Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lelong P., Gruman L. — Entire functions of several complex variables |
Предметный указатель |
-support 186
Algebraic dependence 160
Algebraic independence 160
Algebraic integer 155
Algebraic number 155
Algebraic number, size 156
Algebraic variety 7
Analytic functional 177
Analytic variety 46
Bounded family of polynomials 82
Carrier 177
Cauchy — Fantappie formula 41
Compactly contained in 106
Complete intersection 47
Complete left stability 126
Complex dimension 47
Complex homogeneous function 5
Complex submanifold 46
Convergence exponent 64
Convolution operator 207
Cousin data 59
Cousin data, area of 62
Cousin data, current of integration 62
Cousin data, multiplicity 60
Current 34
Current, closed 37
Current, continuous of order zero 36
Current, dominates 36
Current, positive 34
Current, positive, degree 34
Current, push forward 120
Denominator 156
Division theorem 208
Entire function 2
Extension, finite type 155
Extension, simple 155
Form modulus 35
Form, norm 35
Form, positive 30
Form, positive, decomposable 31
Form, pull back 120
Fourier — Borel transform 178—204
Genus 64
Grassmannian 143
Harmonic function 230
Hartog's Lemma 22
| Holomorphic function 2
Indicator of growth function with respect to one variable 11
Indicator of growth function, circled 21
Indicator of growth function, Cousin data 63
Indicator of growth function, positive current 37
Indicator of growth function, projective 179
Indicator of growth function, radial 21
Inverse Function Theorem for Plurisubharmonic Functions 34 240
Laplace transform, generalized 186
Laplace transform, projective 183
Lelong number 37
Linearly separates 195
Maximum principle 234
Minimal growth class 134
Order 8
Order with respect to one variable 12
Order, conjugate 205
Order, proximate 14
Order, strong proximate 16
Order, total 11
Pluriharmonic function 231
Pluripolar set 24 234
Plurisubharmonic function 3 230
Plurisubharmonic function, locally 237
Polar set 234
Polynomial domination 159
Polynomial size 159
Positively homogeneous function 5
Pseudo-algebraic 136
Regular growth 96
Regular system 32
Regularization 19
Slowly increasing function 14 79
Subadditive function 5
Subharmonic function 3 230
Subharmonic function, locally 237
Supporting function 178 185
Supporting hyperplane 197
Transcendence basis 160
Transcendence degree 160
Transcendental number 155
TYPE 8 14
Type, maximal 8
Type, minimal 8
Type, normal 8
Weierstrass Preparation Theorem, pseudo-polynomial 47
Реклама |