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Barth W., Peters C., Van de Ven A. — Compact complex surfaces |
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Kuranishi's theorem 30
L-class 17
Lattice 12—16
Lattice, canonical basis of a see Basis
Lattice, correlation morphism of a 12
Lattice, definite 14
Lattice, discriminant of a 12
Lattice, index of a 14
Lattice, non-degenerate 12
Lattice, Picard 238 241
Lattice, primitive sub- 13
Lattice, root-lattice 14
Lattice, symplectic 12
Lattice, transcendental 238
Lattice, unimodular 12
Lattice,euclidean 12
Lefschetz theorem for hyperplane sections 46
Lefschetz theorem on(1,1)-classes 119
Leray's spiral sequence 10
Levi's extension theorem 27
Line bundle see Bundle
Linear equivalence of divisors 22
Local invariant cycle theorem 103
Local triviality theorem of Grauert — Fischer 29
Locally (uni-)venal deformation see Deformation
Locally complete deformation see Deformation
Logarithmic Chem numbers 215
Logarithmic Kodaira dimension 218
Logarithmic pluricanouical maps 218
Logarithmic transformations 164—167
Lueroth's theorem 187
Mapping theorem of Remmert 26
Marked Enriques surface 281
Marked family of Entiques surfaces 281
Marked family of K3-surfaces 263
Marking 122
Meromorphic map associated to a line bundle 113
Milnor number 62
Minimal model 2
Minimal resolution of singularities 86
Minimal surface 2 79
Modular form 108—109
Modular group 39 105—107
Moduli space for K3-surfaces 262—264
Moduli theme see Gieseker
Monodromy of the period matrix 103—105
Monodromy, global, of elliptic fibrations 159—161
Monodromy, local, of elliptic fibrations 151—153 158—159
Monodromy, Picard — Lefschetz 103
Monodromy, topological, of stable fibrations 101—103
Monoidal transformation see -Process
Multiple fibre 91 93
Mumford's vanishing theorem 133
Nakai's criterion for ample line bundles 127
Neron-Seveli group 21 120
Nodal class 238
Node 62
Noether inequalities 207 210
Noether's formula 20
Normal bundle 18
Normal bundle of an embedded curve 47
Normalisation 25
Numerically connected 69
Pencil 45
Pencil, composed with a (rational or irrational) 45 114
Period domain 39 122 240 282—288
Period map 100—112 122 253 263—269 280—288
Period map of a stable fibration 100—112
Period matrix of a curve 38
Period matrix of a family of stable curves 104
Period matrix of stable curves 100—105
Period point 239—240 263 283 285—286
Picard group 21
Picard group of an embedded curve 49—50
Picard lattice 238 241;
Picard number 120
Picard torus 35—36
Picard — Lefschetz monodromy 103
Picard — Lefschetz reflection 239 272
Pluricanouical map 114
Plurigenos 1 23 86
Poince duality 11
Point, base 113 '
Point, branch 41
Point, normal 25
Point, ramification 41
Point, regular (smooth) 25
Point, simple singular see Singularity
Point, singular 25
Polarisation of type 37
Polarisation of weight-1 Hodge structure 37
Polarisation, principal 37
Pontrjagin class 17
Projection formula 11
Projective plane 135—137
Projective variety 44 128
Projectivity crierion 6 126
Proper transform 60 71
Properness criterion 27
Pull-back of a family 29
Quadratic form 14-16
Quadratic form, (in)definite 14
Quadratic form, associated to a graph 16
Quadratic form, even 14
Quadratic form, odd 14
Quadratic form,index of a 14
Quaternionic structure 265
Quotient singularities see Singularity
Ramanujam's vanishing theorem 131
Ramification divisor 41
Ramification point 41
Rational singularity 74—75
Rational surface 188
Reduction of analytic spaces 24
Relative differentials 98
Relative duality morphism 99
Relative duality theorem 99 112
Relatively minimal fibration 92
Remmert's (proper) mapping theorem 26
Residue formula 52
Residue map 52
| Residue theorem 52
Resolution of curves 60—61
Resolution of singularities (Desingularisation) 6 27
Resolution of surfaces 85—86
Resolution, canonical 87
Ricci form (tensor) 39 265
Riemann period conditions 38
Riemann surface 18 25
Riemann — Roch theorem for an embedded curve 51
Riemann — Roch theorem, Hirzebruch — Atiyah — Singer 4 20
Riemann's existence domain 83
Riemann's extension theorem 27
Root, n-th, fibration 92—93
Root-lattice 14
Rosenlicht differentials 55—56
Ruled surface 139—143 188 202
Satake compactification 106
Semi-continuity theorem of Grauert 26
Sequence structure 24 47
Sequence, decomposition 48
Sequence, exponential 21 49
Sequence, exponential cohomology 21 36 49
Sequence, normalisation 48
Sequence, tangential 47
Serre duality 20 33
Serre duality on an embedded curve 55—59 .
Sheaf of relative differentials 98
Sheaf structure 18
Sheaf, analytic inverse image 24
Sheaf, analytic pull-back 24
Sheaf, coherent 19 24
Sheaf, direct image 10 96—97
Sheaf, dualising 48 98
Sheaf, ideal 24
Sheaf, inverse image 10
Siegel quotient 84—85
Siegel set 106 109
Siegel upper half space 38
Siegel, A-D-E surface (simple surface) 86—90
Siegel, resolution of a see Resolution
Simple singularities see Singularity
Singularity, A-D-E curve (simple curve) 61—65
Spectral sequence, Froehlicher's 33 117 134
Spectral sequence, Leray's 10
Sphere of (almost-) complex structures 265—266
Stability of (-1)-curves 121
Stable curve 93—94
Stable fibration 93—96 151—153
Stable fibre 93
Stable fibre of genus 1 94
Stable reduction 94—96 155—159
Stable reduction theorem 94 95
Standard hermitian metric 268
Stein factorisation 25
Stiefel — Whitney class 17
Structure sequence 24
Structure sheaf 18
Structure theorem for bimeromorphic transformations 86
Surface of algebraic dimension zero 128—129 196—201
Surface of class Vll 188
Surface of class Vll 188
Surface of general type 2 3 4 189 202 206—237
Surface, algebraic 1 128
Surface, almost-complex 129 130 134
Surface, complex 1
Surface, elliptic 2 6 149 194 197 see
Surface, Enriques 2 6 184 189 240 270—288
Surface, exceptional 254
Surface, Godeaux 170
Surface, Hilbert modular 177—182
Surface, Hopf 4 6 146 172—174 176
Surface, Horikawa 233
Surface, K3 2 3 189 238 240—269 288
Surface, Kodaira 146—147 189
Surface, Kummer 170 246 250 252 256 288
Surface, lnoue 174—176
Surface, lnoue — Hirzebruch 176
Surface, minimal 2 79
Surface, properly elliptic 189 202
Surface, quotient 170—182
Surface, ruled 139—143 188 202
Surface, unirational 191
Surface,hyperelliptic 2 148 189
Symplectic form 13 246
Tautological line bundle 19
Todd class 17
Todd — Hirzebruch formula 20
Torelli theorem for (projective) Kummer surface 251—253
Torelli theorem for Enriques surface 285
Torelli theorem for Kaehler K 3-surfaces 240 261 288
Torelli theorem for Tori 37
Torelli theorem, local, for Enriqus surface 281
Torelli theorem, local, for K3-surfac 253—254 288
Torelli theorem, surfaces 252
Torelli theorem, weak, for (projective) Kummer surface 252
Torelli theorem, weak, for Kaehler K3-surface 240 262
Torus 2 4 138 189
Torus, Albanese 35 37 119
Torus, Picard 35—36
Total transform 60 71
Trace map (trace morphism) 53—54 57 98.
Transcendental lattice 238
Transform, proper 60 71
Transform, total 60 71
Transformation, elementary 201
Transformation, logarithmic 164—167
Triple point 63—64
Tubular neighbourhood function 52
Unirational surface 191
Unitationa deformation see Deformation
Vanishing cycle 102
Vanishing theorem, Kodaira's 134
Vanishing theorem, Mumford's 133
Vanishing theorem, Ramanuam's 131
Variety, abstract algebraic 128
Variety, projective-algebraic 44 128
Versal deformation see Deformation
Vetor bundle 17
Weiestrass normal form 151
Weights of a group action 84
Yau's results on Kaehler — Einstein metrics 39—40
Zariski's lemms 90
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