Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bechtell H. — Theory of groups |
Предметный указатель |
, group 7 23
, properties of 23
th roots 47
-commutator subgroup 100
-complement 98
-complement, normal 98
-group 5 26 51 52 56 64 84 90 91 92 93
-nilpotent 98 100 105-107 109
-normal 103 105
-group 35
-group, properties of 35
-number 35
-subgroup 56
-number 35 43
Abelian extension 87
Alternating group 6
Ascending central series 49 50
Ascending chain condition 71
Automorphism 4
Automorphism group 4
Automorphism group, of cyclic group 6
Automorphism group, of elementary abelian -group 6
Automorphism, inner 4
Automorphism, outer 4
Baer 38
Basis Theorem 63
Bicyclic 90
Burnside 63 98 105
Burnside Basis Theorem 63
Category 123
Center 3
Central extension 87
centralizer 3
Characteristic series 49 61
Characteristic subgroup 4
Class equation 3
Commutator identities 53 55
Commutator subgroup 5
Complement 35
Complement, 98
Complement, normal 98
Composition series 5
conjugate 3
Conjugate subgroup 3
Coproduct element, category 131
Coproduct element, group 118
Coproduct object, category 131
Coproduct object, group 118
Coproduct, category 130 131
Coproduct, group 117
Core 71
Coset decomposition 1
Cyclic extension 87
Defining relations 114
Descending central series 50
Dihedral group 6 28
Direct factor 5 10
Direct product 5 10
Direct product, properties of 11 12 16 55
Direct product, with amalgamated subgroup 13
Direct sum 10
Direct summands 10
Dixon 35-38
Double coset 101 102
Elementary abelian 6 46 48
Elementary commutator 66
Endomorphism 3
Epimorphism 3
Equivalent extension systems 81
Equivalent extensions 24 25 80-83 87
Exact sequence 23
Extension system 80
Extensions 23 76
Extensions, abelian 87
Extensions, central 87
Extensions, cyclic 87
Extensions, of abelian groups 84
Extensions, splitting 26 83 88
Factor set 76
Factorizable 22
Fitting subgroup 67
Frattini subgroup 56 67
Free Abelian group 121
Free factors 115
Free generators 113
Free group 110 116
Free group object 111
Free product 115
Frobenius 106 107
Fully invariant subgroup 4
functor 125
Functor, contravariant 125
Functor, contravariant hom 126
Functor, covariant 125
Functor, hom 125
Gasch tz 38 39 40 64
Generalized quaternion group 91
Generating set 2 110
Generating set, minimal 63
Generator 56 110
Gr n 102 103
Gr n, theorems of 100
Group, 7 23
Group, 5 26 51 52 56 64 84 90 91 92 93
Group, -nilpotent 98 100 105-107 109
Group, -normal 103 105
Group, 35
Group, alternating 6
Group, bicyclic 9
Group, dihedral 6
Group, elementary abelian 6 46 48
Group, free 110 116
Group, free abelian 121
Group, generalized quaternion 91
Group, metacyclic 89 90 99
Group, nilpotent 5 50 53 54 74
Group, periodic 5
Group, quaternion 6 66 75 80
Group, simple 5 99 107 109
Group, square-free order 42 100
Group, supersolvable 69 108
Group, symmetric 6
Group, symmetric of degree four 22 42 46 66
| Group, torsion-free 5
Hall -subgroup 43
Hall subgroup 43 104
Hall subgroup, properties of 43
Hall, P. 44 45 48 58
Hereditary property 65
Higman, D. G. 41
Holomorph 28
Homomorphism 3
Huppert 75
Hypercenter 49 50 55
Hypercommutator 49 50 55
Index relations 21 22
Injections 131
Invariant series 5 49 70 72
Invariant subgroup 4
Isomorphism 4
Isomorphism theorems 4
It 55 106
Kernel 4
Lower central chain 49
Lower central series 50
Lower central series, length of 50
Mappings 1
Mappings, bijective 1
Mappings, cartesian product of 1
Mappings, injective 1
Mappings, projection 1
Mappings, surjective 1
Maschke’s Theorem 47 48
Maximal condition 71
Metacyclic group 89 90 99 109
Minimal generating set 63
Modular identity 21
Monomorphism 3
Morphism 123
Nilpotent 5 50 53 54 74
Nongenerator 56
Normal complement 98
Normal series 5 49
Normal subgroup 3
normalizer 3
Order 2
Order, element 2
Order, group 2
Ore 39
Periodic group 5 39
Permutable subgroup 20
Permutably decomposable 22
Product element 9
Product in category 130 131
Product object 9 130 131
Product of groups 8
Product of subgroups 21
Projections 8 130
Quaternion group 6 66 75 80
Quotient group 3
Reduced product 41 64
Sah 54
Schreier 79
schur 38
Semidirect product 28
Semidirect product, representable as 28
Series, characteristic 49 61
Series, composition 5
Series, descending central 50
Series, invariant 5 49 70 72
Series, lower central 50
Series, normal 5 49
Series, upper central 49
Short exact sequence 23
Simple group 5 99 107 109
Sockel 69
Solvable group 5 45 46
Splits 28 37-41 66 98
Splitting extension 26 83 88
Subdirect product 16
Subdirect product, properties of 18 19
Subdirect product, representation as 16
Subgroups, -commutator 100
Subgroups, - 56
Subgroups, center 3
Subgroups, characteristic 4
Subgroups, commutator 5
Subgroups, conjugate 3
Subgroups, fully invariant 4
Subgroups, Hall 43 104
Subgroups, Hall 43
Subgroups, invariant 4
Subgroups, normal 3
Subgroups, permutable 20
Subgroups, subnormal 5
Subgroups, Sylow - 5 23 26 32 34 67
Subgroups, Sylow - 39
Subgroups, system normalizer 46
Subnormal -subgroup 56
Subnormal subgroup 5
Supersolvable groups 69 108
Sylow -subgroup 5 23 26 32 34 67
Sylow -subgroup, of symmetric group 32 34
Sylow -subgroup, properties of 5 23 26
Sylow -subgroup 39
Sylow -subgroup, properties of 39 46
Sylow -subgroup, Sylow theorems 5
Sylow -subgroup, symmetric group 6
Sylow -subgroup, system normalizer 46
Sylow basis 45
Torsion-free group 5
Universal element 127
Universal object 127
Upper central chain 49
Upper central series 49
Upper central series, length of 49
Van der Waerden 115
Von Dyck 114
Words 113 115
Wreath product 30
Wreath product, properties of 30
Wreath product, restricted 30
Wreath product, standard restricted 30
Wreath product, standard unrestricted 30
Wreath product, unrestricted 30
Zassenhaus 39 43
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