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Sutton O.G. — Mathematics in action |
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Abstractions, mathematical 14
action 26 111
Aerodynamic body 133
Aerodynamic force 132 227
Aerofoil 133 154 163
Air, resistance of 71
Algebra 24
Alienation, coefficient of 184
Amplitude of complex number 32
Amplitude of wave 93
Analogue machine 87
Archimedes 44
Argand diagram 31
Arithmetic, elementary 24
Atmosphere at rest 197
Atmosphere, baroclinic 199 220
Atmosphere, barotropic 199 220
Atmosphere, standard ballistic 76
Atomistic theory 62
Average 166 171 184
Axiom 34
Axiomof parallels 35
Ballistic coefficient 77
Ballistic elements 77
Ballistic functions 79
Ballistic pendulum 73
Ballistics, external 69
Ballistics, internal 69
Balmer 13
Bandwidth 107
Barrie 1
Bashforth 74 225
Bell, E. T. 26
Berkeley, Bishop 37
Bernoulli’s theorem 145 229
Bessel’s correction 187
Bjerknes 210
Bode’s law 1 1
Bohr, H. 13 120
boundary conditions 60 119
Boundary layer 140 157
Burgers 221
Bushby, F. H. 220
Calculus, infinitesimal 37
Cantor 38
Carafoli 154 230
Carnot 8
Cathode rays 1 1 1
Causality 6 57
Characteristics 122
Charney, J. G. 218
Chi-squared test 192
Chimney, problem of 18
Circulation 147 154 229
Clausius 8
Coin-tossing 188 231
Commutative property 33
complex numbers 26
Complex potential 144 227
components 32 51
Compressibility 163 201
Conformal mapping 152
Constants 43
Constants, physical 55
Continuity 38 223
Continuity, equation of 52 54 200
Contour-height 211
Coriolis force 203
Curl 54
Cylinder, flow past 140 227
Darwin, C. G. 3
Davisson 114
de Broglie, L. 113
de Sitter 23
Derivative 41
Derivative, partial 49
Determinism see Causality
Dice 188
Didion 73
Differential analyser 88
Differentials 41
Digital machine 89
dimensions 12
Dirac 23
dispersion 166 176
Displacements 26
Distributions 166 171 231
Divergence 53
Doodson, A. T. 80
Doublets 19
Drag 72 132
Drag coefficient 72 136
Drag induced 159 162
Durand 221
D’Alembert’s paradox 147
Eady, E. T. 222
Eclipse 6 194 195
Economics 196
Eddington 23 26
Eigenfunctions 117 122
Eigenvalues 117 121
Einstein, A. 2 9 22 36
Electron 23 111 121
entropy 26 127
Error 85
Factorial design 193
Fermat 25
Field 62 138
Fisher, R. A. 193
Flow in pipes 13
Flow past cylinder 140
Fluid dynamics 137
Formulae, empirical 10
Fourier coefficients 101
Fourier integral 106
Fourier series 99
Fourier transforms 109
frequency 93 116
Frequency distribution diagrams 173
Frequency spectrum 106
Friction, internal see Viscosity
Friction, skin 157
Frictional resistance 126
Function 38
Function, holomorphic 143
Gaussian curve 177
Gavre Commission 75
Geometry, elliptic 34
Geometry, Euclidean 2 21 34
Geometry, hyperbolic 36
Geometry, non — Euclidean 22 35
Geostrophic balance 203
Geostrophic wind 205
Germer 114
Gibbs 105
Gibbs’ phenomenon 105
Gold, E. 206
Gosset, W. S. 191
Gradient 42 48 50
Gradient wind 205
Gravitation 22 55
Gravity waves 217
Group velocity 97 115
Groups, non-dimensional 11
Groups, wave 96
Hall, A. R. 68
Hamilton 33
Hardy 3 54 223
Heat, conduction of 8 48 65 223
Heisenberg, W. 23 116
| hilbert 24
Hojel 75
Hutton 73
Hydrodynamics 1 156
Hydrostatic equation 198
Ideal problems 14
Idealization 16
Infinitesimals 37 39
Initial conditions 60 120
Integral equations 61
Integration 46
Integrator, mechanical 88
Invariants 26
Irrotational motion 142 161
Isobaric surfaces 211
Jeffreys, H. 9 33 100
Joukowski 150
Joukowski profile 153
Joukowski transformations 153 230
Joukowski’s hypothesis 154
Joule 8
K rm n, Th. v 154 230
Kelvin 8 149
kronecker 24
Krupp 75
Kutta 150 155
Kutta — Joukowski theorem 149 155 157 229
Lagrange 37 138
Lanchester 131 150 155 156
Laplace 65 145
Laplacian 66 117 201
Laws, physical 12 55
Least squares 100 181 230
Leibnitz 37 44
Lift 132 147
Lift coefficient 136 165
LIMIT 40 223
Mach 7
Mach lines 126 128
Mach number 12 125
Magnitudes, physical 12 147
Magnus effect 148 150 229
Maxwell 8
Mayevski 75
Mean of distribution 175
Mean, arithmetic 171
Mean, weighted 175
Mechanics, Newtonian 9 62 64 71
Mechanics, quantum 33 111
Mechanics, relativistic 9
Mechanics, wave 98 113 116
Meteorology 194
Millibar 199
Mistake 85
Molecules 8 114 169
Navier — Stokes equations 65 200
Navigation 21
Nebulae, recession of 23 52
Nelson 68
Newton 9 22 37 44 73 156
Newton — Raphson method 87 227
Normal error curve 177
Nozzle 128
Numbers, complex 26
Numbers, prime 25
numbers, random 185
Numbers, real 24
Numerical analysis 85
Occam’s razor 7
Operations 33
Operator of rotation ( ) 31
Particles 62 113 115 138
Pearson, Karl 1 3 178 192
Perturbations 212
Phase 96 103
Photon 112 114
Planck 111 130
Polar front 210
Pollution, atmospheric 19
Postulates of geometry 34
Postulates of impotence 57
Pothecary, I. J. W. 220
Prandtl 157 160 162
Prandtl — Meyer expansion 128 164
Prediction 16 194
Pressure gradient 201
Pressure, atmospheric 198
Pressure, dynamic 145
Pressure, static 145
probability 115 121 222
Projectiles 69
Quantum theory 111
Quaternions 33
Radar 110
Radiation 111
Range finding 110
Range tables 77
Regression, line of 180
Resolving power 110
Reynolds number 12
Richardson 199 202 211 212
Riemann 13 38 46
Rigour 37
Rossby, C — G. 216
Rotation 31 33 142
Sampling 166 184
scalar 32
Schr dinger 121
Science, Greek 37
Seeliger 22
Separation of variables 117
Siacci 79 226
significance 169 188
Significance, tests for 189
simple harmonic motion 92
sinks 19
skewness 177
Small arcs, method of 80
Sound waves 91 92 98 124 128 218
Sound, speed of 72 124
Space 22
Spin 149
Square wave 104
Stability 134 221
Standard deviation 176
Standard error of mean 186
State 121
Statistics 167
Streamfunction 141
streamline 139
Syllogism 61
t-test 191
techniques 17
Temperature gradient 50
Tensors 34
Theorems 5 34
Theories 5
Thermal wind 212
Thermodynamics 202
Thermodynamics, second law of 57
Thickness 211
Thomson, J. J., Ill Tippet, L. H. C. 185
Torque amplifier 89
Trajectories 69
Transonic region 72
Trefftz 154 230
Uncertainty, principle of 116
Universe, finite 21
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