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Herriot J.G. — Methods of mathematical analysis and computation |
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Quadratic form, positive definite 88
Rank of matrix 66
Rectangular plate problem 169 170
Region of influence 176
Regula Falsi 36—39
Relaxation method 188
Residual 77 188
Reynolds, R.R. 146
Right-hand limit 157
Roots of equations 34—15
Routh procedure 50 51
Row vector 53
Runge — Kutta method 149—151
Scalar multiplication of vector 54
Scalar product of two vectors 54
Secular equation of matrix 81
Similar matrices 89
Similarity transformation 89
Simpson's rule 27—29 32 145 150
Simultaneous displacements, method of 188
Simultaneous equations 41 42
Simultaneous linear equations 52 64—80
Simultaneous ordinary, differential equations 113 152
Singular matrix 62
Spectrum of mat 81
Square matrix 55
Square net 186
Stability problem in numerical solution of ordinary differential equations 146
Stability problem in numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations 181 182
Starting solution of ordinary differential equation 140—145
Steady-state heat conduction problem, two dimensions 172
Stencil of grid points for elliptic partial differential equation 187
Stencil of grid points for hyperbolic partial differential equation 177
Stencil of grid points for parabolic partial differential equation, explicit method 181
Stencil of grid points for parabolic partial differential equation, implicit method 182
Step function 132
Stirling's interpolation formula 13 14
Successive displacements, method of 188
Successive overrelaxation 188
| Sum of matrices 55
Sum of vectors 53
Sweep 188
Symmetric matrix 61
Synthetic division 43
Synthetic division with quadratic factor 44—46
Systems of ordinary differential equations 113 151 152
Three-eights rule 28 32 146
Trace of matrix 82
Transpose matrix 61 86
Trapezoidal rule 26—28 32 138
Tri-diagonal matrix 110 111 183
Undetermined coefficients, method of 29 30 123—125
Unit matrix 62
Unit step function 132
Upper triangular matrix 68
Variation of parameters, method of 125—127
Vector 52 53
Vector addition 53
Vector, column 53
Vector, length of 54
Vector, row 53
Vector, scalar multiplication of 54
Vector, zero 54
Vectors, bi-orthogonal system of 110
Vectors, equality of 53
Vectors, inner product of, complex components 86
Vectors, linearly dependent 55
Vectors, linearly independent 55
Vectors, orthogonal 54
Vectors, real components 54
Vectors, scalar product of 54
Vectors, sum of 53
Wave equation 174
Wave equation, characteristics of 176
Weddle's rule 28 32
Weighting function 135
Wilkinson, J.H. 102
Zero vector 54
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