Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Davenport H. — Multiplicative number theory |
Предметный указатель |
function 31
function, zero-free region 88 96
Baker 128
Barban 169
Bessel’s inequality 151
Boas 151
Bohr 174
Bombieri 134 151 159 161 168 174
Bombieri’s theorem 134 161 168
Burgess 137
Cassels 72
Character, complex 32
Character, exceptional real 95
Character, primitive 35 42
Character, principal 29
Character, real 32
Chen 161
Class number formula 1 43 53
Cramer 174
Cyclotomy 10 17—26
Davenport 72 153 159 169 174
de la Vall e Poussin 32 54 60 65 84 111 113
Dedekind zeta function 53 129
Deuring 127 128
Dirichlet 1 11 13 43 53 57
Discriminant 40
Discriminant, fundamental 40
Erd s 84 174
Estermann 13 128
Euler 1
Euler constant 73
Euler integral 73
Euler product formula 1
Explicit formula for 60 104 110
Explicit formula for 115 120
Functional equation for functions 65—72
Functional equation for a theta function 62 63
Functional equation for the zeta function 59—62
Gallagher 156 159 168 169
Gamma function 61 73
Gauss 7 10 54 127
Gaussian period 18
Gaussian sum 7 12 16 50 65—67
Gelfond 128
Generalized Riemann hypothesis 124
Goldfeld 96
Gronwall 93
Grosswald 114
hadamard 54 60 74 84
Halberstam 153 161 162 169
Hardy 60 84 145
Hasse 26
Heath—Brown 23
Hecke 127
Heegner 128
Heilbronn 72 127 129
Hoheisel 173
Hooley 169
Hua 174
Hurwitz 65
Ingham 73 110 173
Integral basis 40
Integral function, order of 74
jacobi 43 51 62
Jensen’s formula 75
Knapowski 173
Korobov 87 113
| kronecker 37
Kummer’s problem 21 26
Lagrange 43
Landau 13 34 43—46 48 50—51 54—56 93
Large sieve 134 151 160
legendre 54
Legendre duplication formula 73
Legendre symbol 36
Lehmer, E. 23
Linfoot 127
Linnik 128 133 151 173
Littlewood 87 100 145 172
Mathews 26
Mertens 34 56 58 84
Montgomery 137 156 159 168 169
Mordell 127
P lya 135
P lya — Vinogradov inequality 135 137
Page 95 123
Paley 137
Patterson 23
Pellian equation 10
Piltz 124
Poisson summation formula 13 15 63
Prachar 34 133
Prime number theorem 54 111—114
Prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions 115 121—125 132—134
Quadratic fields 40
Quadratic forms 41
Rankin 174
Renyi 134 151 157 159 168
Ricci 174
Richert 161
Riemann 59 97
Riemann hypothesis 60
Rodosskii 133
Roth 151
Schinzel 96
Schmidt, E. 172
schur 135
Selberg, A. 60 84 156
Siegel 60 96 102 126
Siegel, theorem of 126 131
Skewes 173
Stark 128
Stirling’s formula 73
Tatuzawa 133
Tchebychev 55—56
Theta function 62
Titchmarsh 61 72 93 100 134
Tur n 173
Vaughan 137 138 168
Vinogradov, A. I. 161
Vinogradov, I. M. 87 113 135 138 143 145
von Koch 113
von Mangoldt 60 97 104
Walfisz 87 133
Watson 73
Weber 128
Weierstrass’ formula 73
Whittaker 73
Wright 84
Zero, exceptional 119
Zeta function 1
Zeta function, Euler product formula 1
Zeta function, functional equation 59 62 73
Zeta function, trivial zeros 59
Zeta function, zero-free region 84 87
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