Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Donaldson K., Kronheimer P.B. — Geometry of Four-Manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
Poincare bundle 86
Poincare conjecture, generalized 18
Poincare duality 172 199 327
Poincare lemma 49
Points on a surface 391
Polynomial algebra 178
Polynomial invariant 341 352
Polynomial invariant, calculation 410; see also Invariant
Pontryagin classes 6 41.
Pontryagin — Thom construction 16
Projective embedding 379
Projective plane 127
Projective plane, dual 127
Projective variety 12 378
Pseudo-differential operator ( DO) 265
Quadric surface 13 128 140
Quaternions 76
Rational surface 13
Rearrangement argument 60
Regular moduli space 147
Regular zero-set 144 146
Regular, ASD connection 147
Regularity 60
Regularity of solutions 166
Regularpoint 142
Regularvalue 142
Rellich lemnm 421
Removable singularities theorem 163 171
Residue pairing 400
Restriction map 150 355 384
Riemann — Roch formula 191 381
Right/equivalent 136
Rohlin's theorem 24 317
Sard — Smale theorem 145
Sard's theorem 142
Second category 142
Self-dual form 7 152
Sheaf of sections 43
Sheaf, ideal 391
Signature 3 24
Slant product 176 184 413
Sobolev embedding theorem 421
Sobolev inequality 59 423
Sobolev inequality, borderline of 60
Sobolev spaces 420
Spectral sequence, Beilinson 124
Spectral sequence, Leray 88
Spectral sequence, Leray — Serre 179
| Spin structure 6 76
Spin structure and complex structure 78 80
Spinors see 'spin structure')
Stable range 349
Stable, bundle 209 211
Star (*) operator 7
StiefeI — Whitney class 6 41
Structure 43 139
Structure sheaf 43 139
Support, of cochain 191 320 357
Surface, general type 15 401
Surface, irrational 13
Surface, rational 13
Surgery 18 143
Symbol 265 422
Symmetric product (multi/set) 127 391
Symplectic geometry 244
Symplectic quotient 245 248
Topological manifold 27
Topology, differential 28
Torus, 4-dimensional 83
Torus, dual 83
Transversality 143 149 192
Tubular neighbourhood 192 321
Twistor 73 75 124
Uhlenbeck's theorem on removability of singularities 96 163
Uhlenbeck's theorem, on Coulomb gauge 31 58
Uhlenbeck, K. and Yau, S.-T. 216
Unique continuation 150
Universal coefficient theorem 2
Vanishing theorem 26 84 213 363 366
Vector bundle 32
Virtual bundle 182
Wall, C.T.C. 17 363
Weitzenboeck formula 69 78 212 222 275
WFF (without fiat factors) 83 87
Whitehead, J.H.C. 15
Whitney lemma 22
Whitney product formula 12
Whitney, disc 23
Without fiat factors (WFF) 83 87
Witten, E. 315
Yang — Mills functional 40
Yang — Mills gradient flow 217 233
Yang — Mills theory 31 38
Yang — Mills, equations 41 70
Zariski tangent space 139 408
Zero-set, regular 144 146
Реклама |