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Harman T.L., Dabney J.B., Richert N.J. — Advanced Engineering Mathematicas with MATLAB |
Предметный указатель |
Solve 161 204 225—226
Spatial frequencies 379
sph2cart 594
Sphere 594
SPLINE 350 355
Spline interpolation 354
sqrt 21
sqrtm 181
Stability 448
Stability in the s-domain 449—451
Stability in the z-domain 494
Stability, BIBO 493
Stability, discrete systems 490 493
State space representation 253
state variables 253
Steepest descent 637
stem 387 519 521
STEP 345
Step function 255 see
Stokes' theorem 685
Sturm — Liouville equations 336
subplot 17 496 549
SUBS 204
subspace 79
Sum of an infinite series 284
Superposition 211
surf 549 570
surfc 549 571
surfnorm 609
SYM 90 108 122 174 204
symadd 108
Symbolic Math Toolbox 2 74 108 132 161 174 549
symdiv 725
symmul 108
symop 74
SYMS 174
symsub 108
Systems of differential equations 233
Systems of differential equations, nonhomogeneous 246
Systems of linear equations 124
Systems of linear equations, inconsistent 125
Systems of linear equations, LU solution 135
Systems of linear equations, MATLAB solution 135 137
Systems of linear equations, matrix form 125
Systems of linear equations, overdetermined systems 126
Systems of linear equations, solution by elementary row operations 128
Systems of linear equations, solution by matrix inverse 127
Systems of linear equations, underdetermined system 126
Tacoma Narrows bridge 231
Tangential acceleration 601
Taylor 295
Taylor series 292
Taylor series, truncation error 298
Taylor series, two dimensional 565
Title 568
Total differential 561
Transformation of coordinates 555
| Trapezoid Rule 668
Trapezoidal integration 668
trapz 667—668
Triple integrals 655
uimenu 42
Undetermined coefficients 227
Uniform continuity 277
Uniform convergence 289
Unit step function 265 276 278
Unit vectors 63
unwrap 519
Vander 367
Vandermonde matrix 367
Vector field 605
Vector field, irrotational 620 622
Vector field, solenoidal 619 624
Vector functions 547 588
Vector potential 624
Vector product 67
Vector spaces 78 87
Vectors, addition and subtraction 62
Vectors, complex 77 172
Vectors, dot product 64 76
Vectors, length 63
Vectors, norm 70
Vectors, notation 61
Vectors, orthogonal 65
Vectors, properties 74
Vectors, scalar multiplication 70
view 549 551
Wave equation 717 733
Weierstrasstest 289
what 8
while 28 39
whitebg 18
whos 10 570
Work 676
wronskian 219 266
xlabel 20
ylabel 20
Z-transforms 480—482
Z-transforms and Laplace 481
Z-transforms, applications 480
Z-transforms, convolution 491
Z-transforms, difference equations 488
Z-transforms, discrete systems 490
Z-transforms, frequency response of discrete systems 495
Z-transforms, MATLAB commands 487
Z-transforms, pole-zero plots 494
Z-transforms, properties 483 485 497
Z-transforms, region of convergence 482
Zero padding 540
zeros 110—111
Zoom 40 549 568 575 609
zoom off 20
zoom on 20
zplane 496
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