Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Adler A., Coury J. — The Theory of Numbers. A Text and Source Book of Problems |
Предметный указатель |
Al-Karaji 221
al-Khwarizmi 7
Algebra (Euler) 356
Approximations to 284 301
Approximations, best rational 284
Approximations, rational 282
Arithmetica (Diophantus) 267
Aryabhata 37
Associate 358 367
Bachet, Claude 6
Bertrand's postulate 201
Bhaskara 355
Binary gcd algorithm 36
Binary quadratic form 388
Brahmagupta's identity 320
Brouncker, William 314
Calendars 47 285
Carmichael function 187
Carmichael number 86
Ch'in Chiu-Shao 68
Chebyshev, Pavnuty 218
Chinese remainder theorem 46
de Fermat, Pierre 98
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Gauss) 69
Divisibility tests 42
Division algorithm 7 359
Division algorithm for polynomials 103
divisors 7
Divisors, number of positive 12
Divisors, proper 10
Divisors, sum of positive 12
Eisenstein, Ferdinand 156
Elements (Euclid) 37
Euclid 37
Euclidean algorithm 14
Euclidean Algorithm, Extended Euclidean Algorithm 15
Euclidean quadratic field 368
Euler function 15
Euler's criterion 73 129
Euler's theorem 76
Euler, Leonhard 99
Extended Euclidean algorithm 15
| Factoring large numbers 347
Factoring Method, Legendre's 327
Factorization, prime 11
Fermat number 198
Fermat prime 198
Fermat's last theorem 224
Modulus 40
Multiple 7
Multiplicative function 13
Nonresidue, quadratic 128
Norm, Gaussian 358
Norm, in 367
Number of positive divisors 12
Number of representations 228 235
Order of an integer 159
Partial quotient 271
Pell's equation 314
Pell's Equation, 322
Pell's Equation, 315
Pell's Equation, 324
Pell's Equation, least positive solution 317
Perfect number 196
Period of a continued fraction 278
Periodic continued fraction 278
Polynomial congruence, root 101
Polynomial congruence, solution 101 102 106
Power residue 165
Prime 10
Prime, 165
Prime, Gaussian 358
Sum of positive divisors 12
Sum of squares, four squares 233
Sum of squares, four squares, number of representations 235
Sum of squares, three squares 235
Sum of squares, two relatively prime squares 229
Sum of squares, two squares 228
Sum of squares, two squares, number of representations 229
Unique factorization theorem 11 361 369
Unit of 367
Unit, Gaussian 358
Waring's problem 236
Wilson's theorem 73
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