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Stratonovich R.L. — Topics in the Theory of Random Noise Vol 2 |
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ambient noise 193
Ambient noise, effect on oscillator of slowly varying 193—221
Amiantov, I.N. 68
Amplification factor of a parametric amplifier 306 312 313 318
Amplitude correlation time 191
Barit, I.Y. 323
Bateman, H. 27 28 30 42
Bershtein, I.L. 324
Bogoliubov's method 100 ff.
Bogoliubov, N.N. 98 100
Bunimovich, V.I. 323
Carslaw, H.S. 25
Carson — Laplace transform 25
Carson — Laplace transform, inverse 35
Critical damping coefficient 281 282 285 288 290 297—298 300—301
Dead time 75
Diffusion coefficient 122 133 156 165 167 256 270
Emde, F. 263
Equations in standard form 98 ff.
Equivalent noise variance 184
Excess area 70
External noise, effect on oscillator of 170—192
External synchronization 222
False alarms 74
False alarms, number of 76—77
False peak 3
Flicker noise 203
Flicker noise, effect of, on frequency of oscillator 203—206
Fluctuational terms, simplification of 105—113
Fokker — Planck method 120—127
Fully developed oscillations 183 185
Generated signal, amplitude distribution of 123 158 183
Generated signal, amplitude moments of 124—127 185—186
Generated signal, correlation function of 160 176 192 200 205 232
Generated signal, phase distribution of 175—176 236—238
Generated signal, special density of 160 177 192 201—203 205 208 233 258
Generated signal, spectral structure of 161 273
Gradstein, I.S. 27 29 31 32 127 144 145 213 238 243 245 246
Gudzenko, L.I. 324
Heffner, H. 324
Internal noise 147
Internal noise, effect on oscillator of 147—169
Jaeger, J.C. 25
Jahnke, E. 263
Jitter 80
Khokhlov, R.V. 222
Krylov — Bogoliubov method 103
Kuznetsov, P.I. 68 323—325
Leontovich, M.A. 323
Linearization method 127—133
Markov process, amplitude fluctuations as 120—127
Markov process, duration of peaks of 21—50
Markov process, mean number of peak clusters of 7—17
McFadden, J.A. 323
Mean density of peaks 6
Mean first-passage time 12
Mean number of peaks of a random function 3—20
Mean number of peaks of a smoothly varying process 4—7
Mismatch 227 292
Mitropolsky, Y.A. 98
Nonlinear self-excited oscillations 87 ff.
Nyquist's formula 147
Oscillator 90 ff.
Oscillator, basic equations of 91—93
Oscillator, effect of fluctuations of anode voltage on 147—169
Oscillator, effect of strong external noise on 170—192
Oscillator, effect of weak internal noise on 147—169
Oscillator, frequency fluctuations of 207—215
Oscillator, frequency fluctuations of, case of large independent phase increments 207—210
Oscillator, frequency fluctuations of, case of small independent phase increments 210—215
Oscillator, noise-modulated 215—221
Oscillator, noise-modulated, correlation function of 216
Oscillator, noise-modulated, spectral density of 217 ff.
Oscillator, signat generated by see "Generated signal"
Oscillator, subject to strong synchronization 258—272
Oscillator, subject to synchronization see "Synchronized oscillator"
Oscillator, synchronization of 222—276
Oscillatory functions 99
| Oscillatory terms, elimination of 100 ff.
Panially developed oscillations 183 185
Parametric amplification 305
Parametric oscillations 277—321
Parametric oscillations, amplitude distribution of 302—305
Parametric oscillations, basic equations of 279—282
Parametric oscillations, involving simultaneous harmonic and fluctuational excitations 291—302
Parametric oscillations, narrow-band quasi-harmonic 282—286
Parametric oscillations, phase distribution of 294
Parametric oscillations, rapid 286—291
Parametric systems with two branches 305—321
Peak clusters 9
Peak clusters, mean number of 7—20
Peak durations of a Markov process 21—50
Peak durations, distribution of 56—58 62—63 67—68
Peak durations, unnormalized probability density of 36—39
Phase diffusion 133 156 167 290
Phase diffusion, effect of amplitude fluctuations on 167
Phase relaxation lime 282
Podgoretski, M.I. 323
Positive feedback 87
Quasi-static method 134—141
relays 3 ff.
Relays, electronic 73
Relays, false operation of 4
Relays, operating time of 80 ff.
Relays, operating time of, jitter of 80—84
Relays, operating time of, probability density of 83—84
Relays, operating time of, variance of 83
Rice's method 220
Rice, S.O. 324
Romanovski, Y.M. 324
Ryshik, I.M. 27 29 31 32 127 144 145 213 238 243 245 246
Rytov, S.M. 324
Shot noise 147 ff.
Shot noise, low intensity of 149
Shot noise, periodic nonstationarity of 162—165
Silverman, R.A. 7
Simplified equations 99 ff.
Simplified equations, methods of solving 120—146
Simplified equations, methods of solving, summary of applicability of 141—144
Skipped peaks 70
Skipped peaks, number of 79
Small-fluctuation condition 9 20
Smoothed process, peaks of 43—45
Smoothing time 8 51
Smoothly varying noise, area under 68—72
Smoothly varying noise, duration of 52—68
Smoothly varying noise, duration of, experimental distribution of 67—68
Smoothly varying noise, peaks of 52 72
Smoothness condition 4
Space-charge smoothing factor 155
Steepness 94
Stiffness 230
Stiffness, amplitude 231
Stiffness, azimuthal 271
Stiffness, phase 231
Stiffness, radial 271
Stratonovich, R.L. 7 68 323—325
Synchronization bandwidth 227
Synchronized oscillator, amplitude distribution of 235 260 262
Synchronized oscillator, basic equations of 223 ff.
Synchronized oscillator, diffusion of number of oscillations in 256
Synchronized oscillator, large phase deviations in 248 ff.
Synchronized oscillator, mean frequency of 241—247
Synchronized oscillator, mean frequency of, dependence of, on mismatch 243—247
Synchronized oscillator, phase jumps in signal generated by 254—256 262
Synchronized oscillator, stationary amplitude of 226—227
Synchronized oscillator, stationary phase distribution of 234 ff.
Thomson type, systems of 97
Tikhonov, V.I. 68 323—325
Triggered process 39
Triggered process, correlation function of 39 41
Truncated equations 100 151
Undeveloped oscillations 183 184
Upper cutoff frequency 8
Vacuum-tube oscillator see "Oscillator"
Wade, G. 324
White noise component 162
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