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De Finetti B. — Theory of Probability. A critical introductory treatment |
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Acceptance (or rejection) of an hypothesis 216
Additivity, choice of form of 228
Additivity, extension 228—229 234—235
Additivity, finite, countable, perfect 10 118—119 124
Additivity, of prevision 74
Additivity, weak and strong formulations 233
Adherent probabilities 240 243
Adhockeries 14 124
Alexander, J. W. 34
Ambit, linear 48
Amputated random quantities 131 246
Ascoli’s Theorem 261
B hlmann, H. 151 156
Banach 229
Battisti, Cesare 29
Bayes, Thomas 13
Bayes’s postulate 13
Bayes’s theorem 13 140 142—143
Bayes’s theorem, and new information 208
Bayes’s theorem, in econometrics 198
Bergmann, G. 34
Bernoulli distribution 288
Bernoulli scheme for events 148
Bernoulli scheme for multi-events 150
Bernoulli, James 72
Birkhoff, G. 34
Birnbaum, A. 159
Boolean algebra 10
Boolean algebra, unsuitability for probability theory 236
Boolean ring 38
Borchardt 174
Borel lemma 265—266
Borel measure 234 (see also Lebesgue)
Borel, E 48 181 184
Bose — Einstein statistic 212
Bourbaki, N. 19
Bridgman, P. 76
Cantelli, F. P., inequality 173
Cantellilemma 265—266
Cantor distribution 224
Cardinal Newman’s principle 159
Carleman 283
Carnap strict coherence 119
Carnap, R., probability and probability 219
Carnot’s theorem 169
Castellano, V. 219
Castelnuovo, G. 219 280
Cauchy 172
Cauchy convergence 267—268
Cauchy distribution 292
Cauchy principal value 283
Ces ro convergence 230—231 263 268
Chance 20
Characteristic function 280 282
Chisini, O. 15 56 164 257
Clarke, R. D. 207
Coherence 72 83—91
Coherence for conditional probabilities 136
Coherence for events 186—187
Coherence for multi-events 188
Conglomerative property 143 177—178 275
Constituents 43—45 50 99 106—110 115
Conventions of notation 16—18 66—68 91
Convergence (stochastic) 17 262—264
Convexity 57—58 89—90
Convolution 277
Correlation, between events 146—147
Correlation, between random quantities 161—163
Correlation, coefficient 163 165
Correlation, geometrical interpretation 166—169
Correlation, matrix 170
correlation, negative 147 170—171
Cournot’s principle 181 215
Covariance 164 170
Cram r’s theorem 297
Credibility theory 155
Croce, B. 174
Dante 217
Darmois, G. 184
de Finetti, B 2 15 56 128 137 155 195 275
de Finetti, B., and Emanuelli, F. 82 198
de Jouvenel, B. 70
de Laplace, P. S. 24 145 281
De Moivre 281
Decisions, decision theory 76 188 197
Determinism 216—220
Dirichlet 284 295
dispersion 260 279
Distance, between distributions 260
Distance, between random quantities 267
Distributions, continuous, Cantor 224
Distributions, continuous, Cauchy 292
Distributions, continuous, exponential 292
Distributions, continuous, gamma 292
Distributions, continuous, normal 289
Distributions, continuous, triangular 290
Distributions, continuous, uniform 290
Distributions, discrete, Bernoulli (binomial) 288
Distributions, discrete, geometric 288
Distributions, discrete, logarithmic 289
Distributions, discrete, Poisson 103 288 297
Distributions, discrete, uniform 288
Distributions, divisibility of 289 296
Distributions, in one dimension 222—235
Distributions, in two, or more, dimensions 269—280
Distributions, proper and improper 241
Distributions, stable 292
Distributions, symmetrized 286
Distributions, synthetic characteristics of 252 257
Distributions, twinned 286
Dubins, L., and Savage, L. J. 119
Dutch book 87
Ellipsoids of covariance and representation 171
Enriques, F. 15
entropy 103
Equally probable cases 148 199 203
Exchangeability 8 160
Exhaustivity 42
Extendibility of coherent previsions 112 116
| Feller, W 23 212 286 295
Fermi Dirac statistic 212
Fisz, M. 296
Fourier inversion theorem 283
Fourier transform 284
frequency 113 202—211 219
Galton, F. 253
Genocchi 125
Gerssler 206
Gini, C. 206 254
Good, I. J. 14 27 119 193 195 210
Grayson, C. J. 98 192
H lder 263
Haavelmo, T. 197
Hacking, I. 15 216
Haussdorff, F. 174
Hume, D. 22
Imaginary observations, device of 210
Impossibility, relation with small probabilities 181 215
Incompatibility 41
Independence and dependence, semidependence, linear 51 94 97 105 111
Independence and dependence, semidependence, logical 42—48
Independence and dependence, semidependence, stochastic 7 146—161 273—274
Induction 141 154—155
Information, entropy 103
Jackson, D. 258
Jeans, J. 214
Jeffreys, H. 22
Jordan — Peano measure 11 125 174 228 240 244
Kant 22
Keilson 286
Kemeny, J. 119
Kendall, M. G., and Stuart, A. 257
Khintchin, A. 249 296—297
Kingman, J. F. C., and Taylor, S. J. 229
Klein, F. 34
Kolmogorov, A. N 119 269 276
Koopman, B. O 2 15 39 119
Kuratowski 229
Kutta — Jonkowski theorem 232
Kyburg, H. E., and Smokier, H. E. 5 39
L vy, P. 32 217 267 280
Lagrange 281
Lakatos, I. 238
Laplace transform 284
laurent 284
Lebesgue measure and integral (Borel — Lebesgue), Lebesgue — Stieltjes integral 10 11 125—126 174 228—235
Likelihood 142
Likelihood ratio 159 182
Limits 132—133
Limits of distributions 260—269
Lindley, D. V. 23 160
Logic, three-valued 62
Logical operations 29 35 67—68
Lomnicki, A. 177
Lorentz 254
MacCullach 172
Machiavelli 192
Malinvaud, E. 198
Markov inequality 173
Matching 102
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistic 212
Mayerson, A. L. 155
Mellin transform 284
Menger, K. 34
Minkowski 174
Mixtures of distributions 90 143 293
Multi-events 43 64
Nagumo — Kolmogorov theorem 56
Neyman, J. 216
Objective 5 7—9 22 61 217
Onicescu, O. 17
Operational definitions 76 83 92
Ore, O. 34
P lya, G. 291
Partitions 42 99 117 143
Peano 18 125 174
Plato 22
Poinsot 172
poisson 103 281 288 297
Prevision, asymptotic 131 249
Prevision, compared with prediction 70 98
Prevision, mathematical expectation 20—21 83
Quadrants (NE, SE, SW, NW) 269
Raikov’s theorem 297
Ramsey, F. P. 2 79
Random events, gains, quantities, processes 19—20 28—31 73
Renyi, A. 177
Riemann integral 125 225 228 231 234 239
Riemann — Stieltjes integral 225 235 247 270
Saraceno, P. 209
Savage, L. J. 5 27 79 119 220 L.)
Seal, H. 280
Segre, B. 1
Shimony, A. 119
Smokier, H. E. see Kyburg H.
Socrates 22
Space of alternatives 30
Stieltjes see Lebesgue and Riemann
Stochastic 20
Stone 38
Subjective 3 5 7—9 26 217
Support, logical and distributional 243
Taylor, S. J. see Kingman J.
Tchebychev’s inequality 172 266
Transactions 81
Truncated random quantities 131 246
Ulam, St 34 35 229 267
Ultrafilter 176
Utility 76 78—82
van Koch, H. 121
Veblen, H. 34
Venn diagrams 38—39 104
Vitali 125 127 223 229 237 251
Volpe, E. 172
von Mises, R. 22 124 219
von Neumann, J. 34—35 267
Wald, A. 87 93 219
Zellner, A. 198
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