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Fantechi B., Gottsche L., Illusie L. — Fundamental Algebraic Geometry. Grothendieck's FGA Explained MAg |
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Hilbert — Chow morphism of a smooth curve is an isomorphism 169
Hilbert — Chow morphism, existence of 166
Hilbert — Chow morphism, p 159
Hilbert's fifteenth problem 248
Hilbert's Theorem 90 256
Hilbert, functor 108 109
Hilbert, polynomial 109
Hilbert, scheme 107 108 159 166 171
Hilbert, scheme of hypersurfaces in 111
Hilbert, scheme of points, , stratification of, 171
Hilbert, scheme of points, 159
Hilbert, scheme of points, , incidence correspondence 166
Hodge index theorem 319
Holomorphic symplectic variety 170
Homomorphism of deformations 210
Homomorphism of group objects 20
Homomorphism, specialization 217
Hull, pro-represent able 150
Hull, pro-represent able, characterization of 150
Hull, pro-represent able, existence of 151
Hull, pro-represent able, unicity of 151
I-adic filtration 181
I-adic topology 181
I-good filtration 188
Ideal of definition of a locally noetherian forma scheme 183
Ideal of definition of an adic ring 181
Intersection, cohomology 173
Intersection, number 314
Intersection, symbol 314
Invariant arrow 100
Irregularity 243 284
Jacobi inversion problem 239
Jacobian 241 245
Jacobian, generalized 247
Jointy surjective 26
K3 surface 225
Kodaira vanishing theorem 279
Lemma on generic flatness 122 123
Lemma, 2-Yoneda, strong version 60
Lemma, 2-Yoneda, weak version 59
Lemma, Castelnuovo 115
Lemma, Yoneda, dual form 18
Lemma, Yoneda, strong version 14
Lemma, Yoneda, weak version 13
Lie algebra 273 283
Lie — Kolchin theorem 277
Lifting of a flat scheme 212
Local algebra 145
Local algebra, Artinian 143
Local algebra, Artinian, category of, (Art/k) 143
Local algebra, category of, (Loc/k) 145
Local algebra, complete 145
Local algebra, complete, category of, (CLoc/k) 145
Local class of arrows 89
Local complete intersection 149
Local complete intersection in a scheme 157
Local Picard scheme 272
Locally of finite presentation, morphism of schemes 7
m-regular sheaf 114
Macdonald's formula 174
Mittag — Leffler condition 189
ML 189
Morphism of deformation functors 143
Morphism of fibered categories 42
Morphism of formal schemes 182
Morphism of formal schemes, smooth 213
Morphism of schemes, faithfully flat 9
Morphism of schemes, flat 8
Morphism of schemes, fpqc 28
Morphism of schemes, fpqc, properties of 28
Morphism of schemes, locally of finite presentation 7
Morphism of schemes, projective 126
Morphism of schemes, quasi-compact 7
Morphism of schemes, quasi-projective 126
Morphism of schemes, strongly projective 126
Morphism of schemes, strongly quasi-projective 126
Morphism of sheaves 29
Morphism, Hilbert — Chow morphism 159
Morphism, Hilbert — Chow morphism, existence of 166
Natural transformation, base-preserving 56
Neron — Severi 244
Numerically equivalent 291
Object with descent data, effective 73
Object with descent data, via sieves 71
Object, discrete 23
Object, universal 15
Obstruction 210 213
Obstruction space, 147
Oort devissage 270 271 273
Opposite category 11
Path between fiber functors 216
Perfect amplitude 199
Perfect complex 199
Picard, functor, absolute 252
Picard, functor, relative 252
Picard, functor, the 257
Picard, group 237
Picard, integral 243
Picard, number 244
Picard, scheme 237 262
Picard, scheme, local 272
Pluecker coordinates 114
Pluecker relations 114
Poincare family 244 277
Poincare sheaf 262
Polynomial, Hilbert 109
Prestack 72
Prestack, characterization of 73
Pretopology 26
Pro-representable functor 148
Pro-representable hull 150
Pro-representable hull, characterization of 150
Pro-representable hull, existence of 151
Pro-representable hull, unicity of 151
Projection isomorphism 197
Projective morphism 126
Projective system, essentially zero 189
Projective system, strict 189
Property of exchange 203 260
Pseudo-coherent complex 199
Pseudo-functor 44
Pullback 41
Punctual Hilbert scheme, 171
Punctual Hilbert scheme, , of curvilinear subschemes, 172
Quasi-compact morphism of schemes 7
Quasi-functor 58
Quasi-functor, characterization 58
Quasi-projective morphism 126
Quot functor 109
Quot scheme 107
Quotient by a group action 160
Quotient by a group action, existence of 160
Quotient by a schematic equivalence relation 134
Quotient, effective 134
Quotient, universal 114
Ramanujam — Samuel theorem 274 280
refinement 33
Refinement, characterization via sieves 33
Regular sheaf 114
Regularity, Castelnuovo — Mumford 114 249
Representable fibered category 59
Representable fibered category, characterization 61
Representable functor 14
Representable functor, characterization via existence of a universal object 15
Representable functor, examples of 15
Representable functor, is a sheaf in the fpqc topology 34
Representable functor, is a sheaf in the global classical topology 34
Riemann Theorem 318
Riemann — Roch theorem 242 318
Rigidification 255
| Ring, adic noetherian 181
Samuel's conjecture 272
Saturated topology 34
Saturation of a topology 34
Saturation of a topology, properties of 34
Schematic equivalence relation 133
Scheme, 275
Scheme, 295
Scheme, 262
Scheme, Abelian 222
Scheme, Chevalley 248
Scheme, formal 182
Schlessinger theorem 151
Semiregular 284
Separated functor 29
Separated functor, characterization via sieves 32
Set, 299
Sheaf 29
Sheaf, characterization of fpqc 36
Sheaf, characterization via sieves 32
Sheaf, cohomologically flat 202 272
Sheaf, m-regular 114
Sheaf, Poincare 262
Sheaf, regular 114
Sheaf, universal 262
Sheafification 39
Sheafification, existence of 39
Sieve 30
Sieve, associated with a set of arrows 30
Sieve, belonging to a topology 31
Site 25
Site, small etale 26
Site, subcanonical 35
Small etale site 26
Small extension 144
Smooth, morphism, of deformation functors 150
Smooth, morphism, of formal schemes 213
Smooth, topology 33
Specialization homomorphism 217
Spectrum, formal 182
Split fibered category 45
Splitting 45
Stable class of arrows 48
Stack, characterization of 73
Stack, characterization of fpqc 83
Stack, characterization via sieves 77
Stein factorization 193
Stratification, flattening 123
Strict, projective system 189
Strictly perfect complex 199
Strictly semismall 173
Strongly projective morphism 126
Strongly quasi-projective morphism 126
Subcanonical site 35
Subcanonical topology 35
Subcategory, fibered 55
Subordinate topology 33
Subordinate topology, characterization via sieves 33
Substack 79
Surface over a scheme 224
Surface, K3 225
Symmetric power, 159
Tangent space at 0 281
Tangent space of a deformation functor, 147
Tangent space of a ring 145
Tangent-obstruction theory 147
Tangent-obstruction theory of a coherent sheaf 157
Tangent-obstruction theory of a locally complete intersection subscheme 157
Tangent-obstruction theory of a section of the Hilbert scheme 156
Tangent-obstruction theory of a section of the Quot scheme 155
Tangent-obstruction theory, generalized 147
Tangent-obstruction theory, unicity of 147 148
The module 260
Theorem of generic representability 270
Theorem on Betti numbers of the Hilbert schemes of a smooth surface 174
Theorem on formal functions 193
Theorem, a representable functor is a sheaf in the fpqc topology 34
Theorem, addition 238 241
Theorem, Artin 271
Theorem, Artin — Rees 189
Theorem, base-change 92 121
Theorem, Briangon 172
Theorem, Cartier 278 279 283 285
Theorem, characterization of -equivalence 291
Theorem, characterization of numerical equivalence 291
Theorem, Chevalley and Rosenlicht 276
Theorem, comparison 253
Theorem, computation of the Lie algebra 281
Theorem, Deligne 291
Theorem, descent, along torsors 103
Theorem, descent, for afRne morphisms 90
Theorem, descent, for modules 80
Theorem, descent, for quasicoherent sheaves 82
Theorem, descent, for sheaves of commutative quasicoherent algebras 87
Theorem, descent, via ample invertible sheaves 93
Theorem, existence of 269 276
Theorem, existence of 290
Theorem, existence of 297
Theorem, existence of 263 272 290
Theorem, existence of a split fibered category equivalent to a given fibered category 61
Theorem, existence of flattening stratifications 123
Theorem, existence of Hilbert — Chow morphisms 166
Theorem, existence of pro-represent able hulls 151
Theorem, existence of quotients by a finite group action 160
Theorem, existence of quotients by flat projective equivalence relations 135
Theorem, existence of sheafifications 39
Theorem, finiteness of 297
Theorem, finiteness of 299
Theorem, flattener 271
Theorem, generic representability 270
Theorem, Grothendieck — Murre 270
Theorem, Grothendieck's specialization 218
Theorem, Hodge index 319
Theorem, Kodaira vanishing 279
Theorem, Lie — Kolchin 277
Theorem, Mumford 116 269
Theorem, properties of intersection numbers 315
Theorem, Ramanujam — Samuel 274 280
Theorem, Raynaud 291
Theorem, relative representability 271
Theorem, representability of 259
Theorem, representability of 261
Theorem, representability of functors of morphisms 133
Theorem, representability of Quot functors 127
Theorem, Riemann 318
Theorem, Riemann — Roch 242 318
Theorem, Schlessinger 151
Theorem, smoothness of the Hilbert scheme of a smooth curve 167
Theorem, smoothness of the Hilbert scheme of a smooth surface 167
Theorem, Snapper 314
Theorem, the Hibert — Chow morphism of a smooth surface is strictly semismall 173
Theorem, the Hilbert — Chow morphism of a curve is an isomorphism 169
Theorem, Zariski's connectedness 193
Theorem, Zariski's Main 194
Thickening 183
Topological genus 240
Topological group 18
Topology, adic 181
Topology, canonical 35
Topology, classical 26
Topology, classical, global 26
Topology, comma 35
Topology, equivalent 33
Topology, equivalent, has the same sheaves 33
Topology, equivalent, has the same stacks 78
Topology, Etale 26
Topology, fppf 27
Topology, fpqc 28
Topology, fpqc, local properties in the 29
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