Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Coxeter H. — Regular polytopes |
Предметный указатель |
Surface, algebraic 211 212
Swartz, C. K. 56
Swinden, J. H. van 30
Sylvester, J. J. 14
Symmetric group 43 49 133 199 222 226
Symmetry group 44 130—133 172 187 200 210 225—227 253-256
Symmetry operation 44 253
Symmetry vector 251
Symplectic group 212
Tait, P. G. 14 35—38
Tangential coordinates 180 186
Taylor, Sir G. I. 259
Ten tetrahedra 45 98—100 270
Tessaract = {4, 3, 3} 123 237 292
Tessellation 58—68 296
Tetragonal disphenoid 15 71 84 116
Tetrahedral group 47
Tetrahedral kaleidoscope 84 92
Tetrahedrite 56
Tetrahedron = {3, 3} 4 52 120 167—171 299—301 Quadrirectangular Spherical Trirectangular)
Theaetetus of Athens 13
Thompson, Sir D’Arcy W. 13 29 31
Thomson, Sir William. see Kelvin
Threlfall, William 11 116
Timaeus of Locri 13
Time 119 260
Todd, J. A. 92 139 199 211 233
topology 6—11 81 154 165—172
Torus 10 11
Transformation 39 (see also Congruent Linear Orthogonal)
Transitive group 42
Translation 34—38 205 217—218 221
Transposition 40 222 226
TREE 6 9 195 212 234
Triacontagon 30 349
Triacontahedron 25—26 49
Triangle = {3} 2 120 Spherical)
Trigonal group 204 208 212 234
Trigonometry 21 113 139 274
Trihedral kaleidoscope 81—83 88
Trilinear coordinates 183
| Trirectangular tetrahedron 71 84
Truncated octahedron 30
Truncation 17 70 145—154 200
Tschebyscheff see Chebyshev
Tutte, W. T. 8
Tutton, A. E, H. 13 29 186
Unimodular linear group 212
Urech, Auguste 286 287
van der Waerden, B. L. 207
Van Gogh, Vincent 143
Van Oss, S. L. 115
van Swinden, J. H. 30
Vector 2 169 178—186 189 213—216 244 251—257 261
Vector product 180
Vertex figure 16 68 128 162—163 172 197 238 274
Vertex-regular compound 47 268
Virtual mirror 75
Volume 4 22 102 125 142 287 293
von Staudt, Gr. K. 0 1 9
Voynich, Ethel L. xi 258
Waerden, B. L. van der 207
Walls of a fundamental region 80 188
Wells, H. G. 119 141
Weyl, Hermann xi 186 187 204—207 211—212
Whitehead, A. N. 164
Wigner, E. P. 63
Witt, Ernst 92 185 209 210
Woepcke, F. 73
Wtjthoff see Wythoff
Wythoff, W. A. x 71 87 92 110 196—204 210 250 260 307
Yeblen, Oswald 12 165
Young, J. W. 12
Zassenhaus, Hans 56
Zone 26—29 186 257 275
Zonohedron 28 106 236 255—258 262 Polar)
[ ] 77 84
[ ], [ ] 82 290
[ ] 137 199 219
{ 2 94 199
{ }, { } 5 11
{ }, { } 69 129 136
Реклама |