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Lindstrum A.O. — Abstract algebra
Lindstrum A.O. — Abstract algebra

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Название: Abstract algebra

Автор: Lindstrum A.O.


My aim in writing this book was to present a logical development of
the fundamentals of Abstract Algebra. I have endeavored to avoid
assuming anything not proved prior to its use, and particularly to avoid
illustrative examples from other parts of mathematics and elsewhere.
Such examples are often more confusing to the student than they
are helpful since the student frequently is not acquainted sufficiently
with the other material to appreciate, or in many instances, even to
understand the examples. So far as I can recall at the moment of
writing, I have deviated from this policy in only two instances: in
some exercises giving groups as rotations of the equilateral triangle
and the square, and in taking up briefly; in Chapter 5, the trisection
of the angle. These two instances may very well be omitted without
interfering with the continuity of the development.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель без номеров страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1967

Количество страниц: 221

Добавлена в каталог: 16.02.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Mapping      3
Mapping associative law      18
Mapping extension of      5
Mapping group of      24 25
Mapping identity      4
Mapping linear      165
Mapping one-to-one      4
Mapping onto      4
Mapping product of      16 17
Mapping restriction of      5
Mathematical induction      9
Matric algebra, total      169
Matrix      169
Matrix classical canonical      199
Matrix companion      196
Matrix diagonal      183
Matrix elementary      177
Matrix Jordan canonical      196
Matrix nonsingular      173
Matrix similarity of      186
Maximal ideal      131
Maximal invariant subgroup      89
Minimum polynomial      135 190
Module      102
Module null      170
Module of formal linear combinations      11
Module of linear relations      111
Modulus      43
Monic polynomial      117
Multiple      37
Multiple least common      38
Multiplication of natural numbers      12
Multiplicative exponent      20
Multiplicative group of N      17
Multiplicity of a zero of a polynomial      121
N      9
Natural numbers      8
Natural numbers additive semigroup      17
Natural numbers multiplicative semigroup      17
Necessary and sufficient      1
Negation      2
Negative integer      36
Neutral element      22
Neutral operator      98
Nonderogatory linear transformation      195
Nonhomogeneous equation      175
Nonsingular linear transformation      165
Nonsingular matrix      173
Norm of a quaternion      115
Normal field      146
Normal polynomial      146
Normal subgroup      56
normalizer      63 64
Null module      170
Null set      3
Null space      170
Nullity      170
Numbers, natural      8
Odd integer      45
Odd permutation      81
One-to-one mapping      4
Onto mapping      4
Operation, binary      6
Operator      98
Operator neutral operator      98
Order of a cyclotomic extension      158
Order of a cyclotomic polynomial      153
Order of a group      23
Order of an element      50 192
Outer automorphism      59
Partition      26
Peano      9
Period of an element      50
Permutable elements of a group      66
Permutable elements of a ring      94
Permutation      78
Permutation circular      79
Permutation cyclic      79
Polynomial      117 127
Polynomial algebra      117
Polynomial characteristic      202
Polynomial cyclotomic      153
Polynomial function      120
Polynomial inseparable      148
Polynomial minimum, of a linear transformation      190
Polynomial minimum, of an element of a field      136
Polynomial monic      117
Polynomial normal      146
Polynomial pure      160
Polynomial ring      117
Polynomial separable      148
Positive integer      36
Power      20
Prime      38
Prime factor groups      90
Prime field      143
Prime ideal      131
Prime in Z      38
Prime subfield      143
Prime to      40
Primitive element      154
Primitive Element Theorem      155
Primitive polynomial      123
Principal ideal      129
Principal ring      129
Product Cartesian      5
Product direct      66
Product group      27
Product of algebraic systems      100
Product of mappings      17 18
Product of words      76
Product semigroup      27
Product set      5
Proper degree      185
Proper divisor      38
Proper subgroup      46
Proper subset      2
Pure extension field      160
Pure polynomial      160
q      97
Quaternion group      12 73
Quaternion rational quaternions      114 115
Quotient group      57
Quotient ring      130
Quotient set      26
Quotient set, law induced in      3 1
Quotients, field of      97
R- module      102
Rank of a free group      72
Rank of a matrix      170 182
Rational integers      35 see
Rational numbers      97
Reduce a linear transformation completely      188
Reduced degree      149
Reduced residues modulo m      43
Reduced word      70
Reflexive      2 13
Regular element      94
Relations      13
Relations equivalence      26
Relations reflexive property for      13
Relations symmetric property for      13
Relations transitive property for      13
Relations, Defining relations      73
Relatively prime      40
Residue classes modulo m      43
Residue classes modulo m complete      43
Residue classes modulo m least      43
Residue classes modulo m reduced      43
Resolvent, Galois      156
Restriction of a mapping      5
Restriction of an external law      100
Right      see "property without adjective right"
Ring      92
Ring difference      131
Ring division      95
Ring of rational integers      35
Ring principal ideal      129
Ring product      95
Ring quotient      130
Ring with operators      112
Ring zero ring      94
Root field      140
Root of unity      152
Row      see "property without the modifier row"
Self-conjugate subgroup      56
Semigroup      16
Semigroup composition table      28
Semigroup extension      31
Semigroup Gaussian      123
Semigroup generators      48
Semigroup product      27
Semigroup subsemigroup      21
Separable element      148
Separable field      148
Separable polynomial      148
Sequence, finite      19
Set      2
Set empty      3
Set indexing      5
Set null      3
Set of generators      49
Set product      5
Set proper subset      2
Set subset      2
Sfield      95
Similar matrices      186
Similarity invariants      201
Similarity of matrices      186
Simple extension of a field      136
Simple group      77
Smallest subset possessing a property      48
Smith normal forn      196 184
Solvability by radicals      162
Solvable group      91
Space cyclic      193
Space null      170
Space vector      103
Species      100
Splitting field      140
Stable subgroup      98
Stem field      139
Subfield belonging to a subgroup      151
Subfield conjugate      142
Subfield prime      143
Subgroup      24
Subgroup belonging to a subfield      151
Subgroup cyclic      49
Subgroup improper      46
Subgroup invariant      56
Subgroup maximal invariant      89
Subgroup normal      56
Subgroup proper      46
Subgroup self-conjugate      56
Subgroup stable      98
Subgroup Sylow      74
Submodule      103 106
Subring      95
Subsemigroup      21
Subset      2
Subset proper      2
Subset smallest, possessing a property      48
Subspace invariant      187
Subspace vector      103
Subsystem      100
Successor of a natural number      9
Such that      1
Sum direct, groups      66
Sum direct, of linear transformations      188
Sum direct, of R-modules      104
Sum of endomorphisms      89
Supplementary      104
Sylow subgroup      74
Symmetric condition      2 13
Symmetric group      78
S_{3}      21
Table, composition, of a semigroup      28
There exists      1
Total matric algebra      169
Totient function      43
Transcendental element      135
Transcendental field      136
Transformation, linear      165
Transformation, linear minimum polynomial      190
Transformation, linear nonderogatory      195
Transformation, linear nonsingular      165
Transitive      2 13
Translation      78
Transposition      80
Trichotomy, law of for natural numbers      11
Trisection of an angle      140
Two-sided ideal      128
union      3
Unique factorization      41
UNIT      37
Unitary R-module      102
Unity, root of      152
Vector space      103
Vector subspace      103
Word      70
Word adjacent      71
Word empty      70
Word length      70
Word product      70
Word reduced      70
Z      35
Zero characteristic      94
Zero divisor of      94
Zero integer      35
Zero of a polynomial      121
Zero of a ring      93
Zero polynomial      1 17
Zero ring      94
1 2
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