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Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematical Theory of Elasticity
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematical Theory of Elasticity

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Название: Mathematical Theory of Elasticity

Автор: Sokolnikoff I.S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1946

Количество страниц: 382

Добавлена в каталог: 03.12.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Subharmonic functions      130
Superposition      5 28 79
Tension      55
Tensors, alternating      36
Tensors, cartesian      13
Tensors, strain      8 31
Tensors, stress      37 50
Tensors, transformation of      44 45
Torsion analogies      131 132 187 191 195
Torsion problem, solution by      see also "Beams"
Torsion problem, solution by, collocation method      317
Torsion problem, solution by, conformal mapping      170
Torsion problem, solution by, electrical analogies      191
Torsion problem, solution by, Galerkin's method      308 315
Torsion problem, solution by, hydrodynamic analogies      191
Torsion problem, solution by, least-squares method      318
Torsion problem, solution by, membrane analogies      131 132 187 195
Torsion problem, solution by, Ritz's method      305
Torsion problem, solution by, Trefftz's method      333
Torsion, of anisotropic beams      274
Torsion, of beams with variable cross section      205 212 275
Torsion, of cardioid      176 215
Torsion, of circular beams      119
Torsion, of compound beams      276
Torsion, of conical shafts      208
Torsion, of curved beams      275
Torsion, of cylinders      121 305 312 328
Torsion, of elliptical beams      134 196
Torsion, of hollow beams      191 194 196
Torsion, of initially twisted beams      271
Torsion, of inverse of an ellipse      183
Torsion, of lemniscate      178
Torsion, of nonisotropic beams      212 217 274
Torsion, of polygonal beams      186 187 275 316
Torsion, of rectangular beams      143 308 317 318 320 333 338
Torsion, of regions bounded by circular axes      177 180 181
Torsion, of semicircular beam      181
Torsion, of triangular beams      139 143
Torsion, with grooves      141
Torsional rigidity      125 141 175 189
Trefftz's method      329
Trefftz's method, application of, to torsion problem      333
Twist, angle of      119
Twist, local      220 257
Ultimate stress      58
Uniqueness of solution      79 92
Variational methods      277—345
Variational methods of Galerkin      313
Variational methods of Kantorovitch      315
Variational methods of Rayleigh      304
Variational methods of Ritz      304
Variational methods of Trefftz      329
Virtual work, theorems on      284 314
Work and reciprocity theorems      297
Work, rate of doing      83 90
Work, virtual      284 314
Yield point      58
Young's modulus      68 111
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