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Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in Fortran 90 |
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Roundoff error, linear algebraic equations 23 27 29 47 56 84 1022
Roundoff error, linear algebraic equations 23 27 29 47 56 84 1022
Roundoff error, linear predictive coding (LPC) 564
Roundoff error, linear predictive coding (LPC) 564
Roundoff error, magnification of 20 47 1022
Roundoff error, magnification of 20 47 1022
Roundoff error, maximum entropy method (MEM) 567
Roundoff error, maximum entropy method (MEM) 567
Roundoff error, measuring 881f. 1343
Roundoff error, measuring 881f. 1343
Roundoff error, multidimensional minimization 418 422
Roundoff error, multidimensional minimization 418 422
Roundoff error, multiple roots 362
Roundoff error, multiple roots 362
Roundoff error, numerical derivatives 180f.
Roundoff error, numerical derivatives 180f.
Roundoff error, recurrence relations 173
Roundoff error, recurrence relations 173
Roundoff error, reduction to Hessenberg form 479
Roundoff error, reduction to Hessenberg form 479
Roundoff error, series 164f.
Roundoff error, series 164f.
Roundoff error, straight line fitting 658
Roundoff error, straight line fitting 658
Roundoff error, variance 607
Roundoff error, variance 607
Row degeneracy 22
Row operations on matrix 28 31f.
Row operations on matrix 28 31f.
Row totals 624
Row totals 624
Row-indexed sparse storage 71f. 1030
Row-indexed sparse storage 71f. 1030
Row-indexed sparse storage, transpose 73f.
Row-indexed sparse storage, transpose 73f.
RSS algorithm 314ff. 1164
RSS algorithm 314ff. 1164
RST properties (reflexive, symmetric, transitive) 338
RST properties (reflexive, symmetric, transitive) 338
Run-length encoding 901
Run-length encoding 901
Runge — Kutta method 702 704ff. 731 740 1297ff. 1308
Runge — Kutta method 702 704ff. 731 740 1297ff. 1308
Runge — Kutta method, Cash — Karp parameters 710 1299f.
Runge — Kutta method, Cash — Karp parameters 710 1299f.
Runge — Kutta method, embedded 709f. 731 1298 1308
Runge — Kutta method, embedded 709f. 731 1298 1308
Runge — Kutta method, high-order 705 1297
Runge — Kutta method, high-order 705 1297
Runge — Kutta method, quality control 722
Runge — Kutta method, quality control 722
Runge — Kutta method, stepsize control 708ff. 1298f.
Runge — Kutta method, stepsize control 708ff. 1298f.
Rybicki, G.B. 84ff. 114 145 252 522 574 600
Rybicki, G.B. 84ff. 114 145 252 522 574 600
S-box for Data Encryption Standard 1148
S-box for Data Encryption Standard 1148
Sampling theorem 495 543
Sampling theorem 495 543
Sampling theorem, for numerical approximation 600ff.
Sampling theorem, for numerical approximation 600ff.
Sampling, importance 306f.
Sampling, importance 306f.
Sampling, Latin square or hypercube 305f.
Sampling, Latin square or hypercube 305f.
Sampling, recursive stratified 314ff. 1164
Sampling, recursive stratified 314ff. 1164
Sampling, stratified 308f.
Sampling, stratified 308f.
Sampling, uneven or irregular 569 648f. 1258
Sampling, uneven or irregular 569 648f. 1258
Sande — Tukey FFT algorithm 503
Sande — Tukey FFT algorithm 503
SAVE attribute 953f. 958f. 961 1052 1070 1266 1293
SAVE attribute 953f. 958f. 961 1052 1070 1266 1293
SAVE attribute, redundant use of 958f.
SAVE attribute, redundant use of 958f.
SAVE statements 3
SAVE statements 3
Savitzky — Golay filters for data smoothing 644ff. 1283f.
Savitzky — Golay filters for data smoothing 644ff. 1283f.
Savitzky — Golay filters for numerical derivatives 183 645
Savitzky — Golay filters for numerical derivatives 183 645
scale()intrinsic function 1107
scale()intrinsic function 1107
Scallop loss 548
Scallop loss 548
Scatter-with-combine functions 984 1002f. 1032 1366 1380f.
Scatter-with-combine functions 984 1002f. 1032 1366 1380f.
scatter_add() utility function 984 990 1002 1032
scatter_add() utility function 984 990 1002 1032
scatter_max() utility function 984 990 1003
scatter_max() utility function 984 990 1003
Schonfelder, Lawrie 2/xi
Schonfelder, Lawrie 2/xi
Schrage’s algorithm 269
Schrage’s algorithm 269
Schrodinger equation 842ff.
Schrodinger equation 842ff.
Schultz’s method for matrix inverse 49 598
Schultz’s method for matrix inverse 49 598
Scope 956ff. 1209 1293 1296
Scope 956ff. 1209 1293 1296
Scoping unit 939
Scoping unit 939
SDLC checksum 890
SDLC checksum 890
Searching an ordered table 110f. 1045f.
Searching an ordered table 110f. 1045f.
Searching selection 333 1177f.
Searching with correlated values 111 1046f.
Searching with correlated values 111 1046f.
Secant method 341 347ff. 358 364 399 1186f.
Secant method 341 347ff. 358 364 399 1186f.
Secant method, Broyden’s method 382f. 1199f.
Secant method, Broyden’s method 382f. 1199f.
Secant method, multidimensional (Broyden’s) 373 382f. 1199
Secant method, multidimensional (Broyden’s) 373 382f. 1199
Second Euler — Maclaurin summation formula 135f.
Second Euler — Maclaurin summation formula 135f.
Second order differential equations 726 1307
Second order differential equations 726 1307
Seed of random number generator 267 1146f.
Seed of random number generator 267 1146f.
select case statement 2/xiv 1010 1036
select case statement 2/xiv 1010 1036
Selection 320 333 1177f.
Selection 320 333 1177f.
Selection, by packing 1178
Selection, by packing 1178
Selection, by partition-exchange 333 1177f.
Selection, by partition-exchange 333 1177f.
Selection, find largest elements 336 1179f.
Selection, find largest elements 336 1179f.
Selection, for median 698 1294
Selection, for median 698 1294
Selection, heap algorithm 336 1179
Selection, heap algorithm 336 1179
Selection, operation count 333
Selection, operation count 333
Selection, parallel algorithms 1178
Selection, parallel algorithms 1178
Selection, timings 336
Selection, timings 336
Selection, use to find median 609
Selection, use to find median 609
Selection, without rearrangement 335 1178f.
Selection, without rearrangement 335 1178f.
Semi-implicit Euler method 730 735f.
Semi-implicit extrapolation method 730 735f. 1310f.
| Semi-implicit extrapolation method 730 735f. 1310f.
Semi-implicit extrapolation method, compared with Rosenbrock method 739
Semi-implicit extrapolation method, compared with Rosenbrock method 739
Semi-implicit extrapolation method, stepsize control 737 13Ilf.
Semi-implicit extrapolation method, stepsize control 737 13Ilf.
Semi-implicit midpoint rule 735f. 1310f.
Semi-invariants of a distribution 608
Semi-invariants of a distribution 608
Sentinel, in Quicksort 324 333
Sentinel, in Quicksort 324 333
Separable kernel 785
Separable kernel 785
Separation of variables 246
Separation of variables 246
Serial computing, convergence of quadrature 1060
Serial computing, convergence of quadrature 1060
Serial computing, random numbers 1141
Serial computing, random numbers 1141
Serial computing, sorting 1167
Serial computing, sorting 1167
Serial data port 892
Serial data port 892
Series 159ff.
Series 159ff.
Series, accelerating convergence of 159ff.
Series, accelerating convergence of 159ff.
Series, alternating 160f. 1070
Series, alternating 160f. 1070
Series, asymptotic 161
Series, asymptotic 161
Series, Bessel function 241
Series, Bessel function 241
Series, Bessel function 235
Series, Bessel function 235
Series, Bessel functions 160 223
Series, Bessel functions 160 223
Series, cosine integral 250
Series, cosine integral 250
Series, divergent 161
Series, divergent 161
Series, economization 192f. 195 1080
Series, economization 192f. 195 1080
Series, Euler’s transformation 160f. 1070
Series, Euler’s transformation 160f. 1070
Series, exponential integral 216 218
Series, exponential integral 216 218
Series, Fresnel integral 248
Series, Fresnel integral 248
Series, hypergeometric 202 263 1138
Series, hypergeometric 202 263 1138
Series, incomplete beta function 219
Series, incomplete beta function 219
Series, incomplete gamma function 210 1090f.
Series, incomplete gamma function 210 1090f.
Series, Laurent 566
Series, Laurent 566
Series, relation to continued fractions 163f.
Series, relation to continued fractions 163f.
Series, roundoff error in 164f.
Series, roundoff error in 164f.
Series, sine and cosine integrals 250
Series, sine and cosine integrals 250
Series, sine function 160
Series, sine function 160
Series, Taylor 355f. 408 702 709 754 759
Series, Taylor 355f. 408 702 709 754 759
Series, transformation of 160ff. 1070
Series, transformation of 160ff. 1070
Series, van Wijngaarden’s algorithm 161 1070
Series, van Wijngaarden’s algorithm 161 1070
Shaft encoder 886
Shaft encoder 886
Shakespeare 9
Shakespeare 9
Shampine’s Rosenbrock parameters 732 1308
Shampine’s Rosenbrock parameters 732 1308
shape() intrinsic function 938 949
shape() intrinsic function 938 949
Shell algorithm (Shell’s sort) 321ff. 1168
Sherman — Morrison formula 65ff. 83 382
Shifting of eigenvalues 449 470f. 480
Shifting of eigenvalues 449 470f. 480
Shock wave 831 837
Shock wave 831 837
Shooting method, computation of spheroidal harmonics 772 1321ff.
Shooting method, computation of spheroidal harmonics 772 1321ff.
Shooting method, example 770ff. 1321ff.
Shooting method, example 770ff. 1321ff.
Shooting method, for differential equations 746 749ff. 770ff. 1314ff. 1321ff.
Shooting method, for differential equations 746 749ff. 770ff. 1314ff. 1321ff.
Shooting method, for difficult cases 753 1315f.
Shooting method, for difficult cases 753 1315f.
Shooting method, interior fitting point 752 1315f. 1323ff.
Shooting method, interior fitting point 752 1315f. 1323ff.
Shuffling to improve random number generator 270 272
Shuffling to improve random number generator 270 272
Side effects, and PURE subprograms 960
Side effects, and PURE subprograms 960
Side effects, prevented by data hiding 957 1209 1293 1296
Side effects, prevented by data hiding 957 1209 1293 1296
Sidelobe fall-off 548
Sidelobe fall-off 548
Sidelobe level 548
Sidelobe level 548
sign()intrinsic function, modified in Fortran 95 961
sign()intrinsic function, modified in Fortran 95 961
Signal, bandwidth limited 495
Signal, bandwidth limited 495
Significance (numerical) 19
Significance (numerical) 19
Significance (statistical) 609f.
Significance (statistical) 609f.
Significance (statistical), of 2-d K-S test 640
Significance (statistical), of 2-d K-S test 640
Significance (statistical), one- vs. two-sided 632
Significance (statistical), one- vs. two-sided 632
Significance (statistical), peak in Lomb periodogram 570
Significance (statistical), peak in Lomb periodogram 570
Significance (statistical), two-tailed 613
Significance (statistical), two-tailed 613
SIMD machines (Single Instruction Multiple Data) 964 985f. 1009 1084f.
SIMD machines (Single Instruction Multiple Data) 964 985f. 1009 1084f.
Similarity transform 452ff. 456 476 478 482
Similarity transform 452ff. 456 476 478 482
Simplex, defined 402
Simplex, defined 402
Simplex, method in linear programming 389 402 423ff. 431f. 1216ff.
Simplex, method in linear programming 389 402 423ff. 431f. 1216ff.
Simplex, method of Nelder and Mead 389 402ff. 444 697f. 1208f. 1222ff.
Simplex, method of Nelder and Mead 389 402ff. 444 697f. 1208f. 1222ff.
Simplex, use in simulated annealing 444 1222ff.
Simplex, use in simulated annealing 444 1222ff.
Simpson’s rule 124ff. 128 133 136f. 583 782 788f. 1053f.
Simpson’s three-eighths rule 126 789f.
Simpson’s three-eighths rule 126 789f.
Simulated annealing see Annealing method
Simulated annealing see Annealing method
Simulation see Monte Carlo
Simulation see Monte Carlo
Sine function, evaluated from tan ( /2) 173
Sine function, evaluated from tan ( /2) 173
Sine function, evaluated from tan ( /2), recurrence 172
Sine function, evaluated from tan ( /2), recurrence 172
Sine function, evaluated from tan ( /2), series 160
Sine function, evaluated from tan ( /2), series 160
Sine integral 248 250ff. 1123 1125f.
Sine integral 248 250ff. 1123 1125f.
Sine integral, continued fraction 250
Sine integral, continued fraction 250
Sine integral, series 250 (see also Cosine integral)
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