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Beth E.W. — The foundations of mathematics: A study in the philosophy of science
Beth E.W. — The foundations of mathematics: A study in the philosophy of science

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Название: The foundations of mathematics: A study in the philosophy of science

Автор: Beth E.W.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-d edition

Год издания: 1966

Количество страниц: 754

Добавлена в каталог: 25.11.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Lindenbaum, A.      76 159 167 235 250f. 262 345 377f. 435 523 552 599
Linguistic element in mathematical thought      636
Listing, J.B.      58
LJ (Gentzen)      451
LK (Gentzen)      282ff.
Lobachewskij, N.I.      57 154
Locke, J.      38 192 633
Loeb, M.      482
Loewenheim — Skolem — Goedel (theorem of)      193 267 320 435 574 645
Loewenheim, L.      74f. 182 193 230 267 320f. 435 473 482 488ff. 492 518ff. 572 574 584ff. 642f. 645
Logic (combinatory)      363 510
Logic (elementary)      202 215ff. 235
Logic (higher-order)      75 127 202 224 495 655
Logic (inductive)      393
Logic (intuitionistic)      230f. 433ff. 444ff. 549 674ff. 677
Logic (many-sorted)      225 655 666
Logic (many-valued)      230
Logic (modal)      xxiif. 18 54 230 435 549
Logic (predicate)      v. "Logic (elementary)"
Logic (reduced)      263 267 296 525 527
Logic (sentential)      53 55 73 202 520 652ff.
Logic and mathematics      67 70 636 cf.
Logic with identity      19 221f. 554f. 655
Logica Magna      202 229 504
Logica Magna, identity      v. "Identity"
Logica Magna, logical consequence      v. "Consequence"
Logicism      67 353ff. 499 504
Logico-mathematical parallelism      172 442 cf.
Loomis, L.      171
Lorenzen, P.      xxii xxvi 128 232 472
Los, J.      328
Lotze, H.      353
ls      345ff.
Lukasiewicz, J.      4 23f. 73 192 230 249 293 353 362f. 502 621 627
Lullus, R.      52
Lusin, N.      567 576 608
Lyndon, R.C.      67 293 508
Mach, E.      48 192 644
Maine de Biran, P.      615
Majorant set      386
Malcev, A.      537
Mannoury, G.      69f. 436 439 621 628 630f. 644
Many-sorted logic      v. "Logic"
Many-valued logic      v. "Logic"
Mapping      xx 162 346
Marburg School      v. "Kantianism"
Maritain, J.      629
Markoff, A.      392
Martin, R.M.      317 363 471
Marx, K.      11 88
Mates, J. Benson      4
Mathematical truth and provability      340f.
Mathematics (pure and applied)      37 57 637
Mathesis universalis      v. "Universal mathematics"
Matrix method      xxiii 249ff. 435
Maximal      377 380 539
Maximal, ideal      v. "Ideal (prime)"
Mazurkiewicz, S.      552
McColl, H.      69
McKinsey, J.C.C.      67 435 536 549f. 586 674
McLaurin, C.      62
McNaughton, R.      129 508
Meaning      23 76 503 cf. "Interpretation"
Megarics      20 23 32 53f. 464
Melissus      7 8
Menger, K.      172
Mention      v. "Use and mention"
Metamathematics      70ff. 411 441f.
Metamathematics, (Chwistek's rational)      509
Metaphysics      32 cf.
Metasystem      336
Method (analytic, synthetic)      44
Metric space      158ff.
Metrisable space      160f.
Meyerson, E.      617f.
Meyerson-Brodie, H.C.      510
Microperfect      112
Midsequent      280
Mill, J. Stuart      58 353
Minimal      380
Minimal, calculus      436
Misch, G.      xxii
ML (Quine)      230 497 508f.
Modal logic, logic of modalities      v. "Logic"
Model      76 120ff. 181 183ff. 319 360 448 526 542ff. 571ff. 642 666
Model (complete)      538 678
Model (recursive classification)      607ff.
Model (standard, non-standard)      337 342 349 411 490 509 515f. 527 668
modus ponens      71 191 205ff. 208 228 414
Modus ponens, (generalised)      654
Moh Shaw-Kwei      230 482
Montague, R.      164 482 679
Moore, E.H.      143
Moore, G.E.      482 619
Moore, R.L.      377
Morris, C.W.      631f.
Mostowski, A.      xv xxvi xxvii 124 279 385 393f. 412 435 449 536 551 571f. 574 580 586 588 593 604ff. 608 680
Multiplication      v. "Product"
Multitude      407f. 465
Mutakallimun      493
Myhill, J.      74 510
Mystical doctrines, mysticism      34 619
Nagata, J.      161
NAME      20 188 354 490 516
Natorp, P.      618f.
Natural deduction      193 198ff. 248 527
Nature      4
NB (von Neumann — Bernays — Goedel)      386ff. 407 497 508 668
Needham, J.      xxii
Negation      64 177 516 cf.
Negation (choice, exclusion)      631
Negationless intuitionistic mathematics (Griss)      70 436ff. 631 674 cf. "Stable"
Neighbourhood      111 156ff. 523 680
Neighbourhood, space (Hausdorff)      156 168 173 523 651
Nelson, D.      75 430 442
Nelson, L.      413 482 584 626
Neo-criticism (Baden school of)      v. "Kantianism"
Neo-kantians      v. "Kantianism"
Neumann, B.H.      539
Newton, I.      11 44
NF (Quine)      230f. 497 507ff.
Nietzsche, Fr.      615
Nieuwentyt, B.      38ff.
NJ (Gentzen)      451 463
NK (Gentzen)      280ff.
No-counterexample interpretation (Kreisel)      200
Noether, E.      136 172
Nominalism      363 408 464ff.
Nomos      5
Non-categoricity      v. "Categoricity"
Non-constructive methods      233 418ff.
Non-predicative      v. "Impredicative"
Normal forms (of logical formulas)      282 658 662
Normal matrix      250
Normal space      160
Normal valuation      xxviii 263 525
Notation in mathematics      636
Novak, I.L.      392
Null-class      xvii 62
Number (complex)      137
Number (natural)      90 113ff.
Number (p-adic)      149
Number (prime)      132
Number (rational)      98f. 649 cf.
Number (real)      99ff. 128 423 649
Number in intuitionistic mathematics      420ff. 671ff.
Number theory      v. "Arithmetic"
Number, number concept      90 357
Numeral      xx 238 246 258 298
Numeralwise represented      307ff. 345 587ff.
Object      354 366 cf.
Object of mathematical thought      636
Object, system      336
Occurrence      296 cf.
Ockham, William      54
Ontological interpretation of logic and mathematics      364 613ff.
Ontology      644ff.
Open set      156 432 680
Operation      221 263 cf.
Operation (infinite)      169
Operator (of elementary logic)      216
Opposites      16
Order (continuous)      330
Order (dense)      100 321ff. 555
Order (of a constructible set)      403
Order (partial)      v. "Partial order"
Order (simple)      xvii 262
Order, order relation, ordered set      100 123 127f. 139f. 152 185 238 370 565ff. 669
Order, relations in intuitionistic mathematics      672
Order, types (operations on)      670
Ordering principle      262 378
Ordinal numbers, ordinals      366 370f. 394ff.
Ordinal sum      333
Orey, S.      xxv 580
Ostrowski, A.      110
P ("Peano")      311ff. 587ff. 615
Padoa's method      87 151f. 292 651 667 669
Padoa, A.      69 87f. 151 379 651 667 669
Pair (ordered)      xvii 227
Pappus      145 150
Paradox (Berry)      486 512
Paradox (Burali — Forti)      397 484 496
Paradox (Cantor)      484 495
Paradox (Grelling)      486
Paradox (Liar)      20 24 343 482 485 493
Paradox (Richard)      473 487 513 521 569
Paradox (Russell)      68 361f. 482f.
Paradox (Skolem — Loewenheim)      75 488ff. 513ff. 643
Paradox (Sorites)      21
Paradox (Zermelo — Koenig)      488 521 569
Paradox of symmetric solids (Kant)      651
Paradoxes      8f. 14 20 70 341 481ff. 625 630 641
Paradoxes (cantorist views on)      494ff.
Paradoxes (intuitionistic interpretation of)      494
Paradoxes (semantical)      76 501 510
Paradoxes (Zeno's)      8 365 492ff.
Paradoxes of denotation and analysis      21 356 482 490 516ff.
Paradoxes of set-theory      75 465 492 495
Paradoxes of the infinite (Bolzano's)      493
Parallelism      v. "Logico-mathematical"
Parameters      221
Parmenides      7f. 54 632
Partial order      77 135 166 171f. 377
Particularisation      178
Pascal's condition      505
Pascal, B.      145 505 615
Pasch, M.      139f. 641
Paulsen, F.      48
Peacock, G.      58
Peano, G.      63 68ff. 113 126 128 139 293 297 311 342 348 353 355 360f. 376 410ff. 502 605
Pedigree      178 204f. 235 237f. 652
Peirce, C.S.      63f. 66f. 73 92 113 172 355 360 383 617 638 662
Pepis, J.      586
Perfect      111
Peter, R.      xxvi 128
Phantasma      635
Philitas of Cos      492
Philolaos      5
Philosophy      33 613ff.
Physis      5
Piaget, J.      632
Pieri, M.      68ff. 139 344
Plato      5 7 11ff. 20 22f. 25 31 35ff. 40 54 90 196 223 354 493 629 632 637 644
Platonism      362f. 407 421 464ff. 627 638ff.
Plotinus      16 640
Ploucquet, G.      63
Plurality      7
Plutarchus      36 54
Poincare, H.      64 69f. 73 85 114f. 147ff. 156f. 409 471 481 497 500 513 619 641f.
Pontrjagin, L.      111f.
Popper, K.R.      4 193
Poretskij, P.      69
Pos, H.J.      643
Posidonius      52
Positivism (logical)      362f.
Post, E.L.      73 230 584 593 608 659
Postulate      81
Pragmatism      614 618f.
Prantl, C.      xxii 32
Predicate (quantification of the)      53
Predicate, predicate logic      67 73 cf.
Predicative      v. "Impredicative"
Premiss      190 198
Prenex formula      v. "Normal forms"
Presburger, M.      74 127 238 584 586
Price, D.      xxii
primitive elements      382
Primitive elements, notion or term      81 150ff. 173
Primitive elements, notions of Euclidean geometry      150f. 339
Primitive elements, recursive      299f.
Principle      10f. 15 32
Probability theory      363
Proclus      139
Product (Cartesian)      xix 576 651
Product (direct)      333ff.
Product (logical)      xviii 61 164
Product (relative)      92 665
Projective set      576ff.
Proof from assumptions      204 219
Proof from assumptions by exposition      192
Proof from assumptions, theory      233ff. cf.
Proportions (theory of)      15 37 90 365 492 cf.
Proposition, propositional      v. "Sentence" "Sentential"
Provable      86 cf. "Derivation" "Inference" "Proof"
Psellus, M.      35
Pseudo-definition      226
Pseudo-problem      628
Pseudo-valuation      681
Psychologism, psychology      353 628 632ff.
Punctuation      203
Pythagoras      33 40 147
Q (R.M. Robinson)      243 247ff. 306ff. 604 614
Quantification      v. "Predicate" "Quantifier"
Quantification (double)      190
Quantification (theory of)      202
Quantifier      67 178
Quantifier (definition of)      218 223f.
Quantifier (elimination of)      324
Quantifier (relativising)      602 666
Quine, W.V.      113 193 202 230f. 297 356 363 437 471f. 491 497 507f. 512
Quotation marks      259ff. 490 516f.
Ramification      502 509
Ramsey, F.P.      497 502ff.
Range (of variable)      179
Rasiowa, H.      75 435f. 536 675 680
Rational science      47
Rationalism      38 615 632
Realism      619ff. 624 621ff. 644
reality      40 622
Reality (spheres of)      644
Reality, postulate      32 47
Reason (World)      34
Recursion      v. "Induction"
Recursion (course-of-values)      123
Recursion (definition by)      115 122 129ff. 345
Recursion (proof by)      113 122 126 204f. 285ff.
Recursion (transfinite)      xxiv 74 372 395 402
Recursion for rational integers      658
Recursive functions and predicates      297ff. 375 436 583ff. cf. "Primitive
Recursively enumerable      xxvii 592f. 596 599
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