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Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in Fortran 90 |
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Statistical tests, Fisher’s z-transformation 631f. 1276
Statistical tests, for periodic signal 570
Statistical tests, for periodic signal 570
Statistical tests, for shift vs. for spread 620f.
Statistical tests, for shift vs. for spread 620f.
Statistical tests, general paradigm 603
Statistical tests, general paradigm 603
Statistical tests, Kendall’s tau 634 637ff. 1279
Statistical tests, Kendall’s tau 634 637ff. 1279
Statistical tests, Kolmogorov — Smimov 614 617ff. 640 694 1273f. 1281
Statistical tests, Kolmogorov — Smimov 614 617ff. 640 694 1273f. 1281
Statistical tests, Kuiper’s statistic 621
Statistical tests, Kuiper’s statistic 621
Statistical tests, kurtosis 606 608 1269
Statistical tests, kurtosis 606 608 1269
Statistical tests, L-estimates 694
Statistical tests, L-estimates 694
Statistical tests, linear correlation coefficient 630ff. 1276
Statistical tests, linear correlation coefficient 630ff. 1276
Statistical tests, M-estimates 694ff.
Statistical tests, M-estimates 694ff.
Statistical tests, mean 603ff. 608ff. 1269f.
Statistical tests, mean 603ff. 608ff. 1269f.
Statistical tests, measures of association 604 622ff. 1275
Statistical tests, measures of association 604 622ff. 1275
Statistical tests, measures of central tendency 604ff. 1269
Statistical tests, measures of central tendency 604ff. 1269
Statistical tests, median 605 694
Statistical tests, median 605 694
Statistical tests, mode 605
Statistical tests, mode 605
Statistical tests, moments 604ff. 608 1269
Statistical tests, moments 604ff. 608 1269
Statistical tests, nonparametric correlation 633ff. 1277
Statistical tests, nonparametric correlation 633ff. 1277
Statistical tests, Pearson’s r 630ff. 1276
Statistical tests, Pearson’s r 630ff. 1276
Statistical tests, phi statistic 625
Statistical tests, phi statistic 625
Statistical tests, R-estimates 694
Statistical tests, R-estimates 694
Statistical tests, rank correlation 633ff. 1277
Statistical tests, rank correlation 633ff. 1277
Statistical tests, robust 605 634 694ff.
Statistical tests, robust 605 634 694ff.
Statistical tests, semi-invariants 608
Statistical tests, semi-invariants 608
Statistical tests, significance 609f. 1269ff.
Statistical tests, significance 609f. 1269ff.
Statistical tests, significance, one- vs. two-sided 613 632
Statistical tests, significance, one- vs. two-sided 613 632
Statistical tests, skewness 606 608 1269
Statistical tests, skewness 606 608 1269
Statistical tests, Spearman rank-order coefficient 634f. 694f. 1277
Statistical tests, Spearman rank-order coefficient 634f. 694f. 1277
Statistical tests, standard deviation 605 1269
Statistical tests, standard deviation 605 1269
Statistical tests, strength vs. significance 609f. 622
Statistical tests, strength vs. significance 609f. 622
Statistical tests, Student’s t 610 631 1269
Statistical tests, Student’s t 610 631 1269
Statistical tests, Student’s t, for correlation 631
Statistical tests, Student’s t, for correlation 631
Statistical tests, Student’s t, paired samples 612 1271
Statistical tests, Student’s t, paired samples 612 1271
Statistical tests, Student’s t, Spearman rank-order coefficient 634 1277
Statistical tests, Student’s t, Spearman rank-order coefficient 634 1277
Statistical tests, Student’s t, unequal variances 611 1270
Statistical tests, Student’s t, unequal variances 611 1270
Statistical tests, sum squared difference of ranks 635 1277
Statistical tests, sum squared difference of ranks 635 1277
Statistical tests, Tukey’s trimean 694
Statistical tests, Tukey’s trimean 694
Statistical tests, two-dimensional 640 1281f.
Statistical tests, two-dimensional 640 1281f.
Statistical tests, variance 603ff. 607f. 612f. 1269ff.
Statistical tests, variance 603ff. 607f. 612f. 1269ff.
Statistical tests, Wilcoxon 694 (see also Error; Robust estimation)
Statistical tests, Wilcoxon 694 (see also Error; Robust estimation)
Steak, without sizzle 809
Steed’s method, Bessel functions 234 239
Steed’s method, Bessel functions 234 239
Steed’s method, continued fractions 164f.
Steed’s method, continued fractions 164f.
Steepest descent method 414
Steepest descent method 414
Steepest descent method, in inverse problems 804
Steepest descent method, in inverse problems 804
Step doubling 130 708f. 1052
Step doubling 130 708f. 1052
Step tripling 136 1055
Step tripling 136 1055
Stieltjes, procedure of 151
Stieltjes, procedure of 151
Stiff equations 703 727ff. 1308ff.
Stiff equations 703 727ff. 1308ff.
Stiff equations, Kaps — Rentrop method 730 1308
Stiff equations, Kaps — Rentrop method 730 1308
Stiff equations, methods compared 739
Stiff equations, methods compared 739
Stiff equations, predictor-corrector method 730
Stiff equations, predictor-corrector method 730
Stiff equations, r.h.s. independent of x 729f.
Stiff equations, r.h.s. independent of x 729f.
Stiff equations, Rosenbrock method 730 1308
Stiff equations, Rosenbrock method 730 1308
Stiff equations, scaling of variables 730
Stiff equations, scaling of variables 730
Stiff equations, semi-implicit extrapolation method 730 1310f.
Stiff equations, semi-implicit extrapolation method 730 1310f.
Stiff equations, semi-implicit midpoint rule 735f. 1310f.
Stiff equations, semi-implicit midpoint rule 735f. 1310f.
Stiff functions 100 399
Stiff functions 100 399
Stirling’s approximation 206 812
Stirling’s approximation 206 812
Stoermer’s rule 726 1307
Stoermer’s rule 726 1307
Stopping criterion, in multigrid method 875f.
Stopping criterion, in multigrid method 875f.
Stopping criterion, in polynomial root finding 366
Storage association 2/xiv
Storage association 2/xiv
Storage, band diagonal matrix 44 1019
Storage, band diagonal matrix 44 1019
Storage, sparse matrices 71f. 1030
Storage, sparse matrices 71f. 1030
Straight injection 867
Straight injection 867
Straight insertion 321f. 461f. 1167 1227
Straight insertion 321f. 461f. 1167 1227
Straight line fitting 655ff. 667f. 1285ff.
Straight line fitting 655ff. 667f. 1285ff.
Straight line fitting, errors in both coordinates 660ff. 1286ff.
Straight line fitting, errors in both coordinates 660ff. 1286ff.
Straight line fitting, robust estimation 698 1294ff.
Straight line fitting, robust estimation 698 1294ff.
Strassen’s fast matrix algorithms 96f.
Strassen’s fast matrix algorithms 96f.
Stratified sampling, Monte Carlo 308f. 314
Stratified sampling, Monte Carlo 308f. 314
Stride (of an array) 944
Stride (of an array) 944
Stride (of an array), communication bottleneck 969
Stride (of an array), communication bottleneck 969
Strongly implicit procedure (SIPSOL) 824
Structure constructor 2/xii
Structured programming 5ff.
Structured programming 5ff.
Student’s probability distribution 221f.
| Student’s probability distribution 221f.
Student’s t-test, for correlation 631
Student’s t-test, for correlation 631
Student’s t-test, for difference of means 610 1269
Student’s t-test, for difference of means 610 1269
Student’s t-test, for difference of means (paired samples) 612 1271
Student’s t-test, for difference of means (paired samples) 612 1271
Student’s t-test, for difference of means (unequal variances) 611 1270
Student’s t-test, for difference of means (unequal variances) 611 1270
Student’s t-test, for difference of ranks 635 1277
Student’s t-test, for difference of ranks 635 1277
Student’s t-test, Spearman rank-order coefficient 634 1277
Student’s t-test, Spearman rank-order coefficient 634 1277
Sturmian sequence 469
Sturmian sequence 469
Sub-random sequences see Quasi-random sequence
Sub-random sequences see Quasi-random sequence
Subprogram 938
Subprogram 938
Subprogram, for data hiding 957 1209 1293 1296
Subprogram, for data hiding 957 1209 1293 1296
Subprogram, in module 940
Subprogram, in module 940
Subprogram, internal 954 957 1057 1067 1226 1256
Subprogram, internal 954 957 1057 1067 1226 1256
Subprogram, undefined variables on exit 952f. 961 1070 1266 1293 1302
Subprogram, undefined variables on exit 952f. 961 1070 1266 1293 1302
Subscript triplet (for array) 944
Subscript triplet (for array) 944
Subtraction, multiple precision 907 1353
Subtraction, multiple precision 907 1353
Subtractive method for random number generator 273 1143
Subtractive method for random number generator 273 1143
Subvector scaling 972 974 996 1000
Subvector scaling 972 974 996 1000
Successive over-relaxation (SOR) 857ff. 862 1332f.
Successive over-relaxation (SOR) 857ff. 862 1332f.
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), bad in multigrid method 866
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), bad in multigrid method 866
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), Chebyshev acceleration 859f. 1332f.
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), Chebyshev acceleration 859f. 1332f.
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), choice of overrelaxation parameter 858
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), choice of overrelaxation parameter 858
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), parallelization 1333
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), parallelization 1333
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), with logical mask 1333f.
Successive over-relaxation (SOR), with logical mask 1333f.
Sum squared difference of ranks 634 1277
Sum squared difference of ranks 634 1277
sum()intrinsic function 945 948 966
sum()intrinsic function 945 948 966
Sums see Series
Sums see Series
Sun 1/xxii 2/xix 886
Sun 1/xxii 2/xix 886
Sun, SPARCstation 1/xxii 2/xix 4
Sun, SPARCstation 1/xxii 2/xix 4
Supernova 1987A 640
Supernova 1987A 640
SVD see Singular value decomposition
SVD see Singular value decomposition
Symbol, of operator 866f.
Symbol, of operator 866f.
Synthetic division 84 167 362 370
Synthetic division 84 167 362 370
Synthetic division, parallel algorithms 977ff. 999 1048 1071f. 1079 1192
Synthetic division, parallel algorithms 977ff. 999 1048 1071f. 1079 1192
Synthetic division, repeated 978f.
Synthetic division, repeated 978f.
Systematic errors 653
Systematic errors 653
Tableau (interpolation) 103 183
Tableau (interpolation) 103 183
Tangent function, continued fraction 163
Tangent function, continued fraction 163
Target, for pointer 938f. 945 952f.
Target, for pointer 938f. 945 952f.
Taylor series 180 355f. 408 702 709 742 754 759
Taylor series 180 355f. 408 702 709 742 754 759
Test programs 3
Test programs 3
Thermodynamics, analogy for simulated annealing 437
Thinking Machines, Inc. 964
Threshold multiply of sparse matrices 74 1031
Threshold multiply of sparse matrices 74 1031
Tides 560f.
Tides 560f.
Tikhonov — Miller regularization 799ff.
Tikhonov — Miller regularization 799ff.
Time domain 490
Time domain 490
Time splitting 847f. 861
Time splitting 847f. 861
tiny() intrinsic function 952
tiny() intrinsic function 952
Toeplitz matrix 82 85ff. 195 1038
Toeplitz matrix 82 85ff. 195 1038
Toeplitz matrix, LU decomposition 87
Toeplitz matrix, LU decomposition 87
Toeplitz matrix, new, fast algorithms 88f.
Toeplitz matrix, new, fast algorithms 88f.
Toeplitz matrix, nonsymmetric 86ff. 1038
Toeplitz matrix, nonsymmetric 86ff. 1038
Tongue twisters 333
Tongue twisters 333
Torus 297f. 304
Torus 297f. 304
Trade-off curve 795 809
Trade-off curve 795 809
Trademarks 1/xxii 2/xixf.
Trademarks 1/xxii 2/xixf.
Transformation, Gauss 256
Transformation, Gauss 256
Transformation, Landen 256
Transformation, Landen 256
Transformation, method for random number generator 277ff.
Transformation, method for random number generator 277ff.
Transformational functions 948ff.
Transforms, number theoretic 503f.
Transforms, number theoretic 503f.
Transport error 831f.
Transport error 831f.
Transpose of sparse matrix 73f.
Transpose of sparse matrix 73f.
transpose() intrinsic function 950 960 969 981 1050 1246
transpose() intrinsic function 950 960 969 981 1050 1246
Trapezoidal rule 125 127 130ff. 134f. 579 583 782 786 1052 1326f.
Trapezoidal rule 125 127 130ff. 134f. 579 583 782 786 1052 1326f.
Traveling salesman problem 438ff. 1219ff.
Traveling salesman problem 438ff. 1219ff.
Tridiagonal matrix 42 63 150 453f. 488 839f. 1018f.
Tridiagonal matrix 42 63 150 453f. 488 839f. 1018f.
Tridiagonal matrix, cyclic 67 1030
Tridiagonal matrix, cyclic 67 1030
Tridiagonal matrix, eigenvalues 469ff. 1228
Tridiagonal matrix, eigenvalues 469ff. 1228
Tridiagonal matrix, from cubic spline 109
Tridiagonal matrix, from cubic spline 109
Tridiagonal matrix, from operator splitting 861f.
Tridiagonal matrix, from operator splitting 861f.
Tridiagonal matrix, in altemating-direction implicit method (ADI) 861f.
Tridiagonal matrix, in altemating-direction implicit method (ADI) 861f.
Tridiagonal matrix, in cyclic reduction 853
Tridiagonal matrix, in cyclic reduction 853
Tridiagonal matrix, parallel algorithm 975 1018 1229f.
Tridiagonal matrix, parallel algorithm 975 1018 1229f.
Tridiagonal matrix, recursive splitting 1229f.
Tridiagonal matrix, recursive splitting 1229f.
Tridiagonal matrix, reduction of symmetric matrix to 462ff. 470 1227f.
Tridiagonal matrix, serial algorithm 1018f. (see also Matrix)
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