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Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry V : Fano Varieties |
Предметный указатель |
-crepant blow-up 182
-genus 50
-Cartier divisor 7
-Divisor 7
-factorial variety 11
-Fano fibration 178
-Fano variety 23
-Gorenstein variety 8
Abel — Jacobi map 162
Abundance conjecture 13 16
Anti-flips 180
Binary icosahedral group 115
Binary octahedral group 60
Boundary 10
Canonical class (divisor) 8
Canonical ring 13
Canonical threshold 178
cDV-point 9
Chain of rational curves 120
Coindex 50 108
Conic bundle 17 131
Conic bundle, standard 17 131
Cremona group 210
D-dimension 12
D-flop 22
Degree of 182
Degree of a polarized variety 50
Degree of an invertible sheaf 7
Degree of Fano variety 24
Del Pezzo fibration 17
Del Pezzo surface 25
Del Pezzo variety 53
Discrepancy 8
Divisor, big 7
Divisor, ncf 7
Divisor, numerically effective 7
Effective cycle 11
Elementary rational map 66
Extremal ray 11
Fano -bundle 133
Fano conic bundle 133
Fano variety 23
Fano variety, hyperelliptic 33 70
Fano variety, imprimitive 129
Fano variety, primitive 129
Fano variety, quasi-Goreistein 209
Fano variety, singular 23
Fano variety, trigonal 70
Fibration, maximally rationally connected 122
Fibration, rationally connected 122
Flip 20
Fractional part of a divisor 14
Frobenius morphism 119
Fundamental divisor 24
Fundamental system 24
Genus of a Fano variety 32
Gorenstein index 8
Group of -Cartier divisors 7
Group of Cartier divisors 7
Group of invertible sheaves 7
Group of r-dimensional cycles 7
Group of Weil divisors 7
Hodge conjecture 212
Homological 205
Iitaka D-dimension 12
Index of Fano variety 24
Integral part of a divisor 14
Intermediate Jacobian 154
Intersection number 7
Kleiman's criterion for ampleness 12
| Kodaira D-dimension 12
Kodaira dimension 12
Ladder of a polarized variety 51
Length of extremal ray 11
Log canonical divisor 10
Log canonical threshold 178
Log del Pezzo surface 24
Log Fano variety 23
Log flip 21
Log resolution 10
Log variety 10
Maximal blow-up 179
Maximal singularity 171 172
Minimal model 16
Mori cone 11
Mori Minimal Model Program 13
MRC-fibration 122
Net of quadrics 165
Non-negative vector bundle 117
Null-correlation vector bundle 145
Numerical dimension 12
Numerically equivalent cycles 7
Picard group 7
Pieard number 11
Positive part of the Mori cone 12
Projective space bundle 144
Quasi-effective -divisor 201
Quasi-effective threshold 201
Rational quotient 122
RC-fibratiou 122
Relative Fano model 16
Rung of a polarized variety 50
Rung of a polarized variety, regular 51
Sarkisov's degree 182
Scroll of vector bundle 38
Sectional genus 51
Semistable curve 121
Singularity, canonical 8
Singularity, Du Val 9
Singularity, log canonical 8
Singularity, log terminal 8
Singularity, terminal 8
Small contraction 66
Small extremal contraction 15
Small resolution 65
Standard form of a conic bundle 17 131
Terminal modification 209
Theorem, base point free 14
Theorem, cone 15
Theorem, contraction 15
Theorem, existence of minimal models 17
Theorem, non-vanishing 14
Theorem, rationality 15
Theorem, vanishing 14
Variety of general type 13
Variety polarized 50
Variety, -Gorenstein 8
Variety, Moishezon 204
Variety, non-degenerate 37
Variety, Q-factorial 11
Variety, rationally connected 120
Variety, separably uniruled 118
Variety, toric 30
Variety, uniruled 118
Vector bundle 104 106 135
Vector bundle, ample 203
Vector bundle, flat 204
Vector bundle, nef 203
Vector bundle, numerically effective 203
Veronese surface 8
Weighted projective space 26
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