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Denn M. — Optimization by variational methods |
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Minimum principle for continuous systems 107 138 186 194 304 328 337
Minimum principle for distributed-parameter systems 363 372 378
Minimum principle for staged systems 232 237 400
Minimum principle, strong 194 197 223 237 238 312 329 350 401 404
Minimum principle, weak 107 138 186 232 328 337 400
Minimum-time control see Time-optimal control
Minorsky, N. 2
Mishchenko, E. 131 169 223
Mitten, L. G. 358
Mitter, S. K. 325
Mixing 215 327 334 357
Modal analysis 387 388
Model 2 10 27 29 110 131 203 333 371 382
Moser, J. 39
Moyer, H. G. 225 321 322 324
Muckier, F. A. 268
Multipliers see Adjoint; Green’s function; Lagrange multiplier
Multistage system see Staged system
Necessary conditions 5 10 20 76 85 106 138 186 194 207 232 240 241 311 363 378 398
Negative feedback see Stability
Nemhauser, G. L. 358 407
Neustadt, L. W. 224 322 389
Newman, A. K. 268
Newton — Raphson iteration 3 45 57 68 273 283 288 312 314 321 350
Nieman, R. A. 324
Nonlinear programming 21 39 68
Nonlinear system, optimal control of 118 131 150 163 170 254
Noton, A. R. M. 132 267 322 325
Nuclear reactor 134
Numerical analysis 70 298 367 373 376
O'Conner, G. E. 132 267
Obermayer, R. W. 268
Objective function 10 29 101 120 125 159 169 181 187 203 247 250 258 268 331 349 384
Og zt reli, M. N. 389
Oldenburger, R. 169
One-dimensional process 29 30 241
Operations research 171
Optimal yield 28 46 84 125 128 130 275 278 351 374
Orthogonal function 41
Paiewonsky, B. 171 225 322
Paine, G. 323
Paradis, W. O. 256 267
Parametric pumping 381
Pars, L. A. 96
Partain, C. L. 225
Particular variation see Special variation
Paynter, J. D. 357
Penalty function 34 124 224 248 277 306
Periodic process 348 381 optimality
Perlmutter, D. D. 131 256 266 267
Perturbation 2 3
Perturbation, equations see Variational equation (see also Variation)
Peterson, E. L. 39
Picard iteration 194 238
Pigford, R. L. 40
Pinkham, G. 322
Pipeline reactor see Tubular reactor
Pollock, A. W. 202 224
Pontryagin, L. S. 131 169 170 223 389
Pontryagin’s maximum principle see Minimum principle
Powell, M. J. D. 69
Pressure profile 130 171 278 290 299 319
Principle'of optimality 393
Production scheduling 134
Proportional control 12 13 17 23 80 117 125
Pulmonary ventilation, control of 134
Puri, N. N. 267
Quadratic objective 17 21 79 115 117 121 124 159 163 248 263 364 378 405
Quasi linearization 3 289
Rabinowitz, P. 70
Ray, W. H. 97 224
Reaction see Chemical reaction
Reactor see Batch reactor; Continuous-flow stirred-tank reactor; Nuclear reactor; Tubular reactor
Recycle 326 327 329 337
Reed, C. E. 40
Reformer 202
Regularity 20 188
Regulator problem see Quadratic objective
Rekazius, Z. V. 170 268
Relay control see Bang-bang control
Reset mode 125 (see also Three-mode control)
Riccati equation 17 24 80 117 122 249 264 318 321 380 406
Rice, A. W. 358 388 389
Rice, R. K. 324
Rippin, D. W. T. 224 358
Ritz — Galerkin method 88
Roberts, S. M. 268 269 407
Robinson, J. D. 388
Rogers, A. E. 2
Rolke, R. W. 388
Rosenbrock, H. H. 69 322
Rozenoer, L. I. 131 244
Rubin, H. 39
Rudd, D. F. 2 243 357 358 407
| Saaty, T. L. 69
Sakawa, Y. 70 97 387
Sarrus, F. 69
Scharmack, D. K. 322
Schechter, R. S. 96 357
Schley, C. H. 323
Scriven, L. E. 97
Sebesta, H. R. 389
Second variation 315 321
Second-order variational equations 194 238 314 316
Self-adjoint 86 226
Sensitivity variable 33 34 400
Servomechanism problem 248
Shafran, J. S. 225
Sherwood, T. K. 40
Shih, Y. P. 388
Siebenthal, C. D. 165 170 171 225
Signum function 140
Simplex method of linear programming 66
Simplex method of steep descent 61
Simulation 2 350
Singular solution 160 164 207 213 260 324 365 369 370 373
Smith, B. D. 243
Special variation 8 19 75 105 137 195 208 362
Spendley, W. 70
Speyer, J. L. 322
Stability 12—14 163 252 259 265 295 298
Staged system 24 228 393
Stancir, R. T. 324
Steady state, control of 10 112 144 152
Steady state, optimality of 199 350
Steep descent 52 57 66 69 278 295 308 311 321 337 341 350 365 367 370 373 384
Step size 53 57 301
Stevens, W. F. 69 269
Stewart, G. W. III 69
Stewart, R. A. 69
Stopping condition see Final time unspecified
Storey, C. 69 322
Strong minimum principle see Minimum principle
Structure 326 333 339 355
Sufficient conditions 10 220 241 398 406
Sutherland, J. W. 322
Swanson, C. H. 225
Sweed, N. H. 388
Switching surface 142 147 151 154 157 162 168 191 255 258
Sylvester, R, J. 323
Szepe, S. 224
Tapley, B. D. 322
Taylor series 7 11 19 45 102 112 181 193 208 273 286 289
Temperature profile 27 46 55 84 128 171 197 234 274 301 304 312 337 394
Terminal Condition see Transversality condition
Thau, F. E. 262 268
Three-mode control 247 251
Time-and-fuel-optimal control 155
Time-optimal control 77 82 139 144 150 153 168 189 322
Tompkins, C. B. 69
Torng, H. C. 70
Tou, J. T. 269 407
Tracz, G. S. 171
Traffic control 172
Transversality condition 23 104 183 189 224 261 332 336
Troltenier, U. 323 324
Truxal, J. G. 131 266
Tsai, M. J. 357
Tsuchiya, H. M. 225
Tubular reactor 84 128 130 165 274 344 371
Tuel, W. G., Jr 269
Two-point boundary-value problem 23 26 76 236 272 289 298 321 397
Underdamped system, control of 155
Unimodal function 49 62
Uniqueness 143 170
Valentine, F. A. 223 225
Variation 7 102 136 180 192 194 296
Variational equation 52 103 181 194 231 239 273 295 327 334 360
Variational method 2 4 387 404
Wagle, A. K. 388
Wang, C. S. 30 39 244 357
Wang, P. K. C. 388 389
Wanniger, L. A. 269
Waren, A. D. 324
Warga, J. 224
Watson, C. C. 2 358 407
Weak minimum principle see Minimum principle
Webber, R. F. 170
Weierstrass condition 207 223
Weighting function 53 57 69 297 301 312 385
Whalen, B. H. 70
Wiberg, D. M. 388
Wilde, D. J. 38 39 69 358
Wilhelm, R. H. 358 381 388
Wonham, W. M. 161 170
Yield see Optimal yield
Zadeh, L. A. 70 223 243
Zangwill, W. I. 69
Zener, C. 39
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