30—32
Van Vleck, E. B. 321
Vertex, behavior at 155 156
Vertex, behavior at automorphic function 88 89
Vertex, behavior at polyhedral function 131
Vertex, behavior at theta function 109 110
Vertex, pole or zero at 91
Vertices of 48 59—62 72 73
Vertices of cycle, angles at 62 89 93 112 130
Viterbi, A. 315
Vivanti, G. 148
von Mangoldt, H. 312
Watson, G. N. 284 294
Wcllstein, J. 316
Weber, H. 312
Weierstrassian function see
Whittaker, E. T. 116 247 284 294 315 316
Whittaker’s groups 247—249
Whittaker’s product 116
Wirtinger, W. 316
Young, J. W. 316
Zero, genus see Algebraic functions
Zeros of 156
Zeros of 162
Zeros of simple automorphic functions 91—94
Zeros of theta functions 110 112—115
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