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Woods F.S., Bailey F.H. — A Course in Mathematics. Volume II |
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Mechanics and physics problems, center of gravity II 90 245
Mechanics and physics problems, center of pressure II 98
Mechanics and physics problems, coefficient of expansion I 204
Mechanics and physics problems, components of force I 34 35
Mechanics and physics problems, components of velocity I 200
Mechanics and physics problems, damped vibrations II 346
Mechanics and physics problems, deflection of girder I 110
Mechanics and physics problems, elasticity I 204
Mechanics and physics problems, flow of liquid II 259 266
Mechanics and physics problems, force I 202
Mechanics and physics problems, gas (see Gas)
Mechanics and physics problems, harmonic motion I 275
Mechanics and physics problems, heat (see Heat)
Mechanics and physics problems, height of atmosphere I 287
Mechanics and physics problems, indicator diagram II 43
Mechanics and physics problems, kinetic energy I 203
Mechanics and physics problems, lever I 192
Mechanics and physics problems, mean velocity II 54
Mechanics and physics problems, moment of inertia II 236 251
Mechanics and physics problems, momentum I 203
Mechanics and physics problems, motion of particle (see Motion)
Mechanics and physics problems, pendulum II 153
Mechanics and physics problems, potential II 203
Mechanics and physics problems, potential due to ring II 370
Mechanics and physics problems, pressure II 88
Mechanics and physics problems, pressure-temperature-volume surface II 168
Mechanics and physics problems, projectile I 314
Mechanics and physics problems, refraction of light I 192
Mechanics and physics problems, saturated steam I 42
Mechanics and physics problems, temperature in long plate II 367
Mechanics and physics problems, uniform motion I 199
Mechanics and physics problems, velocity I 198
Mechanics and physics problems, work (see Work)
Minima (see Maxima)
Minors of determinant I 4
Modulus of complex number II 305
Moment of inertia, any plane area II 236
Moment of inertia, defined II 236
Moment of inertia, rectangle II 224
Moment of inertia, solid II 251
Moment of inertia, sphere II 251
Moment, bending II 149
Momentum I 203
Motion of particle in circle I 314
Motion of particle in ellipse I 314
Motion of particle with given velocity and acceleration I 207
Motion of particle, falling in resisting medium I 292
Motion of particle, harmonic I 275
Motion of particle, path of I 313
Motion of particle, projected upwards I 203
Motion of particle, uniform I 199
Motion of particle, vibrating in resisting medium II 346
Newton’s solution of equations I 114
Normal equation of plane II 185
Normal equation of plane, equation of straight line I 64
Normal equation of plane, to plane II 184
Normal equation of plane, to plane curve I 191
Normal equation of plane, to straight line I 59
Normal equation of plane, to surface II 204 211
Numbers, classification I 28
Numbers, complex I 31
Numbers, irrational I 28
Numbers, rational I 28
Numbers, real I 29
Operator, differential II 340
Operator, formulas for II 342
Order of differential equation II 143
Order of infinitesimal II 1
Ordinate I 36
Orthogonal trajectories II 327
Ovals of Cassini I 338
Parabola, area of segment 1 216 II 95
Parabola, center of gravity of segment II 95
Parabola, cubical I 74
Parabola, definition and simplest equation I 146
Parabola, expressed by general equation of second degree I 231 235
Parabola, length II 77
Parabola, patli of projectile I 314
Parabola, referred to diameter and tangent I 255
Parabola, referred to tangents at end of latus rectum I 132
Parabola, semicubical I 131
Parabola, special case of conic I 148
Paraboloid, elliptic II 162
Paraboloid, hyperbolic II 166
Paraboloid, tangent plane II 205
Parametric equations I 302
Parametric equations, differentiation I 315
Partial fractions II 104
Partial fractions, derivative II 198
Partial fractions, differential II 202
| Partial fractions, differential equations II 363
Particular integral II 349
Parts, integration by II 30 51
Pedal curves I 319
Pendulum II 153
Periodic function II 290
Physics (see Mechanics)
Plane determined by normal and point II 184
Plane determined by three points II 190
Plane, direction of normal II 184
Plane, distance of point from II 191
Plane, equation II 161
Plane, normal equation II 185
Plane, parallel planes, U 183
Plane, perpendicular planes II 183
Plane, tangent II 204 211
Plane, through given straight line II 192
Polars I 247
Polars, reciprocal I 251
Pole of straight line I 247
Pole of system of coordinates I 329
Polynomial, defined I 43
Polynomial, derivative of I 97
Polynomial, factors I 81 83
Polynomial, first degree I 50
Polynomial, nth degree I 74
Polynomial, second degree I 70
Polynomial, square root of I 121
Potential due to ring II 370
Pressure II 88
Pressure, center of II 98
Pressure, on circle II 89 98
Prismoid II 75
Prismoidal formula II 74 173
Products, graphs of I 83
Projectile, path of I 314
Projection in plane I 34
Projection in space II 176
Radius of curvature in parametric form I 360
Radius of curvature in polar coordinates I 361
Radius of curvature in rectangular coordinates I 354
Rate of change I 203
Ratio test for convergence II 281
Rationalization of integrals II 119
Reduction formulas, algebraic II 130
Reduction formulas, trigonometric II 134
Region of convergence II 285
Resultant I 23
Revolution, area of surface II 79
Revolution, center of gravity of surface or solid II 96
Revolution, equation of surface II 168
Revolution, volume of solid II 69
Ring-surface, area II 80
Ring-surface, volume II 71
Roots of unity II 307
Roots, complex I 82
Roots, fractional I 90
Roots, irrational I 92 114
Roots, location I 86
Roots, multiple I 116
Roots, number of I 80
Roots, rational I 89
Roots, relation to factors I 78
Roots, sum and product I 82
Rose of three leaves I 331
Rose of three leaves, area II 69
Ruled surfaces II 172
Segments of line, addition of I 32
Series, convergent II 279
Series, divergent II 279
Series, Fourier’s, n 290
Series, geometric II 279
Series, harmonic II 280
Series, Maclaurin’s II 55 287
Series, operations with II 59 286
Series, power II 284
Series, solution of differential equations by II 318 356
Sine, graphical construction I 267
Singular points of curve II 324
Singular points of curve, solution of differential equation II 325
Slope of plane curve I 99
Slope of straight line I 54
Solid (see Center of gravity Moment and
Space coordinates (see Coordinates)
Sphere, area II 242
Sphere, center of gravity of segment II 97
Sphere, equation II 178
Sphere, moment of inertia II 251
Spiral of Archimedes I 332
Taylor’s II 55 287
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