Авторизация |
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Bjoerck A., Dahlquist G. — Numerical mathematics and scientific computation |
Предметный указатель |
Secant equation 393
Secular equation 229 253
Semi-iterative method 327
Semi-iterative method, Chebyshev 330
Sherman — Morrison formula 45
Signature matrix 133
Similarity transformation 192
simplex 429
Simplex method 431—437
Simplex method, cycling 436
Simplex method, optimality criterion 434
Simplex method, pricing 434
Simplex method, reduced costs 434
Simplex method, steepest edge strategy 434
Simplex method, tableau 433
Simplex method, textbook strategy 434
Singular value 109
Singular value decomposition 108—119
Singular value decomposition, truncated solution 117—119
Singular values, relative gap 275
Singular vector 109
SOR, method 318—324 336
SOR, method, convergence 336
SOR, optimal relaxation parameter 321
Spectral abscissa 211
Spectral radius 209 309
Spectral transformation 239 282
Spectrum of matrix 191
Spectrum slicing 254—256
Split preconditioner 363
Splitting, standard 308
SSOR method 324
Standard form of LSQI 173
Standard form of LSQI, transformation to 176
Stationary point 402
Steepest descent method 336
Step length 403
Stieltjes matrix 371
Storage scheme, compressed form 56
Storage scheme, dynamic 58
Storage scheme, static 58
Strassen's algorithm 51
SubMatrix 3
Submatrix, principal 3
Subspace iteration 280—282
Subspace, invariant 193
Successive overrelaxation method see "SOR"
Sum convention 442
SVD see "Singular value decomposition"
SVD and pseudoinverse 113—115
| SVD of 2x2 matrix 233
SVD solution, truncated 119
SVD, compact form 110
SVD, generalized 296—297
Sylvester's criterion 32
Sylvester's, equation 205
Sylvester's, law of inertia 223 294
Symmetric indefinite system 37—39
Symmetric matrix 28
Symmetric tridiagonal form, reduction to 250—252
SYMMLQ 345—346
Taylor coefficents, differential equations 447
Taylor's formula 445
Taylor's formula, remainder 445
Tensor 442
Theorem, Cayley — Hamilton 204
Theorem, implicit Q 264 268
Tikhonov regularization 173
TLS see "Total least squares"
Toeplitz matrix 86
Total least squares 178—180
Total least squares, by SVD 178—180
Total least squares, conditioning 180
Totally nonnegative matrix 11
Totally positive 87
Transformation, congruence 222
Transformation, similarity 192
Transportation problem 431
Transposition matrix 12
Trees, rooted 447
Triangular factorization see "LU factorization"
Triangular, systems of equations 7
Tridiagonal, matrix 23
Tridiagonal, systems 36—37
Truncated SVD 119 144
Trust region method 396 414
TSVD see "Truncated SVD"
Underdetermined system, general solution 138
Underdetermined system, minimum norm solution 139
Updating, QR decomposition 165—166
Variable projection algorithm 417
Variables, basic 432
Variables, nonbasic 432
Vector, bi-orthogonal 358
Vector, principal 204
Vector-matrix notation 442
Vertex of polyhedron 430
Vertex, degenerate 435
Wielandt — Hoffman theorem 222
Woodbury formula 45
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