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Przeworska-Rolewicz D., Rolewicz S. — Equations in linear spaces
Przeworska-Rolewicz D., Rolewicz S. — Equations in linear spaces

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Название: Equations in linear spaces

Авторы: Przeworska-Rolewicz D., Rolewicz S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1968

Количество страниц: 383

Добавлена в каталог: 11.11.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Monomorphism      25
Multiindex      128
Multiplication      16 51
Multiplicity of the eigenvalue      49
Muskhelishvili, N.I.      367
Nakamura, M.      370
Neighbourhood      115
Neubauer, G.      42 61 295
Newburgh, J.D.      289 370
Nikolskii, S.M.      368 370
Noether, F.      367
Norm      122
Norm in a Banach paraalgebra      248
Norm of a basis      170
Norm of an operator      158
Norm, homogeneous      140
Norm, p-homogeneous      140
Norms equivalent      122 239
Nullity of the operator      29
Operation associative      16
Operator of multiplication      336
Operator, A-co-semicompact      317
Operator, A-compact      198
Operator, A-continuous      162
Operator, A-perturbation      38
Operator, A-semicompact      317
Operator, adjoint      90
Operator, algebraic      81
Operator, almost algebraic      81
Operator, almost inverse      96
Operator, bounded      158
Operator, closed      182
Operator, co-semicompact      257
Operator, compact      196
Operator, completely continuous      196
Operator, conjugate      90
Operator, continuous linear      157
Operator, embedding      213
Operator, equicontinuous      163
Operator, finite-dimensional      33
Operator, H-resolvable      91
Operator, Hankel      352
Operator, identical      26
Operator, inverse      25
Operator, Kato      252
Operator, left-invertible      32
Operator, linear      25
Operator, linear continuous      157
Operator, locally algebraic      167
Operator, normally resolvable      184
Operator, preserving a conjugate space      295
Operator, projection      26
Operator, right-invertible      32
Operator, semicompact      252 257
Operator, unconditionally convergent      267
Operator, weakly compact      249
Operator, weakly continuous      216
Operator, weakly singular integral      321
Order of a determinant system      105
Order of an element      68
Order of an operator      103
Order, relation      15
Orlicz, W.      148 154 155 220 225 369
Paley, R.E.A.      225
Paraalgebra      53
Paraalgebra of operators      56
Paraalgebra, Banach      238
Paraalgebra, regularizable      57 59
Pararing      51 52
Pararing with unities      54
Pararing, quotient      55
Paraska, V.I.      289 291
Pelczynski, A.      222 227 228 229 230 254 257 260 261 264 266 267 271 274 369 370
Perturbation of an operator      38 311
Pettis, B.J.      263 265 266
Plemelj, J.      333
Pogorzelski, W.      333 336
Point, accumulation      116
Point, cluster      116
Point, limit      116
Point, regular      303
Polynomial characteristic      68
Power of a basis      20
Principal value of a Cauchy integral      332
Principle of transfinite induction      15
Privalov, I.      333
Product of Hausdorff topological spaces      117
Product of operators      26
Product of spaces      21
Product, algebraic      17
Product, inner      130
Product, scalar      130
Projection of a space      161 226
Projection, operator      26
Projection, space      27
Projector      26
Property Dunford — Pettis      263
Pseudonorm      144
Quasi-Fredholm ideal      42 57
Rademacher system      176
Rademacher, H.      176
Radical      18
Radical of a paraalgebra      54
Range of an operator      25
Rank of the matrix      34
Rauszer, C.      370
Regularizer left (right) of an operator      40 55
Regularizer left (right) of an operator, simple      40 55
Relation order      15
Resolvent      303
Restriction of the operator      27
Riemann integral      153
Riemann, B.      152 153
Riesz theory      203
Riesz, F.      203 369 370
Ring      16 17
Ring with a unit      17
Ring, commutative      18
Ring, linear      23
Ring, quotient      19
Root, characteristic      68
Root, number      309
Ruston, A.F.      368
Rutman, L.A.      219
Scalar product      130
Schauder basis      168
Schauder, J.      168 174 369 370
Schwartz, J.T.      214 215 218 367 369
Schwarz inequality      130
Schwarz, H.A.      130 355
Segment      142
Sequence of functionals      216
Sequence of subdivisions normal      152
Sequence of successive approximations      276
Sequence, $\Xi$-convergent      151
Sequence, $\Xi$-fundamental      152
Sequence, Cauchy      132
Sequence, convergent      117
Sequence, fundamental      132
Sequence, normal      152
Sequence, orthogonal      175
Sequence, orthonormal      175
Sequence, strongly linearly independent      219
Sequence, weakly fundamental      215
Sequence, weakly fundamental of functionals      216
Series, convergent      135
Series, unconditionally convergent      220
Series, weakly unconditionally convergent      221
Set dense      116
Set of a first category      116
Set of a pararing      53
Set of a second category      117
Set of the class $F_{\sigma}$      116
Set of the class $G_{\sigma}$      116
Set, balanced      120
Set, bounded      140
Set, circled      120
Set, closed      115 132
Set, compact      118
Set, complete      131
Set, conditionally weakly compact      216
Set, convex      142
Set, countable      15
Set, linearly independent      20
Set, non-dense      116
Set, nowhere dense      116
Set, open      115
Set, ordered by the relation      15
Set, partially ordered      16
Set, precompact      195
Set, symmetric      120
Set, total      165
Set, weakly compact      216
Set, weakly precompact      216
Set, well-ordered      15
Sets of the same power      15
Sierpinski, W.      134
Sikorski, R.      368
Singer, I.      222
Sinus transformation      359
Smulian, V.L.      217 218
Sobczyk, A.      235 369
Space adjoint      90 212
Space, $B_{0}$      148
Space, $B_{0}^{*}$      148
Space, Banach      210
Space, barrel      163
Space, compact      119
Space, conjugate      90 212
Space, dual      90
Space, eigen      49
Space, finite-dimensional      20
Space, H-describable      91
Space, Hausdorff topological      115
Space, Hilbert      19 137
Space, infinite-dimensional      20
Space, linear      19
Space, linear metric      121
Space, linear metric complete      133
Space, locally bounded      140
Space, locally compact      193
Space, locally convex      147
Space, metric      117
Space, metric complete      133
Space, normally splittable      306
Space, normed      150 210
Space, pre-Hilbert      130
Space, precompact      189
Space, principal      49
Space, projection      27
Space, quotient      23
Space, reflexive      213
Space, separable      116
Space, spanned by a set      19
Space, splittable      49 306
Space, subprojective      226
Space, superprojective      226
Space, total      91
Space, universal      232
Space, weakly fundamental      215
Spaces isomorphic      25 157
Span linear      19
Spectrum of an operator      49
Spectrum of an operator, discrete of an operator      49
Steinhaus, H.      163 164 226 369
Sternbach, L.      134
Subadditivity      122 144
Subalgebra      23
Subdivision of a curve      154
Subgroup      16
Subpararing      52
Subring      17
subspace      19
Subspace, complementary      161
Subtraction      16 26
Sum, algebraic      16
Sum, direct      21
Superposition of operators      26
Symbol Kronecker      66
System, determinant      104
System, Haar orthonormal      177
System, oriented      334
System, Rademacher      176
Sz.-Nagy, B.      162 367 370
Tcherskii, I.I.      368
Theorem on reduction first, second      100
Theorem on simultaneous approximation      296
Theorem on the continuity of the root number of an operator      309
Theorem on the representation of algebra      40
Theorem, Banach — Steinhaus      163
Theorem, Hahn — Banach      144 212
Thorp, E.      254
Topologies equivalent      115
topology      115
Topology of bounded convergence      161
Topology, compact with respect to the other topology      197
Topology, not coarser      115
Topology, not finer      115
Topology, not stronger      115
Topology, not weaker      115
Topology, strong      187
Topology, weak      215
Topology, weak of functionals      216
Transform Fourier      350
Transformation, continuous      118
Transformation, cosinus      353
Transformation, Hankel      352
Transformation, sinus      353
Triangle condition      122 210
Ultrafilter      119
UNIT      17
Value of a Cauchy integral principal      332
Value, regular of an operator      49
Vector principal      49
Vladimirski, I.N.      258 259 260 316
Volterra integral equation of the second kind      275
Volterra, V.      275
Warzecha, A.      370
Whitley, R.J.      226 228 231 232 255 266
Wiener, N.      370
Wilansky, A.      163 369
Williamson, J.H.      204 328 369
Yood, B.      367
Zelazko, W.      368
Zero element      16
Zippin, M.      221
Zorn, M.      16
Zygmund, A.      225
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