Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Varga R.S. — Matrix iterative analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-matrix 85
-cyclic matrix 99
- routine 287
Accelerated Liebmann method 59
Acceleration parameters 212
Alternating-direction (ADI) methods 209
Asymptotic rate of convergence 67
Average rate of convergence 62 133 134
Backward difference method 263
Biharmonic problems 208
Block directed graph 100
Block iterative methods, Gauss — Seidel 81
Block iterative methods, Jacobi 105
Block iterative methods, Successive overrelaxation 80 194
Block tridiagonal matrix 99 102
boundary conditions 182 250
Chebyshev, polynomials 132
Chebyshev, Principle 223
Chebyshev, Semi-iterative method 138
Circulant matrix 45
Column vector 7
Commutative matrices 220
Companion matrix 48
Completely reducible matrix 43 155
Compressible flows 251
Condition number 66 95
Conjugate transposed matrix 11
Consistent approximation 267
Consistent matrix norm 10
Consistently ordered matrix 101 102
Convergence of discrete approximations 165
Convergent matrix 13
Convex, bodies 24
Convex, closure 234
Convex, polygon 234
Crank — Nicolson method 263
Critical 259
Cyclic, Chebyshev semi-iterative method 150
Cyclic, graph 51 100
Cyclic, iterative method 2 24
Cyclic, matrix 35
Cyclic, reduction 155
Deferred approach to the limit 207
Derivation of finite difference approximation, Integration 166 174
Derivation of finite difference approximation, Taylor’s series 162
Derivation of finite difference approximation, Variational formulation 167
Diagonally dominant 23
Differential corrections method 207 298
Diffusion, approximation 251
Diffusion, coefficient 251
Diffusion, equation 251
Diffusivity 251
Direct inversion, block tridiagonal matrices 196
Direct inversion, tridiagonal matrices 195
Directed graphs 19 48
Directed graphs of type 2 121
Dirichlet problem 2 202
Discrete approximation 165
Disk 9
Divergent matrix 13
Dominance ratio 287
Douglas — Rachford method 240
Douglas’ method 244
Dual mesh 207
Einzelschrittverfahren 58
Error vector 7 132
Essentially non-negative matrix 260
Essentially positive matrix 257
Estimation of parameters 283
Euclidean vector norm 8
Explicit method 263
Exponential matrix 87 254
Extrapolated Gauss — Seidel method 59
Extremal vectors 28
Factorization techniques 194
Finite multiplicative group 35
Five-point formula 186
Forward difference method 262
Forward-backward method 277
Free steering method 24
Frobenius matrix 48
Galerkin’s method 206
Gauss — Seidel method 58
Gaussian elimination 195
Generalized stochastic matrix 54
Gerschgorin Circle Theorem 16
Gesamtschrittverfahren 57
Graph theory 19
Green’s Theorem 184
Heat equation 251
Helmholtz equation 205
Hermitian matrix 11
Hexagonal mesh 193
Hilbert matrix 34
Imprimitive matrix 54
Improved three-point approximation 180
Inconsistently ordered 126 130
Indecomposable matrix 19
Index of primitivity 42
Induced iterative methods 270
Infinitesimal generator 279
Initial condition 250
Input-output matrices 280
Interfaces 174 302
Inverse power method 290
Irreducible matrix 19
Irreducibly diagonally dominant 23
Isoperimetric inequalities 291 294
Iteratively faster 62
Jacobi iterative method 57 98
Jacobi matrix 68
Jacobi normal form 13
Laplace’s equation 3 193
Length of a path 20
Leontieff matrix 280
Liebmann method 58
Linear acceleration 159
| Loop 19
Major paths 121
Markov chains 25
Matrix, Differential equation 253
Matrix, norms 9 15
Maximum principle 206 280
Mesh, points 162 174
Mesh, region 183
Mesh, spacings 174
Method of lines 199 279
Method of simultaneous displacements 57
Method of successive displacements 58
Min-max, for spectral radius 32
Min-max, problem for ADI methods 223
Minor paths 121
Model problem 202
Mono tonicity principle 217
Monotone matrix 87
Natural ordering 187
nodes 19
Non-cyclic iterative method 2 24
Non-negative definite matrix 11
Non-negative matrix 26
Non-negative vector 26
Normal form, cyclic matrix 39
Normal form, reducible matrix 46
Normal matrix 15
Norms, consistent matrix norm 10
Norms, euclidean vector 8
Norms, properties of 8
Norms, subordinate matrix norm 10
Norms, unitarily invariant 15 25
Ordering vector 103
Ordinary matrix differential equation 253
Orientation of mesh lines 201
Orthogonal sot of vectors 11
Oscillation matrices 206
Ostrowski’s theorem 3 6 77
Ovals of Cassini 22
Overrelaxation 58
Pad , Rational approximations 266
Pad , Table 266
Path 19
Peaceman — Rachford Matrix 212
Peaceman — Rachford method 212 273
Perron — Froebenius theorem 30
Point, Gauss — Seidel method 58
Point, Jacobi method 57 271
Point, single-step method 58
Point, successive overrelaxation method 59 272
Point, total step method 57
Poisson’s equation 292
Positive matrix 26
Positive vector 26
Power method 287
Primitive graph 51
Primitive matrix 35
Principal square submatrix 30
Property 97 99
Property A 97 99
Rate of convergence 67
Rayleigh quotient 290
Reducible matrix 18 45
Regular splitting 88
Relaxation factor 58 97
Relaxation method 2
Removal cross section 251
Richardson’s method 141 159
Ritz method 169 189
Rotational symmetry 192
Rounding errors 24 196
Second order Richardson method 159
Semi-discrete approximations 250
Semi-explicit 252
Semi-group theory 279
Semi-iterative method 133 159
Sparse matrix 1
Spectral norm 9
Spectral radius 9
Splitting 88
Stability 265 281
Stable matrix 265
Stein — Rosenberg theorem 70
Stieltjes matrix 85
Stochastic matrix 54
Strictly diagonally dominant 23
Strictly upper triangular matrix 46
Strongly connected directed graph 20
Subcritical 259
Subordinate matrix norm 10
Successive 2-line overrelaxation (S2LOR) 208
Successive line overrelaxation (SLOR) 199
Successive overrelaxation matrix 59 68
Successive overrelaxation method 59 105
Supercritical 259
Symmetric successive overrelaxation 275
Symmetrically non-negative matrix 43
Systematic overrelaxation 59
Three-point approximations 178
Total step method 57
Transposed matrix 11
Transposed vector 7
Tridiagonal matrix 99
Two-point boundary value problem 161 173
Unconditionally stable 265
Underrelaxation 58 92
Unisolvent functions 223
Unitarily invariant norms 25
Unitary matrix 15
Unreduced matrix 19
Unstable 281
Variational formulation 167 188
Vector convergence 8
Vector norms 8 15
Wachspress — Habetler ADI method 242
Weakly cyclic matrix 39 99 149
Young’s formula 110
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