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Choquet-Bruhat Y., DeWitt-Morette C., Dillard-Bleick M. — Analysis, manifolds and physics. Part I.
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Название: Analysis, manifolds and physics. Part I.
Авторы: Choquet-Bruhat Y., DeWitt-Morette C., Dillard-Bleick M.
Аннотация: This reference book, which has found wide use as a text, provides an answer to the needs of graduate physical mathematics students and their teachers. The present edition is a thorough revision of the first, including a new chapter entitled ``Connections on Principle Fibre Bundles'' which includes sections on holonomy, characteristic classes, invariant curvature integrals and problems on the geometry of gauge fields, monopoles, instantons, spin structure and spin connections. Many paragraphs have been rewritten, and examples and exercises added to ease the study of several chapters. The index includes over 130 entries.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 660
Добавлена в каталог: 03.11.2012
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Предметный указатель
Ordering, partial 5
Orientable 212
Orientation 212
Orthonormal basis 31 287
p-chain 217
p-compound matrix 199 270
p-form 195
p-rectangle 216
p-simplex 216
Palais — Smale condition 568
Paley — Wiener theorem 477
Parabolic equation 494 510
Paracompact 16
Parallel along a curve 302
Parallel translation 302
Parallel transport 302 358 369
Partial derivative 74
Partial differential equations 492
Partial ordering 5
Partition 2
Partition of unity 214
Passive viewpoint 406
Past compact 524
Past directed 288
Pauli algebra 64
Pauli matrices 183
Period 227
Pfaff derivative 138
Pfaff system 229 236 242
Pfaff system of vector fields 248
Phase space 169 265
Picard method 96
Plancherel theorem 490
Poincare duality theorem 228
Poincare lemma 225
Point spectrum 60
Poisson equation 495
Polar coordinates 411
Polynomial invariant 392
Pontrijagin class 394
Pontrijagin number 396
Positive 11
Positive distribution 495
Positive measure 35
Positive set function 34
Positive, strictly 11
Potential 364 496
Potential, general formula 496
Potential, surface 499
Potential, surface dipole 499
Power set 2
Poynting vector 338
Pre-Hilbert 11
Principal fibre bundle 129
Principal part 492
Probability space 36
Product by function 424
Product measure 37
Product topology 20
Product, cartesian 2
Product, tensor 140
Projectable vector field 135
Projection mapping 20
Projective space 188
Projective system 575
Projective topology 18
Promeasure 576
Propagators 522 525
Proper manifold 285
Proper riemannian manifold 285
Proper riemannian structure 292
Proper subset 2
Pseudo-metric 556
Pseudo-riemannian 285
Pseudoparticle 414
Pull back 116 203 551
Pure gauge 414
Pure radiation field 339
Quadratic form 80
Quasi-linear equation 518
Quasi-linear systems 520
Quaternion 66
Quotient group 7
Radon measure 48
Raising indices 286
Rank (of a) mapping 72
Rank (of a) p-form 230
Rank (of a) Pfaff system 242
Rank (of an) ideal 233
Real analytic manifold 112
Real representation of 332
Realization 162
Reciprocal image 116 138 203 551
Reducible 131
Reduction of a principal fibre bundle 131 381
Reeb theorem 592
refinement 15
Reflexive (normal space) 78
Regular 8 550
Regular Borel measure 36
Regular embedding 550
Regular measure 438
Regular set function 36
Regularity theorem 495
Regularization 433
Regularization of a distribution 465
Regularizing 432
Relation 5
Relative integral invariant 264
Relative minimum 82
Relative topology 20
Relatively compact 16
Representation 163
Representative 543 544 546
Residual spectrum 60
Response 530
Restricted holonomy group 387
Restriction of a mapping 3
Ricci tensor 309
Riemann connection 308
Riemann curvature scalar 310
Riemann curvature tensor 309
Riemann integral 32 47
Riemann manifold 285 555
Riesz representation theorem 56
Riesz theorem 31 55
Riesz — Fischer theorem 52
Riesz — Markov theorem 48
Riesz — Schauder theorem 63
Right action 129 163
Right differential 179
Right elementary solution 470
Right invariant form 208
Right invariant vector field 155
Right translation 154
Ring 8
Ring of subsets 33
Ring with identity 8
Ring, factor 8
Ring, quotient 8
Rotation 181
Salam — Weinberg model 402
Sard theorem 559
Scalar product 11 285
Scale property 25
Schauder fixed point theorem 565
Schroedinger equation 528
Schwarz inequality 11
Schwarzschild solution 341
Second countable 14
Second fundamental form 312
Second variation 79
Section 132 363
Self-adjoint 59
Semi regular 471
Seminorm 26 423
Semisimple Lie group 188
Separable 13
Separated 13
Separated family (of seminorms) 425
Sequence, Cauchy 23 25
Sequential Wiener integral 587
Sequentially complete 23
Sesquilinear mapping 10
Sesquilinear, non degenerate 11
Sesquilinear, positive 11
Sesquilinear, strictly positive 11
Set 1
Set, Borel 34
Set, bounded 23
Set, closed 13
Set, countable 3
Set, countably infinite 3
Set, directed 5
Set, empty 1
Set, null 1
Set, open 12
Set, power 2
Set, subset 1
Set, void 1
Signature 287
Signed measure 49
Simple function 41
Simple Lie group 188
Simply connected 19
Singular field 338
Singular points 386
Small disturbance equation 105
Smooth function 195
SO(3) and SU(2) 181
SO(n), SU(n) 173
Soap bubble problem 105
Soap film problem 277
Sobolev inequalities 491
Sobolev spaces 486
Soldering form 376
Solution of a system of exterior equations 229
Space , 487 491
Space 52
Space 53
Space 486
Space 428
Space 29
Space 427
Space 435
Space , 474 476
Space (of) paths 593
Space, Banach 28
Space, Euclidean 299
Space, first countable 14
Space, flat 299
Space, Frechet 26
Space, function 574
Space, Hilbert 30
Space, Holder 70
Space, linear 9
Space, Minkowski 299
Space, pre-Hilbert 11
Space, second countable 14
Space, topological vector 21
Space, vector 9
Spacelike 288 517
Spacetime 414
Spectrum 60
Spectrum, continuous 60
Spectrum, point 60
Spectrum, residual 60
Sphere 20 190
Spin connection 415 419
Spin frame 415
Spin structure 415
Spin tensor 418
Spinor 415
Spinor field 418
Spray 556
Standard horizontal vector field 378
Star dual 295
Star operator 294 295
State space 265
Stationary 119 322
Stationary phase 593
Steifel — Whitney class 418
Step function 41 42
Step mapping 50
Stereographic 192 410
Stokes' theorem 216
Strain tensor 177
Strict components 197
Strict relative minimum 82
Strictly hyperbolic 516
Strong topology 30
Structural equations 373 376
Structural group 125
Structure coefficients 306
Structure constants 156
Subcovering 15
Subgroup 7
Subharmonic distribution 496
Submanifold 239 547
Submersion 242 550
Subnet 15
Subset 1
Subset, proper 2
Subset, rings of subsets 33
SUM 444
Support 13
Support of a convolution 465
Support of a distribution 441
Supremum 5
Surface dipole potential 499
Surface potential 499
Surjective 3
Symbol bundle 400
Symmetric difference 2
Symplectec morphism 268
Symplectic form 268 552
Symplectic structure 267
Symplectic transformation 554
system 1
System of convolution equation 470
Tangent bundle 128
Tangent components 118
Tangent fibre bundle 545
Tangent to zero 73
Tangent vector 117 118 120 121 544
Tangent vector space 118 121 544 545
Taylor expansion 81 82 160 181
Taylor expansion of the action 100
Taylor formula 82
Tempered distribution 476
Tensor 546
Tensor algebra 140
Tensor bundle 143
Tensor distribution 482
Tensor field 143
Tensor product 139 140
Tensorial form 373
Test functions 423