Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kythe P.K., Puri P. — Partial differential equations and Mathematica |
Предметный указатель |
Sturm — Liouville problem 103ff 105
Sturm — Liouville problem, equation 105
Successive approximations 305 309ff
Superposition principle 17ff
Support 218
Support, compact 218
Table 4.1 114
Table 4.2 116
Table 4.2 of complex Fourier transform pairs 358
Table 4.2 of finite cosine transform pairs 360
Table 4.2 of finite sine transform pairs 359
Table 4.2 of Fourier cosine transform pairs 356
Table 4.2 of Fourier sine transform pairs 357
Table 4.2 of Laplace transform pairs 354
Table 4.2 of transform pairs 354ff
Taylor series expansions 306ff
Taylor's formula 321
Tchebyscheff 86
Tension 9 10
Test functions 287ff
Theorem, binomial 180
Theorem, Cauchy residue 180
Theorem, Cauchy — Kowalewsky 55
Theorem, Cauchy's 187
Theorem, convolution 197 205 215
Theorem, de Moivre's 70
Theorem, divergence 14 350
Theorem, Fourier cosine theorem 195
Theorem, Fourier integral theorem 195
Theorem, Fourier sine theorem 195
Theorem, Fourier theorem I 90
Theorem, Fourier theorem II 100
Theorem, Gauss 350
Theorem, gradient 350
Theorem, Green's 350
Theorem, Green's reciprocity 351
Theorem, inversion 183
Theorem, Laplace inversion 183 187
Theorem, Lax equivalence 329
| Theorem, Stokes 350
Theorem, Taylor's 321 342
Thermal diffusivity 7 15
Tolerance 328
Torsion 289
Total variation 98
Transformation, reversible 50ff
Transforms, complex Fourier 161 195ff 213 223 234 236 264
Transforms, finite Fourier 210ff
Transforms, finite Fourier cosine 21 Off 216
Transforms, finite Fourier sine 21 Off 216
Transforms, Fourier cosine 160 195 204ff
Transforms, Fourier sine 160 195 204ff
Transforms, Hankel 161
Transforms, Hilbert 162
Transforms, integral 160ff
Transforms, Kantorowich — Lebedev 162
Transforms, Laguerre 162
Transforms, Laplace 161 162ff 179 180 183 189ff 233 236ff 244
Transforms, Laplace inverse 164ff
Transforms, Mehler — Foch 162
Transforms, Meijer 161
Transforms, Mellin 161
Transient problems 292ff
Trigonometric Fourier series 82 89 90ff
Uniqueness 25 27
Variable, dependent 1
Variable, independent 1
Variation, weak 274ff
Variational notation 270ff
Vibrations of a membrane 12ff 142
Vibrations of a string 7 9ff 118 152
Vibrations, transverse 157
Viscosity, kinematic 9
Wave equation 7 97 180 212 334 346
Wave propagation 247ff
Waves, shallow water 7 214
Weak variational formulation 274ff
Weighted inner product 85
Weighted inner product, residual methods 266ff
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