ratio for axial weak current 70 106 143
-mesons, leptonic decays 83 85
-mesons, nonleptonic decays 98
-mesons, pole dominance 67
-mesons, scattering at hadrons 67 91
symmetry 10 34
symmetry, ratio for weak axial current 70 106 143
symmetry, Ademollo — Gatto theorem 12 36
symmetry, algebra of generators 13 19
symmetry, Cabibbo angle 12 20 69
symmetry, mass formula 11 38 54 143
symmetry, multiplets 11 35
symmetry, symmetry violations 41 70
current algebra 22
current algebra 104
model 15 104 110
current algebra 114
rule 95 98 99
Ademollo — Gatto theorem 12 36
Adler — Weisberger relation 62
Adler — Weisberger relation as a low energy theorem 86
Adler — Weisberger relation for -meson-nucleon scattering 67
Adler — Weisberger relation for -meson scattering at nuclei 66
Adler — Weisberger relation for -meson- -meson scattering 67
Adler — Weisberger relation for -meson-hyperon scattering 67
Adler’s sum rules on neutrino reactions 145
Amati’s sum rules 146
Asymptotic bounds 139 140 143
Axial vector mesons 76
Axial weak current 5
Axial weak current, ratio 70 106 143
Axial weak current, -nucleon coupling constants 76
Axial weak current, coupling constant in -decay 58 66
Axial weak current, form factors 75
Axial weak current, universality of scale 24
Baryon resonances, -dominance 66 74 110 136
Baryon resonances, -scattering sum rule 67
Born terms in low energy theorems 80 88 96
Cabibbo angle 12 20 69
Cabibbo-Radicati, sum rule of C.R. 133
Callan — Treiman relation 83
Charges, frame dependence 21 38
Charges, observation 25
Charges, operator description 32
Coleman’s theorem 108
Colli near algebra 108
Current algebra, algebra 19
Current algebra, algebra 22
Current algebra, algebra 104
Current algebra, algebra 114
Current algebra, isospin algebra 6 10
Current algebra, models for current algebra 25 27
Current algebra, weak current algebra 23
Currents, conserved vector current theory 9
Currents, divergence conditions 124
Currents, dynamical definition 151
Currents, electromagnetic current 4 8
Currents, form factors 4
Currents, weak currents 5 8
Dispersion relations for form factors 59
Dispersion theory of current algebras 44 49 125
Dispersion theory of current algebras, independent kinematic forms 47 54 125 129 132
Dispersion theory of current algebras, relationship to direct sum rules 49 133
Dispersion theory of current algebras, subtractions 143 149
Dispersion theory of current algebras, superconvergence 138 149
Dispersion theory of current algebras, vertex functions 53 76
Divergence conditions 124
Drell — Hearn sum rule 146
Electromagnetic interactions, -decays 94 103
Electromagnetic interactions, CVC theory 9
Electromagnetic interactions, gauge invariance 86 124
Electromagnetic interactions, general discussion 3
Electromagnetic interactions, magnetic moments 4 10 71 110 136 144 146
Electromagnetic interactions, photon scattering sum rules 128 132 133 146
Electromagnetic interactions, photoproduction of pions 71
Eta ( ) meson decays 94 103
Gauge invariance considerations 86 124
Gell — Mann — Okubo mass formula 11 38 54 143
Goldberger — Treiman relation 61
Hyperons, multiplets 11 35
Hyperons, leptonic decays 68 69
Hyperons, magnetic moments 75 110 144
Hyperons, nonleptonic decays 96
Hyperons, scattering with mesons 67
Infinite-momentum limit 30 39 49 107 147
Interpolating fields 80
Isospin symmetry 6
Kroll — Ruderman theorem 86
Leptons, lepton current algebra 23
Leptons, lepton currents 4 5
Lie generators 6
Low-energy theorems 79
LSZ reduction formulae 15 3
Magnetic moments 4 10 71 110 136 144 146 148
| Mixing schemes 113
Models for current algebras 25 27
Nonleptonic decays 95 116
Nucleons, charge radius 136
Nucleons, current form factors 4 5 59 148
Nucleons, CVC theory 9
Nucleons, Goldberger — Treiman relation 61
Nucleons, isospin symmetry 6
Nucleons, lepton scattering at nucleons 27 132 144
Nucleons, magnetic moments 4 10 71 110 136 144 146 148
Nucleons, neutron -decay 5 61 66
Nucleons, nucleon-meson scattering lengths 86
Nucleons, nucleon-meson scattering sum rules 62
Nucleons, photon scattering at nucleons 132 133 146
Off-mass-shell amplitudes 80
PCAC 59 81 pion
PCAC consistency conditions 82
Photon scattering sum rules 128 133 146
Photoproduction of pions 71 86
Pi ( ) mesons, leptonic decays 61 85
Pi ( ) mesons, multiple pion production 95
Pi ( ) mesons, pion photoproduction 71 86
Pi ( ) mesons, pion pole dominance (PCAC) 59 65 79 81 83 88 92 96 99 104
Pi ( ) mesons, pion- -meson scattering 138
Pi ( ) mesons, pion-pion scattering lengths 91
Pi ( ) mesons, sum rules on pion scattering, at baryons 62 67
Pi ( ) mesons, sum rules on pion scattering, at mesons 67 70
Pi ( ) mesons, sum rules on pion scattering, weak pion production 86
Quarks 15 25
Regge poles 117 140 149
Regge poles, algebra of residues 117
Regge poles, fixed poles 150
Saturation of commutators 37 74 76 110 112 137
Scalar currents 115
Scattering lengths, 91
Scattering lengths, 86
Scattering lengths, 91
Schwinger terms 181
Schwinger terms, covariance properties 121
Schwinger terms, divergence conditions 124
Schwinger terms, models 121
Sigma-meson 67 100 143
Sigma-terms 87
Spinor currents 117
Strong interactions, symmetry 10 34
Strong interactions, model 15 105
Strong interactions, asymptotic bounds 13 9
Strong interactions, general discussion 12
Strong interactions, isospin symmetry 6
Strong interactions, low energy theorems on hadron scattering 62 67
Strong interactions, quark models 15 25
Strong interactions, Regge poles 117 140 149
Strong interactions, sum rules on hadron scattering 62 67
Strong interactions, superconvergence relations 138 149
Strong interactions, vector meson decays 91
Subtractions 143 149
Sum rules, covariance properties 44 53
Sum rules, degenerate intermediate states 48
Sum rules, direct sum rules 28
Sum rules, disconnected contributions 40 148
Sum rules, dispersion sum rules 44 125
Sum rules, frame dependence of direct sum rules 30 38 147
Sum rules, general discussion 27
Sum rules, infinite momentum limit 30 39 49 107 147
Sum rules, relations between direct and dispersion sum rules 49 133 14
Sum rules, saturation of sum rules 37 76 110
Sum rules, vertex functions 57 76
Superconvergence 13 8 149
Tensor currents 115
Tensor currents, partial conservation (PCTC) 115
Tensor operators 8
Universal spurion coupling 116
Universality of weak coupling 1 10 24
Vector mesons, strong decays 91
Vector mesons, superconvergence relations in vector meson scattering 138
Vector mesons, vector meson dominance in current form factors 93
Vector mesons, vector meson exchange in scattering 94
Violations of symmetry 41 70
Ward — Takahasi identities 45 86
Weak current algebra 23
Weak interactions, Cabibbo angle 12 20 69
Weak interactions, CVC theory 9
Weak interactions, general discussion 5
Weak interactions, Goldberger — Treiman relation 61
Weak interactions, hyperon leptonic decays 68
Weak interactions, lepton scattering sum rules 27 132 144
Weak interactions, meson leptonic decays 83
Weak interactions, nonleptonic decays 95 116
Weak interactions, nucleon -decay 61 66
Weak interactions, universality of weak coupling 1 10 24
Weak interactions, weak current algebra 23
Weak interactions, weak pion production 86
Weak interactions, weak vector bosons 102
Weak vector bosons 102
Wigner — Eckart theorem 8 177