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Albert A.A. — Structure of algebras,
Albert A.A. — Structure of algebras,

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Название: Structure of algebras,

Автор: Albert A.A.


The first three chapters of this work contain an exposition of the Wedderburn structure theorems. Chapter IV contains the theory of the commutator subalgebra of a simple subalgebra of a normal simple algebra, the study of automorphisms of a simple algebra, splitting fields, and the index reduction factor theory. The fifth chapter contains the foundation of the theory of crossed products and of their special case, cyclic algebras. The theory of exponents is derived there as well as the consequent factorization of normal division algebras into direct factors of prime-power degree. Chapter VI consists of the study of the abelian group of cyclic systems which is applied in Chapter VII to yield the theory of the structure of direct products of cyclic algebras and the consequent properties of norms in cyclic fields. This chapter is closed with the theory of $p$-algebras. In Chapter VIII an exposition is given of the theory of the representations of algebras. The treatment is somewhat novel in that while the recent expositions have used representation theorems to obtain a number of results on algebras, here the theorems on algebras are themselves used in the derivation of results on representations. The presentation has its inspiration in the author's work on the theory of Riemann matrices and is concluded by the introduction to the generalization (by H. Weyl and the author) of that theory. The theory of involutorial simple algebras is derived in Chapter X both for algebras over general fields and over the rational field. The results are also applied in the determination of the structure of the multiplication algebras of all generalized Riemann matrices, a result which is seen in Chapter XI to imply a complete solution of the principal problem on Riemann matrices.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1939

Количество страниц: 218

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Residue-class degree, field      135
Riemann matrix      188
Right ideal      22
Right ideal, multiplication      11
S-irreducible      78
Scalar extension of algebras      15
Scalar extension of algebras, centrum      35
Scalar extension of algebras, crossed products      73
Scalar extension of algebras, division algebras      15
Scalar extension of algebras, normal simple algebras      43 56
Scalar extension of algebras, separable fields      31
Schur index      58
Semi-simple algebras      37
Semi-simple algebras, commutative      39 40 44
Semi-simple algebras, structure of      39
Separable algebras      44
Separable algebras, fields      32 34
Similar algebras      58
Similar algebras, cyclic systems      88
Similar algebras, idempotents      50
Simple algebras      37
Simple algebras, centrum of      41
Simple algebras, normal      40
Simple algebras, structure of      39
Space      111
Splitting fields of algebras, normal simple algebras      61
Splitting fields of algebras, p-adic algebras      144
Splitting fields of algebras, p-algebras      109
Structure of p-adic fields      138
Structure of p-adic fields, p-adic algebras      143
Structure of p-adic fields, rational division algebras      119
Structure of p-adic fields, simple algebras      37
Sum of left ideals      21
Sum of left ideals, linear sets      1
Supplementary sum      2
Total matric algebra      6
Total matric algebra, basis      6
Total matric algebra, components      45
Total matric algebra, direct factor      19
Total matric algebra, subalgebra      7
Total matric algebras      6
Total matric algebras, direct products of      7 50
Total matric algebras, normal division subalgebras of      5
Total matric algebras, subfields of      52
Total real fields      163
Trace condition      172
Trace condition, function      18
Trace condition, reduced      122 124
Type number      126
Uniqueness theorem      49
Uniqueness theorem of direct factorizations      85
Unramified algebra      137
Unramified algebra, field      138 141
Valuations      131 ff.
Wedderburn principal theorem      47
Zero algebra      20
Zero algebra, ideal      22
1 2
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