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Macrobert T.M. — Functions of a complex variable |
Предметный указатель |
-plane 10
-plane 2 10
Abel’s test for convergence of series 80
Abel’s theorem on continuity of series 125
Addition of complex numbers 1 3
Amplitude 2 4
Amplitude, of a function, variation of 11—17
Amplitude, principal value of 2 4
Argand diagram 2
Argument 2
Asymptotic expansions 136; see Bessel E-functions Euler Gamma Kummer Whittaker
Barnes Integrals 151 374
Bernoulli numbers 132 328 402
Bessel function 236
Bessel function 240
Bessel function , addition theorem for 254
Bessel function , asymptotic expansion of 273
Bessel function , in terms of Bessel functions of first and second kinds 240
Bessel function , recurrence formulae for 241
Bessel function of Becond kind 238 239
Bessel function of first kind 237
Bessel function of first kind, addition theorem for 254
Bessel function of first kind, as a contour integral 267 268 270
Bessel function of first kind, as a function of its order 239 320
Bessel function of first kind, asymptotic expansions of 273 274
Bessel function of first kind, products of 340
Bessel function of first kind, recurrence formulae for 239
Bessel function of first kind, zeros of 241 274
Bessel functions, modified 267—270 347 351
Bessel functions, modified, asymptotic expansions of 271 293
Bessel functions, relations between 241
Bessel functions, relations between, Lommel integrals, for 321
Bessel’s equation 236 266
Bessel’s transformed equation 267
beta function 144 145
Binomial theorem 90
Branch of function 13
Branch point 14 39
Branch point, of an integral 257
Cauchy’s integral theorem 61 54
Cauchy’s integral theorem, integral 321
Cauchy’s integral theorem, residue theorem 57
Circular functions 33 83 90
Coefficients, undetermined 96
Collineanty of points on cubic 197
complex numbers 1
Complex numbers, geometrical representation of 1
Complex numbers, operations with 1—5
Complex variable 7
Complex variable, function of a 7
Complex variable, path of variation of a 7
Confluent hypergeometrio function 348
Conformal representation 37 370
Congruent points 179 180
Conjugate numbers 1 2
connected region 30
Continuation, analytical 122 208 350
Continuation, analytical, of hypergeometrio function 153 156 249 297—301 370 371
Continuation, analytical, of integral of differential equation 213
Continuation, analytical, theorems on 123 124
Continuity 23 24
Continuity, Abel’s theorem on 125
Continuity, of series 92
Continuity, uniform 24—26
Convergence of infinite product 107 108
Convergence of infinite product, unconditional 107
Convergence of sequence 42
Convergence of sequence, uniform 42
Convergence of series 76
Convergence of series, absolute 76 78 358 359
Convergence of series, circle of 80
Convergence, of a double aeries 78
Convergence, of power series 80 82 95 358 359 360
Convergence, radius of 80
Convergence, ratio tests for 77
Convergence, uniform 92 347 348
Coordinates, polar 2 29 294
Coordinates, polar, rectangular 2
Cross-cut 30
Cylindrical functions 236
Derivative 26 28
Derivative, of function of a function 30
Derivative, of holomorphic function 28 70
Derivative, of inverse function 30
Derivative, partial 31 70
Determinant of fundamental system 216 223
Determinant of fundamental system, index of 224
Differential equation, homogeneous linear 209
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, coefficients of 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, construction of 216
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, domain of ordinary point of 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, dominant equation 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, Frobenius’ method of solution 225
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, fundamental equation 220
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, fundamental system 215 257
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, indicial equation 225
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, integrals of 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, of the first order 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, of the second order 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, ordinary point of 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, singularity of 210
Differential equation, homogeneous linear, solutions of 210
Differentiation 26 28 29
Differentiation, of series 93
Differentiation, under integral sign 44 69 138
Discontinuity, removable 23
Division of complex numbers 1 4
Dixon’s theorem 362
Domain of a point 38 210
Dougall's theorems 371 372
E-functions 348 352 393—397 404 15
E-functions, asymptotic expansions of 351 358
E-functions, Barnes integral for 374
Elements of a function 208
Elliptic function 180
Elliptic function, order of 181 182
Elliptic function, poles of 180—183
Elliptic function, zeros of 182; see Jacobian and Weierstrassian functions
Elliptic integrals 169
Elliptic integrals, reduction of 170—173
Elliptic integrals, transformation of 170—174 295
Equation, roots of 16 69 363
Euler’s constant 135
Euler’s constant, asymptotic expansion of 134
Euler’s definition of gamma function 141
Euler’s numbers 328 402
Evaluation of 329
Expansion of functions in series of fractions 103 105 115 116 326
Expansion, Lagrange’s 119
Exponential function 32 90
Ferrers’ function 307
Fourier series 86
Fourier — Beesel integral theorem 321 383
Fourier’s integral theorem 319 323 340 341
Fresnel integrals 62
Frobenius’ method of solving linear differential equations 225
Frobenius’ method of solving linear differential equations, indicial equation 225
Frobenius’ method of solving linear differential equations, solutions free from logarithms 228
Frobenius’ method of solving linear differential equations, uniform convergence of series with regard to index 227
Fuchsian type, equations of 243
Fuchsian type, equations of, sum of indices a constant 243 244
Function, analytic 29 208
Function, analytic, conjugate 31
Function, analytic, continuous 23
Function, analytic, dominant 210
Function, analytic, doubly-periodic 179
Function, analytic, elements of a 208
Function, analytic, even 33 97
Function, analytic, geometrical representation of a 7 10
Function, analytic, holomorphic 29 52 93 294
| Function, analytic, initial value of 10
Function, analytic, integral 88
Function, analytic, integrals of 48
Function, analytic, inverse 30
Function, analytic, limit of 22
Function, meromorphic 39 40 89 160
Function, multiform or multiple-valued 7 161 209
Function, odd 33 97
Function, of a complex variable 7
Function, of a function 24 30 49
Function, of two complex variables 69 137
Function, of two real variables 26
Function, periodic 32 86
Function, periodic, of the second kind 187
Function, periodic, of the third kind 189
Function, rational 89
Function, rational integral 88
Function, region of existence of 7
Function, regular 29
Function, simply-periodic 86
Function, single-valued 7 209
Function, transcendental integral 88
Function, uniform 7 209
Function, uniform, classification of 88
Fundamental equation 220
Fundamental system of integrals 210 257
Fundamental system of integrals, associated with fundamental equation 220
Fundamental system of integrals, in neighbourhood of singularity 219
Fundamental theorem of algebra 68 69
Gamma function 67 75 109 139 141
Gamma function, asymptotic expansion of 146 374
Gamma function, duplication formula for 145
Gamma function, Euler’s definition of 141
Gamma function, expression as a contour integral 143
Gamma function, Gauss’s definition of 141
Gamma function, the derived function 141
Gauss’s differential equation 228 258
Gauss’s differential equation, function 141
Gauss’s differential equation, sum 117
Gauss’s differential equation, theorem 144 275
Generalised hypergeometric functions 343 358
Generalised hypergeometric functions, expressed as multiple series 363
Geometrical representation see Complex numbers Functions
Green’s Theorem 45
Gregory’s aeries 84
Harmonic functions 31
Hyperbolic functions 33 90
Hypergeometric equation 228 258
Hypergeometric equation, relations between integrals of 249 298
Hypergeometric equation, the twenty-four integrals of 247 297
Hypergeometric function 77 151 229 246 247 297 298
Hypergeometric function, analytical continuation of 153 156 249 297—301
Hypergeometric function, as a contour integral 259
Hypergeometric function, asymptotic expansion of 301
Hypergeometric function, confluent 348
Hypergeometric function, generalised 343 358
Hypergeometric series 77 78 144
Hypergeometric series, convergence of 77
I( ) notation 1
identities 83
Image of point 9
Indented contour 65
Indicial equation 225
Indicial equation, fundamental system 227
Infinity, point at 9
Infinity, point at, continuity at 23
Infinity, point at, integral at 51 137 139
Infinity, point at, integrals of differential equations at 212 213 224
Infinity, point at, loop about 162 168
Infinity, point at, residue at 58 96
Infinity, point at, singularity at 38 39
Integrals of differential equation 210
Integrals of differential equation, analytical continuation of 213
Integrals of differential equation, at infinity 212 213
Integrals of differential equation, existence of 210
Integrals of differential equation, existence of, fundamental system of 215
Integrals of differential equation, existence of, in form of infinite series 213
Integrals of differential equation, existence of, initial values of 210
Integrals of differential equation, existence of, lineally independent 215
Integrals of differential equations in form of definite integrals 255 266
Integrals of differential equations in form of definite integrals, branch points of 257
Integrals of differential equations in form of definite integrals, fundamental system of 257
Integrals of differential equations near a singularity 219
Integrals of differential equations near a singularity, at infinity 224
Integrals of differential equations near a singularity, fundamental system of 219
Integrals of differential equations near a singularity, index of 222
Integrals of differential equations near a singularity, regular 222
Integrals, contour 59 97 113
Integrals, contour, convergent 136
Integrals, contour, curvilinear 42
Integrals, contour, definite 48
Integrals, contour, double 69 138
Integrals, contour, elliptic 169
Integrals, contour, evaluation of definite 59 97 113
Integrals, contour, finite moduli of definite 50
Integrals, contour, Fresnel 62
Integrals, contour, indefinite 53
Integrals, contour, independent of paths 52
Integrals, contour, limiting values of definite 60 63 113 115
Integrals, contour, of holomorphic functions 50—52
Integrals, contour, of meromorphic functions 160
Integrals, contour, of multiform functions 161
Integrals, contour, principal values of 65 323
Integrals, contour, uniformly convergent 137
Integrals, contour, with infinite paths 51 137 139
Integrand, infinite 136 139
Integration, change of order of 69 138
Integration, change of order of, of series 93
Integration, change of order of, partial 53
Integration, change of order of, under integral sign 69 138
Invariants see Weierstrass
Inverse points 9
Inverse sine function 163
Inverse tangent function 34 84 86
Jacobian elliptic functions 167 182 198
Jacobian elliptic functions, addition theorems for 202
Jacobian elliptic functions, complementary modulus of 166 167 200
Jacobian elliptic functions, derivatives of 200
Jacobian elliptic functions, differential equations of quarter periods of 176 231
Jacobian elliptic functions, duplication formulae for 204
Jacobian elliptic functions, Legendre’s relation for 175
Jacobian elliptic functions, moduli of 167 200
Jacobian elliptic functions, orders of 182 202
Jacobian elliptic functions, periods of 167 201 202
Jacobian elliptic functions, poles of 200 202
Jacobian elliptic functions, relation to Weierstrassian functions 201
Jacobian elliptic functions, relations between 200
Jacobian elliptic functions, relations between periods of 202
Jacobian elliptic functions, residues at poles of 202 205
Jacobian elliptic functions, transition from Weierstrassian function to 198
Jacobian elliptic functions, zeros of 200
Jacobi’s imaginary transformation 205
Kummer’s function 346
Kummer’s function, asymptotic expansion of 350
Lagrange’s expansion 119 125
Landen’s transformation 174
Laplace’s equation 31
Laurent’s series 84 95
Laurent’s series, absolute convergence of 85
Legendre functions 234
Legendre functions, addition theorems for 314—318 333
Legendre functions, of the first kind 214 235 236
Legendre functions, of the second kind 235 236
Legendre functions, recurrence formulae for 236 252 289 290 310
Legendre polynomials 99 214 235
Legendre polynomials, expression in series 102 103 121
Legendre polynomials, in definite integral forms 100—102
Legendre polynomials, integrals involving 122
Legendre polynomials, recurrence formulae for 102 124 129
Legendre polynomials, Rodrigues’ formula for 120
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