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Natanson I.P. — Constructive function theory, Volume II. Approximation in mean |
Предметный указатель |
Choice, Helly's principle of 130
Completeness of the space 13
Convergence in itself 12
Convergence in mean 11
Convergence, weak 15
Dense, everywhere 15
Determinant, Gram 33
Differential weight 127
Distance 11
Eigenfunction 20
Eigenvalue 20
Equality, Parseval 26
Formula, Christoffel — Darboux 66
Formula, Rodrigues 82
Function, generating 89
Function, Lebesgue 72
Function, normal 129
Function, step 15
Functional, linear 136
Inequality, Bessel 26
Inequality, Schwarz 9
Integral, Euler 104
Integral, kernel of 67
Integral, Laplace 92
Integral, Stieltjes 130
Integral, weight 127
Kernel of the integral 67
Limit of a sequence 11
Linear functional 136
Linearly (in)dependent 32
Localization principle 70
Metric space 11
| Moment, problem 127
Moment, sequence 127
Norm of the function 10
Orthogonal 19
Orthogonal polynomials 45
Orthogonal system, closed 29
Orthogonal system, normalized 19
Orthogonalization theorem, E. Schmidt 35
Polynomial, Hermite 156
Polynomial, Jacobi 102
Polynomial, Laguerre 151
Polynomial, Legendre 82
Polynomial, orthogonal 45
Polynomial, Tchebysheff 114
Polynomial, ultraspherical 102
Positive definite 142
Principle of choice, Helly's 130
Series, Fourier 24
Space, 11
Space, metric 11
Step function 15
System of functions, complete 30
System, fundamental 39
System, orthonormal 19
System, Rademacher 22
System, Sturm — Liouville 20
Ultraspherical polynomial 114
Weight 9
Weight, differential 127
Weight, function 9
Weight, Hermite 150
Weight, integral 127
Weight, Laguerre 150
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