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Bellman R.E. — Some vistas of modern mathematics: Dynamic programming, invariant imbedding, and the mathematical biosciences |

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Название: Some vistas of modern mathematics: Dynamic programming, invariant imbedding, and the mathematical biosciences
Автор: Bellman R.E.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1968
Количество страниц: 149
Добавлена в каталог: 20.12.2012
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"Bang-bang" control 47
Abstraction 135
Adams, R. 96
Adaptive 39
Adaptive control processes 47 48
Adaptive processes 48 135
Administration of drugs 126
Algorithms 41
Ambarzumian, V.A. 76 77 95
Analog computer 114
Anthropomorphism 124
Approximation 6 41
Approximation in policy space 41
Arithmetic 53
Artificial hands 129
artificial intelligence 39 42 102 127
Asimov, Isaac 1
Atmosphere 74
Atomic bomb 69
Bart, A.J. 136
Beckenbach, E.F. 95
Bellman, R. 46 47 48 49 94 95 96 135 136
Berkowitz, L. 47
Black boxes 91
Bochner, S. 134
Boltyanskii, V.G. 47
Boltzmann equation 75
Born, Max 45
Bottleneck problem 47
Bourbaki 43 127
Buell, J. 135
Bushaw, D.W. 47
Butkovskii, A.G. 48
Calculus of variations 47
Cancer of the cervix 108
Cardiograms 110
Cardiology 114
Cauchy, A.L. 16 53
Cesari, L. 46
Chandrasekhar, S. 72 73 78 92 95
Chemotherapy 116 117 135 136
Cohen, Morris Rafael 8
Colby, K.M. 136 137
Columbus, Christopher 89
Community service 103
Comparative anatomy 59
Comparative religion 59
Computational solution 120
Computers 41 42 53 132 134
Consciousness 127
Constraints 22
Control processes 47
Control theory 12 18 126 128 129 134
Convolution term 85
Cooke, K.L. 46 135
Cybernetics 14 42
data storage 98
de Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis 53 54 60
Denman, E. 96
Differential approximation 124
Differential-difference equations 24 119 135
Diffusion 95
Digital computer 70
Distributed parameter 48
Dreyfus, S. 48 49
Drug reactions 101
Duality 36
Dynamic programming 31 32 48 64 106
Eclecticism 91
Ehrlich, Paul 116
Electrocardiogram 111
Euler equation 35 76
Euler, Leonard 20 53 60
Exponential polynomial 125
Feedback control 14 27
Fel'dbaum, A.A. 48
Fermi, Enrico 72
Friend, M.B. 136
Functional equations 32 39 95
Galileo 43
Games 50 92 127
Gamkrelidze, R.V. 47
Gauss, K.F. 43 54 60 81
Gilbert and Sullivan 92
Gilbert, J.P. 136
Glicksberg, I. 47
Gluss, B. 96
Goldwyn, Sam 50
Gradient techniques 93
Graves, L.H. 23
Grodins, F.S. 134
Gross, O. 47
Gurland, J. 134
Hestenes, M. 23 47
Hidden variables 76
Hybrid computers 93
Idealism 128
Identification of systems 104 112 136
Imbedding 59 60 74
Industrial Revolution 55
information 38 100 129
Initial psychiatric interview 136
Intelligent machines 48 109 135
Invariant imbedding 64 80 85 123
Jacobi, K.G.J. 54
Jacquez, J. 135
jokes 2
Kagiwada, H. 94 96
Kalaba, R. 46 47 73 94 95 96 135 136
Kelsey, F.O. 101
Kurland, L. 136
La Salle, J.P. 47
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, comte 20 53 54 60
Laplace transform 16 85 96 124 136
large systems 25 130
| Learning 39 130 135
Legendre polynomials 82
localization 117
Lockett, J. 95 136
Los Alamos 69
Lyapunov, A. 9 11 15
Man in space 102
Maronde, R. 134
Marshak, Robert 70 72
Mathematical economics 47
Mathematician 50 52
Mathematics 42 94 126 131 134
Maxwell, J.C. 13 17 47 55 59
Medical diagnosis 135
Medicare program 110
Medievalism 52
Memory 102
Millay, Edna St. Vincent 12
miniaturization 57
Mischenko, E.F. 47
Mlak, S. 46
Monro, S. 123
Moran, P.A.P. 134
Multistage process 63
Murphy, R.E. 48
Myskis, L. 48
Narasimham, R. 46
Newton, Sir Isaac 18 43 52 53 59 91
Nonlinear equations 56 88 91
Numerical inversion 86
Observables 76
Observations 114
On-line control 88 100 131
Optical processing 135
Ore, O. 94
Orthotics 128
Parallelization 57
Particle processes 95
Particle-counting 69
Pascal, Blaise 94
Pattern recognition 109
Paxton, H.T. 134
Perturbations 15
Poincare 9 11 15 23 50
Policy 31
Pontryagin, L.S. 23 35 47
Prestrud, M. 95
Principle of optimality 34 48
Principles of invariance 72
Prosthetics 128
Psychiatric interviewing 132
Psychiatrists 131
Psychology 42
Quadrature 81 87
Quantum field theory 58
Quasilinearization 41 47 114 122 135 136
Radiative transfer 95
Redheffer, R. 95
Reduction of dimensionality 130
Rescigno, A. 134
Research 17
Research problems 3
Respiratory control system 136
Retrieval of data 123
Ricatti differential equation 69
Richardson, J.M. 135
Riggs, D.S. 134
Robbins, H. 123
Rockefeller, John D. 44
Roth, R. 96
Saksena, J.P. 134
Schroedinger, Erwin 59
Segre, G. 134
Semigroup theory 40
Sensitivity analysis 62
Sequential diagnosis 106
Shannon, C. 38
Simulation 132
Spherical atmosphere 88
St. Simon the Stylite 126
Stability 11
Stability theory 4
State 33
Statistical mechanics 58
Statistics 111
Steady-state control 22
Steinmetz, C.P. 54
Stibitz, G.R. 134
Stochastic approximation 123
Stochastic processes 37
Stochastic pursuit process 31
Stratonovich, R. 48
strokes 129
Successive approximations 122 136
Teaching machines 133
Teaching of doctors 131
Thalidomide 101
Time lags 119
Time-dependent processes 85
Tracer kinetics 134
Trajectory process 58
Transport equation 75
Transport theory 70 95
Ueno, S. 94 95
Valentine, F.A. 23
Vasudevan, R. 94 95
Venus 90
Vishnegradsky, J. 13
von Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron 51 52 94
Watt, J. 14 137
Wave propagation 96
Wiener — Hopf equation 75
Wigner, E. 94
Wing, G.M. 94 95 96
Zadeh, L. 135
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