Absolute continuity 188
Absolute continuity and bounded variation 189
Absolute continuity of 193
Absolute continuity of integral 163 189
Accumulation 17
Aggregate 3 8 28
Almost all 36
Almost everywhere 36
Baire 25
Banach vi 86
Base 94
Belongs 3
Bendixson 28
Bessel’s inequality 246
Borel 26
Bottom of cylinder 94
Bounded convergence 147
Bounded set 15
Bounded variation 185 187
Bounded variation and monotone functions 185 187
Bummabiiity of derivatives 174
Cantor 24 28 84
Carath odory v
Cauchy — Lebesgue integral 213
Cauchy — Riemann integral 54 116 135
cell 32
Centre of interval 5
Centre of sphere 14
Closed envelope 18 19 20
Closed interval 5
Closed set 18
Cohen, L. W. 109
Complement 8
Complex function 156
Condensation 27
Contained 6
Content 32 57
Contiguous 20
continuous 31
Continuous function measurable 105
Convergence tests for Fourier series 236 237 238
Convergent sequence 21
coordinates 3
Corresponding point function 30
Cover 26
Covering theorems 26 85
cube 5
Cylinder 94
Darboux 40
Denjoy and Lebesgue integrals 220 223
Denjoy integral 218
Dense in itself 18
Derivate 172
Derivative of function of bounded variation 188
Derivative of monotone function 176 201
Derived set 18
Difference of sets 7
Differentiation of integral 45 46 173
Differentiation of series of monotone functions 176
Differentiation under integral sign 170
Dini 237
Dirichlet’s kernel 233
Discontinuities of function integrable- 37
Discontinuities of monotone function 163
Distance 14
Double integral 203
Element of set 3
Empty set 4
End-points 5
Enumerable 9
Envelope 18
Equal aggregates 6
Equivalent aggregates 9
Equivalent functions 139
Equivalent to a summable function 140
Estermann vi 101 158
Exterior Jordan content 56
Exterior Lebesgue measure 67
Exterior measure of union 69 78
Fatou 124
Fej r 240
Finite aggregate 9
Fourier coefficients 229
Fourier series 229
Fraenkel 3 28
Fubini 176 203
Function of 30
Gamma function 117 159 211
Gauge 32
Gauss 159
Greatest set of ordinates 92
H lder — Lebesgue and Denjoy integrals 220
H lder — Lebesgue integral 215
Half-space 75
Heine 26
Implies 4
Indefinite -ntegral 219
Infinite aggregate 9
Infinity as real number 1
Integrable- 54
Integrable- 219
Integrable- 215
Integrable- 33 36
Integral absolutely continuous 153 189
Integral continuous 162
Integration by parts 162 208
Integration by substitution 192
Integration of derivatives 46 174 178 180 183 224 226
| Integration of Fourier series 241
Integration of limit functions 50 65 66 120 124 125 126 136 137 138 167
Integration of series 53 123 144 146 149 241
Interior 16
Interior Jordan content 56
Interior Lebesgue measure 81
Intersection of closed sets 20 24
Intersection of sets 6
interval 5
Inverse transformation 88
JORDAN 56 238
Jordan content 56 62 67 113
Least set of ordinates 92
Lebesgue and Cauchy — Riemann integrals 116 135
Lebesgue and Denjoy integrals 220 223
Lebesgue and Jordan measures 68 69 82
Lebesgue and Riemann integrals 115 130
Lebesgue exterior measure 71
Lebesgue integral 114 128 140 157
Lebesgue interior measure 81
Lebesgue measure 71
Limit of sequence 21
Limiting point 17
Lindel f 26
Linear set 4
Linear transformation 87
Lower limit 100
Lower Riemann integral 33
Lower sum 33
Lusin 111
Maximum 30
Measurability of limit functions 102
Measurability of open set 77
Measurability of union and product 74 75
Measurable and continuous functions 109
Measurable and open sets 80
Measurable function 97
Measurable function as limit of bounded functions 108
Measurable set 71
Measurable- 57
Measure 71
Measure additive 73
Minimum 30
Monotone function measurable 106
Mutually exclusive 6
Negative variation 185
Net 32
Non-enumerable sets 27 28
Non-measurable set 89
Non-summability 215
open 16
Ordinate sets 92 114 128
Origin 3
Oscillation 30 31
Parseval 245
Perfect set 18 25 84
Plane set 4
Point function 30
Point of 3
Point of non-summability 215
Positive variation 18
primitive 46
Rational interval 5 13
Rational point 3 13
Real numbers 1
Regular points 214
Repeated and double integrals 205 208
Restricted linear transformation 87
Riemann and Lebesgue integrals 115 130
Riemann integral and Jordan content 55 62
Riemann — Lebesgue theorem 299
Riemrmn integral 33
Riesz — Fischer 244
Riesz, F. 199
Romanovski v 217 218
Saks v
Schwarz 152
Second mean-value, theorem 165
Section 9
Selection axiom 28 90
Set 4
Sierpi ski 28
Singular points 214
Space 3
Special half-space 75
Sphere 14
Sub-aggregate 8
Sub-sequence 10
Subset 6
Substitution formula for integrals 161 192
Sum of sets 6
Summability ( , 1) 240
Summability of modulus 129 157
Summability of product 147 149 152
Summable function 114 119 129 131
Top of cylinder 94
Total variation 185
Transformation 87
Triangle theorem in 14
Trigonometric series 228
Uniform convergence 52
Union of sets, upper limit 100
Upper Riemann integral 33
Upper sum 33
Vitali 85
Weierstrass 24
Zygmund vi 181 232