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Rice J.R. — Linear Theory. Volume 1. The approximation of functions |
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-approximation 94
-approximation, canonical points 106
-approximation, characterization 102
-approximation, characterization on finite sets 114
-approximation, characterization, special case 105
-approximation, descent for finite point sets 165
-approximation, existence 94
-approximation, finite point sets 112
-approximation, linear programming 182
-approximation, polynomials 110
-approximation, tangent planes 96
-approximation, trigonometric sums 110
-approximation, uniqueness 104
-approximation, uniqueness and Tchebycheff sets 106
-approximation, weight functions 118
-norm 20 94
-approximation 30
-norm 20
-approximation 164
-approximation, nonlinear programming 186
-distance function 4 29
-norms 4
-norms, finite point sets 7
-norms, weighted 21
-algorithm 152 186
-algorithm, Pade table 153
Abel transformation 150
Abel — Poisson kernel 130
Aitken's -process 153
Alternation 54
Approximating functions 15
Approximation problem in 11
Approximation problem, definition 2
Approximation problem, general approach 3
Approximation problem, Tchebycheff 52
Arithmetic means 128
Axial set 83
Bernstein kernel 130 131
Bernstein polynomials 131 145
Bessel's inequality 141
Best approximation 2
Canonical points 106
Canonical points, polynomials 112
Canonical points, trigonometric sums 111
Cesaro sums 128
Cesaro transformation 150 152 186
Christoffel — Darboux formula 37
Closure in C[0,1] 123
Computational methods 144
Condition E 27 75
Continued fractions 146
Continued fractions, conversion to rational functions 147
Continued fractions, telescoping procedures 156
Contraction mappings 169
Contraction mappings, descent mappings 189
Convex 13 95
de la Vallee Poussin algorithm 66
de la Vallee Poussin algorithm, rate of convergence 69
Degree of convergence 119 133
Degree of convergence with Lipshitz condition 137
Degree of convergence, continuous periodic functions 134
Degree of convergence, Jackson's theorem 140
Degree of convergence, remarks 141
Descent mappings 168 187
Descent mappings, convergence 170
Descent mappings, matrix iteration 187
Descent mappings, one-for-one exchange 187
Descent mappings, one-to-many mappings 187
Descent mappings, steepest descent 171
Deviation 52
Deviation, estimation 60
Dirichlet kernel 125 130
Distance function 2
Distance function, 4 29
Dual program 182
Equicontinuous 44
Error curve 5 53
Euler's transformation 149
Exchange, duality with Zuhovickii method 185
Exchange, one-for-one 173
Exchange, Remes 176
Existence theorems 23
Existence theorems with Condition E 27
Existence theorems, Tchebycheff approximation 23
Extremal points 54 66
Fejer kernel 129 130 142 150
Fourier series 124 145
Gegenbauer polynomials 36
Gradient 159
Gram polynomials 41
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 46
Haar problem 87
Hermite polynomials 36 49
Hessian matrix 161
Hilbert matrix 47
Hoelder condition 67
Ill-conditioned 46
Independence assumption 3
Jackson kernel 130 137
Jacobi polynomials 36
Kernel functions 125 131
Kernel functions, peaks 132
Krawtchouk polynomials 41
Kummer's transformation 148
Laguerre polynomials 36 48
Landau kernel 130
Laurent series 145
Least squares 30
Least squares, approximations 49
Least squares, characterization of best approximation 33
Least squares, continuous dependence 51
Least squares, finite point sets 40
Least squares, normal equations 31
Legendre polynomials 36 39 47
Linear programming 180
Linear programming, constraints 181
Linear programming, dual program 182
Linear programming, objective function 181
Linear programming, simplex method 185
Linear space 10
Linear space, normed 29
Lipschitz condition 67
Lipschitz condition, second order 143
Lipschitz — Dini condition 142
Markov set 117
Measure 98
Measure of approximation 2
Method of ascent 171
| Method of ascent, convergence 187
Method of ascent, descent mappings 173
Method of ascent, duality 183
Method of ascent, one-for-one exchange 173
Method of descent 158
Method of descent, -approximation 164
Method of descent, descent mappings 171
Method of descent, method of gradients 162
Method of descent, polytopes 164
Method of descent, rational functions 189
Method of descent, steepest descent 162
Method of descent, steepest descent for poly topes 165
Method of descent, Zuhovickii 166
Metric space 11
Modulus of continuity 141
Muntz's theorem 124
Nonlinear approximating functions 70
Normal equations 31
Norms 2
Norms, 4
Norms, strict 14
Norms, Tchebycheff 8
Objective function 181
One-for-one exchange 173 187 188
Orthogonal functions 30 34
Orthogonal functions, finite point sets 40
Orthogonal polynomials 36
Orthogonal polynomials, Christoffel — Darboux formula 37
Orthogonal polynomials, classical 36
Orthogonal polynomials, classical, characterization of 50
Orthogonal polynomials, finite points sets 41
Orthogonal polynomials, recurrence relation 37
Orthogonal polynomials, zeros 39
Orthogonal system 33
Orthogonalization 45
Orthonormal systems 33
Orthonormal systems, equivalent 45
p-algorithm 153
Pade table 147 153 186
Parameter space 2 26
Parameter space, topology 26
Planes of support 96
Planes of support, uniqueness 100
Polya Algorithm 8
Polynomial approximation, -norm 110
Polynomials 15 120 188
Polynomials, evaluation 145
Polynomials, Gram 41
Polynomials, Krawtchouk 41
Polynomials, orthogonal 36
Polynomials, piece wise 16
Polynomials, Tchebycheff 41
Polynomials, Tchebycheff set 55
Polytope 113
Polytopes, method of descent 164
Property Z 71 82 87
Property Z, rational functions 78
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm 152
Rational functions 16 74
Rational functions, approximation examples 93
Rational functions, Condition E 75
Rational functions, continued fractions 146
Rational functions, degree 78
Rational functions, existence of Tchebycheff approximations 77
Rational functions, method of descent 189
Rational functions, nonexistence of Tchebycheff approximations 76
Rational functions, Property Z 78
Rational functions, solvence 79
Rational functions, telescoping procedures 157
Recurrence relation 37 41
Remes algorithm 176 187
Remes algorithm, descent 177
Remes algorithm, Murnaghan and Wrench 189
Remes algorithm, unisolvent functions 178
Rhombus algorithms 151
Sequence transformations 148
Sigma, factors transformation 150
Simplex method 185
Simplex method, Zuhovickii method 186
Solvent 71 79
Spline functions 17
Taylor's series 144 180
Tchebycheff approximation 52
Tchebycheff approximation, characterization of best approximations 55
Tchebycheff approximation, continuous dependence 62
Tchebycheff approximation, descent for finite point sets 165
Tchebycheff approximation, finite point sets 65 66
Tchebycheff approximation, linear programming 181
Tchebycheff approximation, method of ascent 171
Tchebycheff approximation, polynomials 92 188
Tchebycheff approximation, uniqueness 60
Tchebycheff polynomials 41 48 93
Tchebycheff polynomials, polynomial evaluation 145
Tchebycheff sets 55 61 86 88 89 106
Tchebycheff sets, -approximation 94
Tchebycheff sets, Property Z 71
Tchebycheff sets, zeros 57 91
Tchebycheff type theory, existence 80
Tchebycheff type theory, existence and characterization 82
Tchebycheff type theory, uniqueness 87
Tchebycheff type theory, uniqueness, example of nonuniqueness 89
Telescoping procedures 154
Telescoping procedures with Tchebycheff polynomials 156
Telescoping procedures, continued fractions 156
Telescoping procedures, linear approximating functions 155
Telescoping procedures, rational functions 157
Transformations, linear 148
Transformations, sequence 147
Trigonometric sums 15
Trigonometric sums, orthogonality 35
Trigonometric sums, Tchebycheff set 55
Unisolvent functions 70 91 93
Unisolvent functions, examples 74
Unisolvent functions, Remes algorithm 178
Unisolvent functions, Tchebycheff approximation 73
Unit sphere 12
Weierstrass kernel 130
Weierstrass theorem 119
Weierstrass theorem, polynomials 121
Weierstrass theorem, trigonometric sums 122
Weight function 6 118
Zeros, double 57
Zeros, multiple 60
Zeros, orthogonal polynomials 39
Zeros, Property Z 71
Zuhovickii's method of descent 166 188
Zuhovickii's method of descent, duality with exchange 185
Zuhovickii's method of descent, simplex method 186
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