Авторизация |
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Knopp K. — Theory of functions |
Предметный указатель |
-function 27—30 86—92
-function 45—47 78—92
Abel 74 85
Absolute convergence of infinite products 9
Addition-theorem 71 88
Algebraic addition-theorem 71 88
Algebraic branch-point 143
Algebraic configuration 134
Algebraic curve 84
Algebraic differential equation 72 82
Algebraic functions x 119—134
Algebraic point 131
Algebraic relation 71
Algebraic singularity x 131 143
Analytic configuration x 135—146
Analytic continuation 93ff.
Analytic function, monogenic 135—139
Asymptotically equivalent 50
Bank of a cut 101
Branch 100 104 141
Branch-point 103—108 143
Branch-point of infinite order 108
Branch-point, simple 103
C (Euler's constant) 32
Configuration, algebraic 134
Configuration, analytic x 135—146
Conformal mapping 106
Congruent points 65
Continuity of the roots 122
Continuous mapping 106
Convergence of infinite products 8
Convergence of infinite products in the stricter sense 8
Convergence-producing factors 18
Convergence-producing terms 42
Curve, algebraic 84
Derivative, logarithmic 14
Differentiability of the roots 125
Differential equation, algebraic 72 82
Discriminant 120
Doubly periodic functions ix 63 73—92
Element of a function 141
Elementary functions vii
Elliptic functions ix 73—92
Elliptic integral 85
Entire functions viii 1—33
Entire functions with no zeros 3
Euler's constant 32
Eulerian gamma-function 31 48—51
Eulerian integral 31
Factor-theorem see "Weierstrass"
Factors, convergence-producing 18
Factors, primary 18
Functional element 141
Functional equation 48
Functions, algebraic x 119—134
Functions, doubly periodic ix 73—92
Functions, elementary vii
Functions, elliptic ix 73—92 74
Functions, entire viii 1—33
Functions, meromorphic ix 34—57
Functions, monogenic analytic 135—139
Functions, multiple-valued ix 93—146
Functions, rational viii ix 1 34 35
Functions, simply periodic ix 64—72
Functions, single-valued 1—92
Fundamental parallelogram 73
Fundamental theorem of algebra 1 112
Gamma-function 31 48—51
Gauss 31
Genus 116 117
Helicoid 102
Invariants of the -function 82
Inverse configuration 145
Inverse function 85
Inversion of an integral 72 85
Inversion problem 85
Irreducible 120
jacobi 74 82 85
Koebe 146
Lattice points 27
| Laurent expansions 128—130 143 144
Liouville theorems 74—78
Logarithm 93—118
Logarithmic derivative 14
Mapping 106
Mapping, conformal 106
Mapping, continuous 106
Mascheroni's constant 32
Meromorphic functions ix 34—57
Mittag-Leffier's partial-fractions-theorem 34—40
Mittag-Leffier's partial-fractions-theorem, applications of 42—57
Mittag-Leffier's partial-fractions-theorem, proof of 39—42
Monogenic analytic function 135—139
Multiple-valued functions ix 93—146
Network of parallelograms 27 73
Order of a branch-point 103ff.
Order of an elliptic function 75
Pair of periods 63
Parallelogram network 27 73
Parallelogram, fundamental 73
Partial-fractions decomposition 34
Partial-fractions decomposition of 43 44
Partial-fractions decomposition of 45—47
Partial-fractions decomposition of meromorphic functions 38
Partial-fractions theorem see "Mittag-Leffler"
Period-point 59
Period-point-ratio 63 64
Period-strips 65
Periodic functions 58—92
Periods of analytic functions 58—64
Periods, primitive 61
Permutation 128
Poincare 146
Point, congruent 65
Point, regular 93
Point, singular 141
Pole 143
Primary factors 18
Primitive periods 61
Primitive periods, pair of 63
Principal part 34
Pringsheim 31
Product representation of 30—33
Product representation of 23—27
Product representation of 27—30
Product representation of entire functions 2 7
Product, Wallis's 33 50
Products, infinite 7—16
Punctured plane 121
Rational functions viii ix 1 34 35
Rational functions of 70—72
Region of convergence of infinite products 11
Region of existence 94
Regular point 93
Representation of functions by means of products 11
Riemann spherical surface 105
Riemann surface 93—118 139—142
Riemann surface for 104—106
Riemann surface for 112—117
Riemann surface for 100—104
Riemann surface for log z 106—110
Riemann zeta-function 46 51—55
Root 93—118
Rouche's theorem 111
Sheet 140
Simply periodic functions ix 61 64—72
Single-valued functions 1—92
Singular point 141
Singularity, algebraic x 131 143
Surfaces, Riemann 93—118 139—142
Uniformization 84 145
Wallis's product 33 50
Weierstrass's -function 45—47 78—92
Weierstrass's factor-theorem 6 18
Weierstrass's factor-theorem, applications of 22—33
Weierstrass's factor-theorem, proof of 16—22
Weierstrass's sigma-function 27—30 86—92
Weierstrass's zeta-function 46
Weierstrassian theory of elliptic functions 82
Zeta-function of Riemann 46 51—55
Zeta-function of Weierstrass 46
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