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Thomas J.M. — Differential systems |
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, , , 10
34 37
1 92 95
35 92 95
34 92 95
54 94 95
-monomial 9
-monomial 9
Addition 1
Addition of systems 4
Adjoint 23 27
Adjunction 67 68
Algebraic complement 18
Associate of Grassmann form 22
Associate of prime system 65
Associate of symbol in 47
Associated set 25 25
Assumptions, algebraic 10 11 22 47 56
Assumptions, differential 34 35 37
Assumptions, existence 69 76
Assumptions, inequation 76
Assumptions, integral 36 37 41
Assumptions, Weierstrass 75
Auxiliary system 80 81
Auxiliary system, non-singular 82
Basis of Grassmann ring 11
Basis of pfaffian system 41
Basis of polynomial 49
Basis of set of linear forms 18
Basis, canonical 45
Basis, differential 41
Basis, normalized 21
Bibliography 114
Blichfeldt, H.F. 114
Bocher, M. 114
Burstin, C. 85
Canonical basis 45
Canonical factor 61
Canonical form of pfaffian 45—46 104—106
Canonical form of pfaffian equation 45—46 104—105
Canonical ordering 8
Cartan, E. v 10 25 79 83 114
Cauchy, A. 73 91 100
Cerf, G. 79 86 114
Characteristic system of pfaffian system 42
Characteristic system of set of forms 41
Characteristic variables for pfaffian system 43
Characteristic variables for set of forms 42
Characters of linear pfaffian equation 88
Characters of numerical determination 81
Characters of pfaffian system 82
Characters, calculation of 86—87
Class of pfaffian system 42
Class of set of forms 41
Coefficient, literal 13
Coefficient, parametric 96
Coefficient, principal 96
Coefficient, skew-symmetric 13
Common, determination for two polynomials 51—53
Complement of function 33
Complement, algebraic 18
Complementary set, absolute 57 106
Complementary set, relative 587 107
Complete set, absolute 56 106
Complete set, relative 58 107
Composite 47
Compound symbol 1
Consistency, to 22
Consistency, , 94
Consistency, , , 92
Consistency, , 92
Consistency, 92—94
Consistency, E 95—100
Consistency, W 94—95
Consistency, Z 95
Consistent system 5
Constant 35
Content 4
Content of pfaffian system 79
Contragredient 23
Cote 7 70 98
Degree, algebraic system 61
Degree, commutative monomial 48
Degree, commutative polynomial 48
Degree, Grassmann monomial 11
Degree, Grassmann polynomial 13
Degree, pfaffian system 79
Derivative, Grassmann monomial 15
Derivative, Grassmann polynomial 15
Derivative, parametric 66
Derivative, partial 37
Derivative, principal 66
Determinable system 75
Determinant 17
Determinant, bordered 33
Determinant, principal 32
Determinant, skew-symmetric 33
Determined system, algebraic 69
Determined system, differential 69
Differential 34
Differential coefficient 34
Differential ring 41
Differential system 5 77
Differential system, ordinary algebraic 110
Differential system, partial algebraic 110—112
Differential system, total 77
Differentiation, Grassmann polynomials 16
Differentiation, indirect 38
Differentiation, ordinary polynomials 49
Dimension, Grassmann ring 12
Dimension, integral variety 79
Dimension, polynomial ring 49
Discriminant 54 67 75
Dissimilar monomials 12
Dominant function 97
Dominant system 97
e 69 77
Eisenhart, L.P. 114
equation 4
Equation, linear, homogeneous 28
Equivalence of systems 4
Equivalence of systems, algebraic 67
Equivalence of systems, differential 67
Equivalence of systems, pfaffian 79
Euler's theorem 17
Extended substitution 5
Extension 77
Factor in 47
| Factor of Grassmann form 27
Factor of system 4
Factor Theorem 54
Factor, canonical 61 76
Factor, improper 47
Factor, proper 47
Factor, simple 61
Follower 7
Form, Grassmann 13
Form, linear 17
Form, monomial 43—44
Form, quadratic 29—32 103—104
Function 3
Function system 75 85
Function, analytic 78
Function, class l 91
Function, dominant 97
Function, proper 37
Function, same nature 4
Function, single-valued 3
Function, type k 3
Gauss, K.F. 49 102
General solution 78
Generator 57
Genus 82
Goursat, E. vi 79 91 114
Grade in indeterminate 49
Grade, Grassmann monomial 11
Grade, Grassmann polynomial 13
Grade, ordinary monomial 48
Grade, ordinary polynomial 48
Grassmann ring 11
Grassmann, H. v 10
Green, G. 102
Hadamard, J. 102
Identification 1
Imbedding 81
Implies 4
Inconsistent system 5 66
Indeterminate 2
Indeterminate, conditioned 61
Indeterminate, parametric 61
Indeterminate, principal 61
Indeterminate, unconditioned 61
Index of differential coefficient 34
Index of monomial 56
Index of system 63
Inequation 4
Initial 48 50 67
Initial determination for algebraic system 69
Initial determination, absolute 57
Initial determination, relative 58
Integral variety 79
Integral variety, non-singular 82 88 89
Integral variety, singular vi 113
Integrity domain 1
Invariance, Grassmann monomial 11
Invariance, Grassmann polynomial 13
Inverse 47
Inverse of matrix 19
Janet, M. vi 91 114
Kernel 48
Kronecker, L. vi 8
Laplace’s expansion of determinant 18
Leader 50 67
Linear dependence 24
Lipschitz, R. 93 94
Literal coefficient 13
Lower ring 22
Makarov, A.G. vi
Mark 10
Matrix 17
Matrix, inverse 19
Matrix, skew-symmetric 32
Meray, C. 102
Monomial, - 9
Monomial, - 9
Monomial, dissimilar 12
Monomial, Grassmann 11
Monomial, ordinary 48
Monomial, similar 12
Monomial, trivial 11
Monomial, unit 11 56—58 106—108
Multiplication 1
Multiplication of systems 4
Multiplication of variables 8 99
Multiplicity 47 54
Multiplier 56
Nature of function 4
Non-multiplier 56
Non-zero 4
Normal ring 77
Normal system 68 112—113
Numerical determination for algebraic system 69
Numerical determination for function system 75
Numerical determination, non-singular 82
Numerical determination, non-singular, pfaffian system 81
Order, standard 12
Ordering by cotes 7
Ordering of 5
Ordering, canonical 8
Ordering, complete 8
Ordering, lexicographical 6
Ordinal 6
Ordinal of algebraic system 59
Ordinal of derivative 8
Ordinal of function 75
Ordinal of polynomial 49 50
Ordinal of polynomial in algebraic differential system 66
Osgood, W.F. 94 114
Ostrogradsky, M. 102
Parametric coefficient 96
Parametric derivative 66
Parametric indeterminate 61
Parametric unknown 66
Passive differential system 68 70—71
Passive pfaffian system 41 43 46 89 90
Permutation, signed 11
Pfaffian 44 45—46
Pfaffian equation 45—46
Pfaffian system 41 79 80
Picard, E. 91 114
Polynomial ring 2
Polynomial, Grassmann 11
Polynomial, ordinary 48
Polynomial, simple 55
Polynomial, unit 48
Prime 47 48
Prime system 65
Principal coefficient 96
Principal derivative 66
Principal determinant 32
Principal indeterminate 61
Principal unknown 66
Product of forms 14
Prolonged systems 66 79
Proper function 37
Quotient field 2 91
Rank 6
Rank in subring 21
Rank of derivative 7
Rank of Grassmann form 25
Rank of matrix 18
Rank of ordinary polynomial 49
Rank of pfaffian system 41
Rank of quadratic form 31
Rank of set of Grassmann forms 25
Rank of set of linear forms 18
Rank of skew-symmetric matrix 32
Rank of unit monomials (absolute) 57
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