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Harman T.L., Dabney J.B., Richert N.J. — Advanced Engineering Mathematicas with MATLAB |
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Предметный указатель |
Inner product 76
inner product of functions 89
Input 13
Input function 212
int 90 181 399 668—669 725
Integral test 287
Integrating factor 212
Integration by parts 644
Integration, two dimensional 669
Interp1 352
interp2 570
Interpolation 351
Interpolation, polynomial 351
Interpolation, spline 354
INV 118 132 135
Inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) 513
Irrotational field 620 622
Iterated integrals 651
Jacobian 556 657
Joint probability 666
Jordan Matrix 188
Keyboard 30
kron 539
Kronecker delta 77
Lagrange multipliers 586—587
Laguerre's differential equation 329
Laplace 431 433 668
Laplace and Fourier transforms 452
Laplace and Z-transforms 481
Laplace expansion 114
Laplace transform 417
Laplace transform, applications to differential equations 434
Laplace transform, existence 422
Laplace transform, inverse 423
Laplace transform, properties 420
Laplace transform, stability in the s domain 450
Laplace's equation 621 717 720
Laplace's equation, cylindrical coordinates 727
Laplace's equation, rectangular coordinates 721
Laplace's equation, spherical coordinates 730
Laplacian 621
Laplacian, curvilinear coordinates 632
Least-squares curve fitting 356
legend 20 549
legendre 335
Legendre (Fourier) series 363
Legendre polynomials 93 334
Legendre's differential equation 329 731
Legendre's function of the second kind 335
Length 29
Level set 548
Limit test 285
Line integral 670
Linear approximation 561
Linear functions and eigenvectors 165
Linear independence 81
Linear transformations 139
Linear transformations, matrix representation 140
Linear transformations, rotations 142
Linearity 139
Linearity, homogeneous property 490
Linearization 563
linspace 18 549 574
Load 4 16
Logendre's associated differential equation 335
loglog 549
logm 181
logspace 18 549
lookfor 9
lu 124 137
LU factorization 123 135
MATLAB, breakpoints 30
MATLAB, commands for discrete systems 487
MATLAB, commands for vector calculus 609
MATLAB, complex numbers 59
MATLAB, computer numbers 49
MATLAB, curvilinear coordinates 594
MATLAB, debugging 29 36
MATLAB, determinants 118
MATLAB, differential equation particular solution 232
MATLAB, differential equations 306
MATLAB, differentiation 572
MATLAB, display 15
MATLAB, efficiency 30
MATLAB, eigenvalues 174
MATLAB, eigenvalues and eigenvectors 176
MATLAB, eigenvectors 174
MATLAB, eps 52 609
MATLAB, functions 22
MATLAB, graphics 17
MATLAB, Greek letters 20
MATLAB, Help desk 9
MATLAB, Help window 9
MATLAB, integration 90 667
MATLAB, interpolation 352
MATLAB, Jacobians 559
MATLAB, Laplace transforms 431
Matlab, least squares 358
MATLAB, M-file Editor/Debugger 24
MATLAB, M-files 6 22 24
MATLAB, matrix functions 181
MATLAB, matrix inverse 118
MATLAB, matrix operations 107
MATLAB, partial differential equations 724
MATLAB, plotting 15
MATLAB, polynomials 161
MATLAB, program design 35
MATLAB, programming 25
MATLAB, programs 22
MATLAB, solution of systems of linear equations 135
MATLAB, solutions of systems of differential equations 238
MATLAB, solutions to differential equations 224
MATLAB, spline interpolation 355
MATLAB, structure 4
MATLAB, subfunctions 24
MATLAB, syntax errors 29
MATLAB, Taylor series 295
MATLAB, testing 37
MATLAB, transpose 71
MATLAB, variables 9
MATLAB, vectorizing 29
MATLAB, vectors 71
Matrix, 181
Matrix, addition 103
Matrix, calculus 180
Matrix, cofactor 114
Matrix, complex 172
Matrix, condition number 137
Matrix, diagonal 109
Matrix, diagonalizable 187
Matrix, differentiation 180
Matrix, eigenvalue properties 170
Matrix, eigenvalues 162
Matrix, eigenvectors 162
Matrix, exponential 186
Matrix, hermitian 190 192
Matrix, identity 110
Matrix, ill conditioned 137
Matrix, integral 180
Matrix, inverse 116
Matrix, Jordan 188
Matrix, lower triangular 121
Matrix, LU factorization 123 135
Matrix, minor 114
Matrix, multiplication 103
| Matrix, orthogonal 119 190
Matrix, orthogonally diagonalizable 191
Matrix, partitioned 179
Matrix, polynomial 180 185
Matrix, properties 102 105 117
Matrix, QR decomposition 176
Matrix, rank 129
Matrix, similar 187
Matrix, singular 116
Matrix, square 109 117
Matrix, symmetric 111 190
Matrix, transpose 106
Matrix, unitary 190 192
Matrix, upper triangular 121
Maxwell's equations 628 698
mesh 549 570
meshc 21 549
meshgrid 21 549 570
Method of sections 567
Modal matrix 187
Modulus 55
more on 239
Multiple integrals 655
Neumann condition 720
Neumann's function 333
Newton's gravitational law 606
Newton's Laws 564
nextpow2 519
nnls 350
Norm 72
Norm of a function 89
Norm of a vector 70
Notation, derivatives 208
Notation, MATLAB 4
num2str 20 568
numeric 725
Numerical integration 667
Nyquist frequency 497 524
ode113 310
Ode15s 310
ode23 204 238 241 262 279 306 310
ode23s 310
ode45 204 238 306 310
odeset 306—111
Ohm's law 564
ones 110
Optimization 586 599 617
Orthogonal functions 91 364
Orthogonal polynomials 337 361
Orthogonal transformation 120
Orthogonal vectors 65 76
Orthonormal vectors 76
Parse val's theorem 385 399
Parseval's equality 365
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 724
Partial differential equations 206 715
Partial differential equations, classification 716
Partial differential equations, heat equation 732
Partial differential equations, Laplace's equation 720
Partial differential equations, MATLAB solutions 724
Partial differential equations, separation of variables 718
Partial differential equations, wave equation 733
Partitioned matrix 179
pause 30
periodic extension 515
Permeability 699
Permittivity 695
Permittivity of free space farads/meter 608
Picket fence effect 530
Planck's constant 193 338
plot 17—18 40 549
plot3 549
plotyy 549
Poisson's equation 700
pol2cart 594
polar 549 594
Polar coordinates 555
POLY 174
polyder 350 431 572 574
polyfit 350—352 359
polyfun 350
Polynomial interpolation 351
Polynomials 159
polyval 350 352 359 574—575
Power series 290
Power series, derivative of 295
Power series, integral of 295
Principal axis theorem 191
print 18
Profile 31
Programming 31
Projections 66
qr 177
QR decomposition 176
quad 90 667—668
quad8 667—668
Quadratic equation discriminant 222
Quadrature 667
quit 7 9
quiver 609 614
rand 110—111 122 476
randn 527
Range of a function 141 546
Rank 132
Ratio Test 286
Rational approximation 283
Rats 118
Real numbers 46
Relaxation time 708
Residue 431—432 487
residuez 487
Resonance 230
Riemann integration 642
Robotics 142
Roots 161 174 204 225—226 431 487
Rotations in the plane 142
Row vectors 66
RREF 132
rrefmovie 132 134
Runge function 352
Runge — Kutta method 301
Sampled-data system 481
Sampling of a signal 524
Sampling theorem 524
Scalar fields 605
Scalar potential 616
Schrodinger's Equation 338
Second Derivative Test 579
semilogx 549
Separation of variables 718
Sequences 283
Signal analysis 523
Signal Processing Toolbox 2 390 412 480
Signal smoothing 475 477
Signum function 53
Similarity transformation 187
SIMPLE 204 239
Simple curve 673
Simply connected region 683
sin 37 39
sinc 390
Sine function 390
Slice 549
Smooth curve 673
Smooth surface 683
Solenoidal field 619 624
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