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abacus 45
Abel 57 98
Abscissa 82
Acceleration of gravity 7
Additive principle 10
Admissible values 97
Agriculture 166
Ahmes 38 40
Alexandrian school 42
Algebra 47
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 49
Angle of depression 63
Angle of elevation 69
Apollonius 42
Approximate solution 59
Arabic notation 13
Aristarchus 42
Aristotle 15
Arithmetic 12
Arithmetic, operations of 29
Aryabhatta 14
Associative law 30
Axioms 10 31
Axis of symmetry 124
Axis, coordinate 82
Babylonians 18 36
Base of a number system 15
Bhaskara 28
binomial 174
Brahe, Tycho 153 161
Cajori 18 27
Calculus, differential 104
Calculus, integral 134
Calculus, invention of 51
Calendar, equal quarters 161
Calendar, Gregorian 100
Calendar, Julian 160
Cantor 18 39
Cardan 28 29 50
Cartesian coordinate system 84
Cell, electronic 165
Cell, photoelectric 105
Chamberlain 163
Circle, equation of 94
Class, closed 21
Class, defined 21
Classification of numbers 29
Commutative law 30
Complex number 26
Computing machines 44
Coordinates, Cartesian 81
Coordinates, of mid-point 99
Coordinates, polar 102
Cosine, defined 60
Cosine, Law of Cosines 73 178
Cuneiform 36 37
de Sitter 155
decimal 16
Deductive reasoning 9 10
Derivative 108 112
Descartes 80 101
Dickson 61
Differentiation 108
Diophantus 28
Discriminant 55
Distance formula 93
Distributive law 30
Duodecimal 18
duplication of a cube 61
Einstein 9 155
Equation of circle 94
Equation, -ic 57
Equation, conditional 52
Equation, cubic 55
Equation, identical 52
Equation, indeterminate 52
Equation, linear 54
Equation, polynomial 126
Equation, quadratic 48
Equation, quartic 56
Equation, real 54
Eratosthenes 42
Euclid 1 28 42 60 80 104 149 151
Euclidean geometry 105
Evolution 24
Exponents 179
Exponents, laws of 180
Falling body, motion of 7
Flux 105
Fractions 21
Functions, limit of 112
Functions, linear 119
Functions, polynomial 126
Functions, quadratic 123
Functions, trigonometric 63
Fundamental theorem of algebra 49
Fundamental theorem of the integral calculus 139
Galileo 5 161
Geometry 60
Geometry, non — Euclidean 150
Graph 87
Graph of linear functions 119
Graph of polynomial functions 126
Graph of quadratic functions 123
Gravitation, law of 3
Hieroglyphics 38
hilbert 148
Hindu notation 13
Hindu number system 43
Hipparchus 43 76
Hypothesis, nebular 163
Hypothesis, planitesimal 163
Imaginary number 26 29
Incommensurable lines 27
Increment 106
Independent variable 96
Indeterminate equation 52
Indeterminate form 112
Inductive reasoning 9 10
Instantaneous rate of change 106
Instantaneous velocity 106
| Inverse Squares, Law of 4 7
Involution 24
Irrational number 24 27 34
latitude and longitude 81
Law of Cosines 73 178
Law of gravitation 3 10
Law of inverse squares 4 7
Law of Sines 73 177
Leibniz 51 104 105
Limit of function 112
Limit of sequence 35
Limit of variable 110
Loria 37
Mahavir 43
Maps 162
Mathematical proof 23
Maxima and minima, practical applications 130
Maximum points on a curve 99 119
Maximum values of a function 99
Mayas 18 40
Mercury, perihelion of 154
Michelson 79
Minimum points on a curve 99 119
Minimum values of a function 99
Moulton 163 104
Napoleon 69
Negative real number 25 28
Newton 4 9 51 104 105 154 161
Number system, Babylonian 18 30
Number system, binary 20
Number system, complex 29
Number system, decimal 16
Number system, defined 12
Number system, duodecimal 18
Number system, Egyptians 38
Number system, Greek 40
Number system, Hindu 43
Number system, Mayan 18 40
Number system, real 25
Number system, Roman 16 17 43
Number system, sexagesimal 18
Number system, structure of 20
Number system, ternary 16
Numbers, classification of 29
Numbers, irrational 24 27 34
numbers, negative 25 28
Numbers, rational 24 34
Numbers, signed 82
Ordinate 82
Papyrus, Rhind 38
parabola 124
Parabola, unit 126
Parallelogram law 72
Perihelion of Mercury 154
Planisphere 77
Plato 60 61
Pliny the Elder 37
Pole 102
Polynomial 174
Polynomial equation 126
Position-value 13
Positive integers 20 32
Postulates 10 31 147 148 150 152
Power formula 116
Prime direction 102
Properties of zero 22
Proportion 175
Pythagoras 27 41 42 93
Qu telet 159
Quadrants 85
Quadratic equation 48
Quadratic formula 54
Quadratic function 97 123
Quadrivium 42
Quantum theory 157
Radius vector 103
Rate of change 105
Rational number 24 34
Real number 25 28
Reasoning 9 10
Resultant 74 93
Rhind papyrus 38
Roman clumsy notation 50
Roman number system 16 17 43
Root 49
scalar 72
Schultz 169
Senkreh, Table of 37
Sexagesimal 18 19
Sine, defined 66
Sine, Law of Sines 73 177
Solutions of equations 49
Solutions, approximate 59
Squaring a circle 61 62
Steinmetz 164
Stylus 36
Subtractive principle 16 43
Swan pan 45
Tangent of an angle 66
Tangent uses 68
Tangent, computation of 67
Tartaglia 55
Temperature scales 91 121
ternary 16
Thales 60 62 63 68
Thurstone 168
Triangulation, method of 77
Trigonometry 64
Trinomial 174
Trisection of an angle 61
Turning-points 119 127 129
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 77
Variable, dependent 65 96
Variable, independent 65 96
Variable, limit of 110
Vector 70 71 76 93
Vector addition 72
Vector components 72
Velocity 105
Velocity of light 156
Vertex of parabola 124
Vigesimal 18
Zero 13
Zero, properties of 22
Zero, uses of 13 14
Zworykin 165
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