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Tutte W.T. — Connectivity in Graphs |
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-graph 130 134
1-joining of vertices 72
2-connection 114—126
2-connection and nodal 2-connection 131
2-connection and non-separability 97—98
2-connection modulo [x,y] 114—116
3-bond, infinite connectivity of 99
3-connection 104—113
3-connection and hinges 119
3-connection of wheels 103
3-connection, classification of graphs with 111—113 140
3-connection, classification of trivalent graphs with 140
3-connection, recognition of 137—138
ARC 22—26
Arc and simple path 30
Arc, adjunction of 133—136
Arc, and nodal 2-connection 129—130
Arc, automorphism group of 54
Arc, end of 22
Arc, internal vertex of 22
Arc, part of 24
Arcs, internally disjoint 26
Automorphism group of 2-cage and 3-cage 72
Automorphism group of arc 54
Automorphism group of polygon 54
Automorphism group of Thomsen graph 71
Automorphism group of wheel 102—103
Automorphism of graphs 52—64
Automorphism of graphs, trivial 52
Avoidance of subgraph by arc 23—24
Betti number of dimension 0 13—14 18
Betti number of dimension 1 18
Bipartition 67
Blocking of semi-simple path 30
Blocking of semi-simple path in Euler graph 36
Bond as cleavage unit 125
Bond, absence of hinges in 119
Branch 127—128
Branch, isolated 127
Branch-graph 128
Branch-graph and 3-connection 102
Branch-graph, cage 65 72—81
Circuit 30
Circuit, Euler 36 41—42
Cleavage 120—126
Cleavage graph 120
Cleavage graph and augmented graph 121—126
Cleavage graph, hinges in 121
Cleavage units 124—126
Cleavage units, determination of 137—138
Cleavage units, tree of 125—126
Clique, 3-connection of 102
Complement of subgraph 8
Component 13
Component and contractive mapping 45—46
Component modulo a subgraph 11—13 23—26 133
Component modulo a subgraph and separation 84
Component modulo a subgraph in arc 22—23
Component modulo a subgraph in polygon 27
Component modulo a subgraph in tree 20
Component modulo a subgraph, determination of 35
Component modulo a subgraph, inner 35
Component modulo a subgraph, outer 35
Component modulo a subgraph, Y-graph in 26
Connected graphs, classification of 49—50
Connection 13
Connection and 1-connection 97
Connection and spanning trees 21
Connection modulo a subgraph 9—16 84
Connection modulo a subgraph and arcs 23—25
Connection of graph determined by path 28
Connectivity 97—99
Connectivity and symmetry 101—103
Connectivity, infinite 97—99
Cremona — Richmond configuration, and 8-cage 77
cube 4 72
Cut-forest 90—92
Cut-vertex 89
Cyclic connection 95—96
Cyclic connection and cyclic elements 96
Cyclic element 86—92
Cyclic element, characterization of 88—89
Cyclic element, terminal 92
Detachment 9—10
Diameter 65
Distance modulo a subgraph 32—35
Distance of vertex from subgraph 65—67
Distance of vertex from vertex 35
dodecahedron 4 72
Edge, contraction of, and connectivity 104
Edge, deletion of, and connectivity 103—104
Edge, end of 3
Edge, essential 104—106 110—111
Edge, subdivision of 140—141
Edge, virtual 120—126
Euler 36—42
Euler, inverse of 28
Euler, isthmus-avoiding 40—42
Euler, length of 28
Euler, origin of 28
Euler, re-entrant 29 36 38
Euler, semi-simple 29—30
Euler, simple 30—31
Euler, terminus of 28
Euler, vertex-term of 28
Excisable [x,y]-component 118 120—121
Flag 99—101
Forest 17 18
Forest and arbitrarily traceable graph 39
Forest and polygon 27
Girth and distance 68—70
Girth and s-transitivity 61—62
Girth and valency 70—83
Graph 3
Graph, abstract 48—50
Graph, arbitrarily traceable 38—39
Graph, augmented 121—124
Graph, bipartite 67—68 70—71
Graph, Euler 36
Graph, exterior, in cage 72
Graph, k-separated 97
Graph, regular 54 69—83
Graph, s-regular 62—64
Graph, s-transitive 59—64
Graph, separable 84
Graph, simple 50 98 101
Graph, symmetrical 52
Graph, wings in augmented 122—126
Group 52—53
Group, dihedral 54
Group, order of 52
Group, symmetric 54
Heawood graph 60—62
Heawood graph as 6-cage 74
Hinge 118—121
Hinge, determination of 138
Hinge-component 118—119
Homeomorphism and nodal connectivity 132
Homeomorphism and subdivision 140—141
Homeomorphism of graphs 131—133
incidence 3
Inverse of homeomorphism 132
Inverse of mapping 44—45
| Inverse of path 28
Isomorphism of arcs 47
Isomorphism of graphs 46—47
Isomorphism of groups 53
Isomorphism of polygons 47
Isomorphism, class of graphs 46—47
Isthmus 17
Isthmus and connectivity 98
Isthmus and cyclic element 87
Isthmus and Euler graph 40
Isthmus and polygon 27
Isthmus in non-separable graph 84
Isthmus, end-graph of 17 20 23
Isthmus, valencies in end-graph of 40
Joining of vertices by arc 22
Joining of vertices by edge 3
Length of arc 31
Length of path 28
Length of recessional sequence 33
Link 3
Link-graph 3
Link-graph as 1-bond 98
Link-graph, infinite connectivity of 99
Link-graph, non-separability of 84
Loop 3
Loop and connectivity 98
Loop and cyclic element 87
Loop and Euler path 42
Loop in non-separable graph 84
Loop-graph 3
Loop-graph as polygon 26
Loop-graph, infinite connectivity of 99
Loop-graph, non-separability of 84
Lune 26
Lune as 2-bond 98
Lune, infinite connectivity of 99
Mapping of graphs 43—47 116—118
Mapping of graphs, contractive 45—46 92—95
Mapping of graphs, identical 46
Mapping of graphs, inverse of 44—45
Mcgee graph as 7-cage 77—81
Mcgee graph, 3-connection of 102
Multiplicity of vertex in path 29
n-bond 98
n-connection 97
Nodal 2-connection 129—131
Nodal 2-connection and 2-connection 131
Nodal 3-connection 134—136
Nodal 3-connection, classification of graphs with 138—140
Nodal connectivity 129—130
Nodal connectivity and homeomorphism 132
Nodal k-separation 129
Nodal k-separation and k-separation 130—131
Nodal n-connection 129—130
Nodal n-connection and n-connection 129
Nodal subgraph 128—129
Nodal subgraph and homeomorphism 132
Node 127—128
Non-separable graphs 84—86 94—95
Non-separable graphs and loop or isthmus 84
Non-separable graphs, 2-connection of 97
Non-separable graphs, classification of 85—86
Non-separable graphs, connection of 84
Null graph 3
Null graph, advancing 56—59
Null graph, circular 30—32
Null graph, degenerate 28
Null graph, edge-term of 28
Null graph, infinite connectivity of 99
Null graph, non-separability of 84
Null graph, path 28—35
Paths, product of 29
Petersen graph 74
Polygon 26—27
Polygon and arbitrarily traceable graph 38—39
Polygon and bipartite graph 68
Polygon and circular path 30—32
Polygon and isolated branch 127—128
Polygon and isthmus 27
Polygon and nodal 2-connection 130
Polygon as cleavage unit 125
Polygon in Euler graph 36
Polygon, absence of hinges in 119—120
Polygon, automorphism group of 54
Polygon, even 68
Polygon, non-separability of 85
Polygon, odd 68
Polygon, residual arcs in 27
Polygon, sense of description of 32
Product of homeomorphisms 132
Product of homeomorphisms of mappings 43
Product of homeomorphisms of paths 28—29
Product of homeomorphisms, recessional sequence 33
Reduction 5
Reduction, cyclic element as 87
Representative graph of subgraph-pair 14—15
Robertson graph 72 (footnote)
Rotation of re-entrant path 29
s-route 56 58—64
Separation 84—96
Subgraph 5—6
Subgraph, cyclically complete 87—88
Subgraph, detached 13
Subgraph, generated by vertex-set 5
Subgraph, maximal and minimal 9
Subgraph, proper 5
Subgraph, spanning 5
Subgraphs, disjoint 6
Subgraphs, intersection of 6
Subgraphs, union of 6
Subpath 29
Successor of s-route 58—60 62—63
Supergraph 5
Supergraph, proper 5
Thomsen graph 71 112
Tracing a graph 36 37—42
Tracing a path 36
Transitivity on edges 55—56
Transitivity on vertices 55—56
TREE 17—21
Tree of cleavage units 125—126
Tree, spanning 21
Trees, classification of 48—49
Trees, s-transitive 59
Triad in 3-connected graph 105—110
triangle 26
Triangle in 3-connected graph 105—110
Triangle, infinite connectivity of 99
Valency 4—5 19
Valency and connectivity 98
Valency and transitivity 59—60
Valency in subgraphs of Euler graphs 36
Valency of regular graph 54
Vertex 3
Vertex of attachment 6—7 91 93—94
Vertex, filling of, by semi-simple path 30
Vertex, isolated 4 87
Vertex-graph 3
Vertex-graph as cyclic element 87
Vertex-graph, infinite connectivity of 99
Vertex-graph, non-separability of 84
Vertices, adjacent 3
Wheel 102—103
Wheel and classification of 3-connected graphs 112
Wheel in theory of essential edges 110—111
Wing in augmented graph 122—126
Y-graph 25—26
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